The Valiant Clan

Seeing she had left I got up to practice the 'Flexible Leopard Body Art' as I had already spent 10FP for the system to help me. I managed to complete it once and I ended up drenched in sweat before dropping and falling asleep.

When I woke up I was treated with some good news from the system making me joyful.


[+0.1 Mastery for Flexible Leopard Body Art]

'Yes after 6 months I have finally made progress towards the quest the system has granted me. I should check my status and see how much more mastery I need to reach 'Small Accomplishment' of this body art' I thought excited as I have finally been able to something worthwhile while been born in this world.

'Status screen'



(Host): Ark Valiant

(Age): 6 months

(Astral Cultivation): None

(Martial Technique):

[Flexible Leopard Body Art]- Progress 0.1%

Practice 999 times to reach the small accomplishment stage.

(Talents): Unawakened

(FP): 0


'999 TIMES system isn't this too much for a year and a half I just barely completed one set before collapsing and falling asleep!' I shouted demanding an explanation from the system. But it didn't respond to me this time.

Before I could try and complain any more I was disturbed by footsteps towards my room door. Since I could notice their presence I could only assume it was my servant as my parents seemed to be able to conceal their footsteps as they walked.

I was right my servant Archer entered the room. My servant was a male as it seemed that my mother didn't want me getting attached to a female at such a young age. She thought of it as 'improper' but my father knew she just didn't want me falling in love with a servant or an unworthy female.

"Young Master, your parents request your presence in the main hall so I shall dress you and take you there now". Archer seemed to be decently skilled as he was able to swiftly dress me up without me noticing as soon as he finished speaking.

When I arrived at the main hall being held by Archer, I was quickly placed in the hands of my mother who seemed to be wearing a neutral face which she did not usually display when she talked or played with me.

Next to her, my father seemed nervous as the usual confidant and prideful aura that was around him dispersed into thin air and he seemed more timid and worried.

'Who is this greyed hair man in front of them' I thought as my parents didn't usually allow people into the household.

'He must be someone very important as my parents are acting so carefully around them' I pondered.

"Father this is my son Ark he was born while you were away in war helping siege the Nile clan," Said my father carefully trying not to slip up with any of his words.

So this man is my grandfather he seemed like a clone of my father but more muscular and the signs of age were a lot more apparent with him.

"Come, let me hold him." Said my grandfather with a rough voice that seemed to hold an aspect of authority and power.

His hands felt uncomfortable and before I could see anymore of him I felt a refined but thick powerful aura rush inside of my blood.

"It seems his bloodline has yet to be awakened when he is one takes him to the awakening hall as I can sense he has a lot of potential as his bloodline must be thick as even when unawoken he has such a strong body at such a young age"

My grandfather explained rather expectant and pleased after what I can only assume was his Astral energy that was used to check my body.

'It's true since my body is so strong and the system said it hasn't done anything to cause it, this must mean that I have a thick bloodline from the clan I was born in' I thought expectant of what the results would be when it would be fully awoken.

"Depending on the results of his bloodline awakening I will decide how much of the clans' resources will be allocated to nurture him"

"Until then start feeding him a drop of the Galaxy Refining Body Serum every day so that he will have a strong and stable foundation"

'A body refining serum this is great I thought that due to the difficulty of my training I would only be able to practice it at most twice a day until anymore would strain my body' I joyfully thought happy that my grandfather came and visited today.

The Galaxy Refining Body Serum would grant me greater results by healing my muscles as a training allowing me to train longer with double the results.

This would ultimately shorten the amount of time I have to practice the 'Flexible Leopard Body art' by half granting me greater rewards from the system.

The system also informed me that the serum would expel any waste in my body formed by breathing in the impure energy mixed in the air. This was unexpected as the system had stopped informing much to me since my one-week time period was up. Since too much help would be 'Unfair'.

After the meeting which my parents seemed pleased with they planned to take me to the family apothecary to get the serum and test which strength of it my body could handle.

One the way as my father was the one taking me he suddenly jumped and the air around him seemed to form a barrier that lifted him but protected him from the bugs around him.

'YES, I have always wanted to fly' My heart was thumping because after 27 years of life I had finally fulfilled a dream that almost everyone wanted to achieve to fly through the sky without technology.

As I looked down the place where I seemed to live was surround by what I could only describe as NOTHING. The entire place seemed to be on a huge rock floating in the middle of nowhere.

The rock spanned a few hundred thousand kilometers wide, and it was fully occupied by what seemed to be millions of people. There was no end to the building that expanded throughout.

"See this son this is all our clans, one day you must contend with other direct descendants of the Valiant clan to claim this all!"

'ALL OF THIS, that's absorbed this is too big for one clan I thought this was a country and that we owned just a few hundred feet but this is too much' I screamed internally overwhelmed by the size of the land.

What was even worst was that I had heard that we were only considered a tier 2 clan and that we were relatively small.

'I wonder what challenges I am going to have to face if I have to become a fair judge of all the millions here and trillions more!' I said excited pondering about the future.

'Just wait for me for I shall become HEAVEN'S DIVINE JUDGE'