Galaxy Refining Body Serum

As we arrived at a building which I could only describe as magnificent and extremely large as it occupied what seemed the size of a village by its self, we were greeted by an old man that anyone could see had great respect for my father.

"Young master Jiro, I have already been informed this must be young master ark. Please follow me in to see our guild master." Said I slight chubby man that seemed to lead us away into a room drowned in gold and diamonds that were incrusted into the frames of the door and table legs.

'My father and I must be very important if we are meeting the leader of this guild directly and are being placed in this very extravagant room' I thought pleasingly as it seemed I would have a lot of power easing my troubles in the future.

Being taken out of my thoughts a man that seemed of a comparable age to my grandfather walked in with his hands behind his back. He seemed to hold a bit of arrogance on his face that dispersed immediately as he greeted my father.

"Little Jiro is that you, you brat how come you only come and show me your son now when he is already 6 months old!" He said with a smile plastered onto his face his tone of voice and expression didn't match at all.

"I'm sorry Master Kor I just didn't want Ark to be overwhelmed with people since he is still very young" My father said respectfully as he had an apologetic smile on his face.

This was my fathers' teacher for apothecary which was why he was so respectful towards him even with such high authority in the clan.

Before I could think anything else Kor waved his hands and 5 bottles landed on the table.

'What is this sorcery where the hell did those bottles come from!?!?!?!'I shouted internal trying to find a suitable answer for something else that wouldn't normally be possible on earth.

'Wait, this must be the use of one of the spatial rings I used to read on earth' I thought but I was wrong.


[System is required to tell you the host this knowledge as it will help motivate you in the future]

[There exist special rings in this world but they are extremely rare] SPACE HERE

[What the host just saw was a martial skill that requires a high level of cultivation or a connection to an astral plane that has a dense concentration of space]

[The martial skill takes some of the condensed space into the dan tian and forcible compresses allowing you to seal it away and use it as a storage that keeps your items safe]

[The stronger of a connection you have to the space the less restraint you have while trying to condense the space]

[This could be a talent that you get during a bloodline awakening.]

'Wow this is amazing but isn't that why I have an inventory like in the novels where time is stopped and I can put anything in there' I asked the system wondering if this martial art had any use to me in the future.

[Host the use of the system inventory is for system given items only this is so the host can not abuse this feature and gain an unfair advantage]

[Although you can use FP to change this you will also require a sufficient Astral Cultivation realm]

'Hmm, I see since this system is all about fairness I guess I can't abuse it like they do in the novels' I pondered.

"These 5 bottles are from the blood of the Galaxy Consuming Beast. Four of the bottles have been diluted down while the last one is undiluted and is the raw blood of the beast"

Kor explained as he wrapped his Astral energy around the cap of the bottle opening it. As soon as he opened the last bottle with the undiluted blood in it a thick aura that seemed to be covered in a purple haze with stars dancing on top of it escaped the bottle.

"The purity of the blood in the bottles is respectfully 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100% for the undiluted blood. I'm going to give him a drop of the juice of a fruit Yggdrasil and if he can't handle the blood purity it will force it out of him immediately." Kor explained the process to my father before beginning the process.

Using his astral energy he wrapped it around the drop of blood in the bottle of the 20% purity while another drop of what seemed to be a golden dew was next to it.

In the next moment, the golden dew entered my body without obstruction and I could instantly feel a warm current circulate around my body that made me feel as if I was ascending to a higher plane.

The feeling only lasted for a moment though as I felt a sharp pain as the drop of blood entered my body.

'ARGHHH!!! This is so painful and this is only 20% purity!?!?' I screamed as the pain ravaged through my body. Shortly after it dispersed and I could feel the warm current of the golden dew circulating through my body again easing my pain.

"It seems that he can handle it, I will give him the 40% now that he has had the pain taken away from the juice of the fruit of Yggdrasil". Kor said somewhat expectant of the result.

This kept on happening until we reached 80% purity. My father and Kor were both confused with my father being extremely worried.

"Master Kor isn't there something wrong here my son is only 6 months old how is he able to handle more than 40% purity". My father asked worriedly as he expected my body to only be able to handle 40% purity and reject anything higher.

"It seems that he must have a thicker bloodline than you as you were only able to handle 40% when you were his age" Kor explained rather pleased with the results so far.

"Let's carry on going and see if he can handle 80% or not."

The pain just kept getting worse and worse, I could feel my muscles tightening and growing tougher with every droplet. When the 80% purity of blood entered me it seemed that the pain it caused me was not as much as the others.

'System why is the pain lessening' I questioned the system hoping it would give me an answer.


[Host must pay 1 FP for that knowledge]

'Damn you system you scammer 1 FP for that simple information, fine just add it to my debt' I cursed as I spoke to the system.

[Due to the hosts' Unawakened bloodline the host is quickly adapting to the blood making it easier to absorb]

'Hmm I see but system why was I born with such a thick bloodline if you wanted to give me no unfair treatment compared to others?' I questioned as the system seemed to not want to give me any more unfair treatment than itself.

[Host has not been given unfair treatment you were merely lucky with what body you were conceived in.]

[Host, could have been born as a slave in an underground mine but you was luckily born as a direct descendant of the Valiant Clan with a thick bloodline]

'I see I was lucky then I guess.' I thought happily as I was born in a good family with good potential.

When we got to the undiluted blood which was absorbed without any effort by me both Kor and my father got extremely excited.

"I must go report this to the sect patriarch immediately" Said Kor as he excitedly rushed out of the room.

"My wife has given birth to a genius!!!" Shouted my father overwhelmed but what he just saw.

'It seems that I am a genius, this is going to make my journey a lot easier I smiled before we were escorted out of the building.