Chapter 3: Destined Feast

Luke, the younger brother of Johnny Boy, was forced to watch his self-destructive-self-absorbed twin sister pace in her room as she angrily mumbled nasty phrases. Green eyes rolled, leg shook impatiently. What a waste of precious time that should be used to pour energy into his project than listen to Brittney complain about trivial matters.

"Just drop the whole thing Brit. He's just being regular John. Remember last summer he randomly disappeared for months and didn't come back until Christmas? For all we know Junia has nothing to do with it." expressed the older sibling in reason.

The brave but honest statement earned him dirty glares from eyes that mirrored his own and expression as if he were the stupidest person on earth. Oh boy, here comes Queen Bitch- I mean Bee.

"Are you serious Luke? Like really? My brother hasn't been home over twenty-four hours. That fucking Indian bitch is to blame and you want me to drop it?" snob level raised to extreme high.

He never agreed with Brittney and the superiority she believed to have because of popularity, wealth and status. More importantly, loathed the way she degrades Junia solely because of her coloured skin—which really isn't that dark in comparison to other visual minorities.

Luke's irritation spiked and tolerance crumbled. She always made it sound as if she has only one brother. "Jesus Christ! Fucking stop already. Grow up will you!" he burst. "It's so annoying hearing you go on and on about irrelevant things! And stop with this picking on Junia, she's a grown adult, you should learn to respect your elders."

Luke defended the woman. Yes, woman, he labels Junia as such by her independence. A job, a home, responsibilities, maturity; rumours hardly circulate about her, isn't seen all around town and maintains decorum. All those qualities, Luke shows Junia nothing but the proper respect she deserves and those venomous words pushed him beyond his limit and checked out.

Brittney screamed out of frustration in a tantrum, like a child who was told 'no' for the first time. "I'm going to make that skank regret life." she declared aloud, fingers furiously moved in search for a specific contact "Stop everything and get the guys. Your ass better be here in thirty!"

Ha, a little too late for that, something else has it covered.


Effects from the violent interaction with Pennywise still remained a minor amount. The dizziness and sensation to vomit bile were forgotten after a long drive in John's car. She felt fortunate and a bit wickedly confident how easy it was. Junia took calculative back roads with known low volume traffic and eyes. Kept special distance from the main house and areas friends of John would most likely be.

It actually seemed... too easy. And it was. She took notice that not a soul seemed to be outside during her journey.

Junia found herself in dense forest and parked, shutting off the ignition. Brain conjured all angles to approach disposing the vehicle. A fire? No too much attention. The lake? She could drive it in from the cliff somehow. No, they could find it easily. No caves are in the area. Can't drive it anywhere further, her lengthy disappearance would cause suspicion. Why did she feel the need to do this again? It's not like she's the one who sliced Johnny Boy into pieces, Pennywise is to blame. She sighed, what an angel she is.

All arrows pointed to the lake, it was the best choice out of others. She turned the key and the engine roared and popped the cover under the steering wheel. Bless her father for being an elite mechanic and teaching her little tricks in his time. Fingers and brain worked together, remembering how to make a vehicle accelerate with just wiring and moved quickly to avoid getting driven along.

Junia panted, watching the car. Go and go and go until it vanished. Breath released when splashes of impact were heard. She didn't need or want to check if it sunk or not. Praying that whoever will be put in charge of John's case—if there happens to be one—isn't smart enough to install a scuba search.

Knowing she has an incredibly long walk back home, about an hour or two, Junia starts. Thankful daylight was still up and bright. Lord can only tell what terrors would manifest from her mind while traveling through this eerie forest at night.

Noises of branches cracking and wind whistles, still caused unsettlement. Junia folded arms under her chest, summer blazed but body shivered in chills. The girl tried to remain calm and level headed. What could possibly happen to her out here? Maybe encounter carnivorous wildlife but that didn't frighten Junia, she likes animals. Always had an infatuation with sharks, snakes, crocodiles, all the discovery-channel-worthy dangers.

Says a lot about her huh?

The one probability she didn't take into account, might cost her life.

Junia paused steps as peripheral vision spotted an alarming structure, a massive storm drain, just on the rivers' end. Body turned cold when the sounds of crunches and cracks different to ones heard, these ones, accompanied by slurps, grunts and wet noises. Heart pumped hard enough she felt its thumping, a sickly burn layered her stomach and twisted knots. Everything cell of common sense screamed at the girl to keep walking. Don't look. Keep walking.

She turned, slowly. Breaking into cold sweat.

Don't look. Keep walking.

To see what creature made the haunting background music, she already knew.

Don't look! Keep walking!

As if Johnny Boy wasn't enough, another body stained the dirt ground with Pennywise, crouched down, face deep in intestines and blood. His massive head seemed to shake in a high vibrating speed as he consumed the favourite fleshy human meat.

Their eyes connected. He froze. Shee froze. Time seemed to pause in the stare.

Pennywise didn't understand why or how the plaything stood before him, especially after the exchange in Neibolt. He thought Junia to be too much of a hassle, too complex. Yet here she was, again. With her tantalizingly-finger-licking-good frightful essence that invaded his rationality. He sniffed lengthy, allowing the scent to linger and grinned. Showing enlarged sharpened front fangs. Like a piranha, he welcomed the bait.

"Oh Junia, Little Junia." he sang in a growl and laughed in that childishly sinister melody. Mouth and teeth dripped with warm crimson that went everywhere. "I think, I'm going to eat you now."

Instincts took over and she turned on a heel, running with every bit of energy that was all in vain. His steps, much larger than hers, allowed for an easy catch. It's like he was built, created, to be the perfect predator.

Pennywise stretched out his bloodied claws, grabbed her shirt and tugged her backwards with force that rivaled this morning's power. Junia was pulled, hard against his firm chest. Winded, she couldn't breathe. Twice in one day, what bad luck.

The clown surrounded her body with dangerous hands; one snaked around her waist, just under her chest with an iron hold and the other began shredding black fabric that covered her shoulders remorselessly.

Junia sobbed, Pennywise became immensely aroused, she could feel his hardness on her lower back. "Your cries are so delicious." he said with hot breath against lush flesh that begged for teeth to rip through it.

Afraid to utter a single word, remembering the clown's warning of her pleads, found it useless to speak. Nothing could be said to stop this. Nothing. She weakly clawed at his stronger, more superior arms that entrapped her and he enjoyed the scene.

Pennywise chortled like a mental patient that should be kept in an asylum. Unable to stop the dreadful sound from entering her ear, she trembled uncontrollably. His hand, which ruined her clothes, took a fistful of hair and roughly tilted her head back. Leaving her helplessly exposed to him. "Let's have a taste and see."

Junia choked out a scream as long foreign fangs broke skin in the most painful of ways. Hands clinched onto Pennywise's sleeves in reflex, her nails dug back with no reaction. Fear poured into him, along with a flow of blood.

She was everything—no—more than what he expected. This girl, this human, not even a child, tasted like her coloured skin appeared to resemble; Chocolate. Warm and sweet, it was blissful. Like nothing his mouth had ever bitten into. Sexual gratification only increased, wondered just how intoxicating it would be to feast while fucking her into oblivion.

The girl, panicked, terrified Pennywise now discovered one of her most powerful fears. Pain.

He took notice of how the tantalizing flavour only heightened. Guessing the reason and bit down harder with intense pressure, teeth sliced deeper. Not caring her volume increased, no one will come, no one can hear.

When voice could no longer scream, she coughed and swallowed saliva to sooth her dry, coarse throat before having to start howling in excruciating pain. Body spiked in heat, unsure if it was because of her own warm blood dripping all over or the unwilling throbs between legs.

Pennywise side glanced at the girl, crimson streamed down her body, he wanted to lick every single morsel from it. Fingers twitched in desire to have those round breast under his palms.

Monstrous jaw unlatched, giving her only a moment of relief and rest. Shoulder extremely raw and delicate. Junia couldn't resist a shiver when feeling the clown's bloodied tongue give her ear a tender lick. Legs trembled like a newly born deer. Breaths turned from pants into deep shallow ones. Expression feverish, mixed with agony and something else. Something, unexpectedly... riveting.

He laughed in a deep tone that tightened her insides. "You like pain, don't you."

Brown eyes widened and breath ever so softly gasped. "That... That's not true..." she bravely lied to the clown.

"Don't worry your pretty little head." Pennywise said in a joyous tone, hand that gripped locks released them and began rubbing under her chin and neck, she held in air. "I'm going to show you a world of pain, we have all the time needed."

Tears fell from cheeks and mixed with her blood. She blinked and was no longer in a scene of greenery but the comfort of her home and momentarily release. The subtle and haunting realization in minutes, hours or days, this can all happen again. Junia dropped to her knees, alone, frightened and in agonized pain. "It... Hurts like fucking hell." she screeched at the hard wood floor, trembling fists slammed down in frustration as she succumbed to a meltdown. "how could... I possibly like this?"