Chapter 4: Change of Hearts

Days went by, counting five. Nothing substantial occurred, for once, Junia was glad. Finding a new appreciation for the mundane she despised. This level of excitement started to appearance more than she might handle. Strange though, no regret found in her, purposely seek out a fatal end and wasn't left unimpressed. Never was she fearful of death until encountering Pennywise.

Junia fell back into the softness of her bed, a sigh escaped lips as she stared blankly at the white sealing above. A small part of her found the quiet days... lonesome.

Left shoulder was not as tender but still hurt when healing muscles and tissue flexed. That didn't stop her from engaging temporary satisfaction. Slender fingers—the right side of course—slowly inched to graze her lips, still able to taste hints of bitter, hairs on the back of her neck stood straight as memory of being manhandled surfaced. Remembering the force, the roughness, the animalistic behaviour, him. It caused a faint sensation to raise body temperature. Thighs flexed in throbs of discomfort and arousal.

She groaned. Mind-bottled to why in this world is the one other being to make her actually feel emotions than the usual agony and numbness, an unforgiving, shape-shifting, clown, children-eating monster.

Yes, she is fucked up but didn't know to what extent until now.

Battling through sharp pains from her shoulder, Junia bit the inside flesh of her mouth, hand slipped under a pillow to fish out a small three inch royal blue cylinder-like device she hoped would cure her of the shameful heat. Vibrators can change your life. Hesitate to begin, she knew how fucked up this was, to find superficial relief over an unwanted and violent exchange, by that malevolent creature.

The girl swallowed thickly as a finger pressed down on the device's only button, the room filled with only its thunderous, loud, high-intensity vibrations. Quivering fingers slid it passed jeans, through underwear to place it against tender flesh and met own bodily wetness. "This is so fucked up." Junia voice to herself as she allowed pleasurable waves provide a fickle getaway from reality.

Oh, she's so going to hell.

Shame couldn't be washed out, no matter how much the gray rag she cleaned with was past over skin, the haunted dark yarning remained deeper than a silly piece of cloth can reach.

A short melody from her phone sang of an incoming text message, Junia sat on the bed to read the message. She thought it would be from Jaison, he sent messages every day without fail as they were apart. They never separated like this. Always together, stuck like glue no matter what, even when parents divorced. Where ever her brother was, she went too, they were a two deal package.

Junia swiped through the images of him and their acclaimed sober mother having all kinds of mundane fun. She confirmed it was the right decision to let Jaison stay there, especially with the appearance Pennywise... No, she didn't want to think about it.

In the digital mailbox lied a text message from someone unexpected, Luke? In curiosity, thumb tapped on it and read.

Hey Junia, I'm not sure if you would but John disappeared a day ago and the police found his body. Can we meet up? I really want to see you. 7pm

Anxiety caused chest to tightened, unable to figure out if the information was true. She knows where his body is, she has seen the state. Did someone go down into the sewers? To Pennywise's liar? The girl couldn't imagine that but Luke isn't one to lie, especially to her, they have a strong platonic relationship.

Maybe that clown did something? Purposely allowed someone to find the dehumanized body and for twisted pleasure of getting her into trouble. Oddly, that didn't sound like Pennywise either. The situation was fishy. Still, it was Luke, one of the few people in town that she had a normal relationship with.

Junia glanced at her clock, she could make it. The pain throbbed in her shoulder voiced against the meet up, skeptical but couldn't figure out why. With a heavy chest, she sent a reply and left.

From the house to Roseland Bridge was a thirty minute walk, she didn't want to drive, for obvious reasons. Kids always craved little getaways from their reality, although times had changed, that mentality did not. Unlike other ones, Roseland Bridge was better and located over the water channel. Even she went from time to time with Luke and Jaison, her brother loved the water, and it calmed his overly sensitive mind.

As Junia approached her destination, she did cautiously. Nervous but not afraid. Nothing could frighten the girl like Pennywise, so unless it was him waiting for her somehow, there is no fear.

"Luke? You here?" she called out while feet shuffled down the gravel slop, hearing voices, not just one. The girl stared in confusion when turning around the cement ben, wasn't her younger blond haired friend.

Three teenage males--if you can even call them that as body structure indicted ages of mid-twenties-- but their crackles and locker-room conversation proved something worse.

"This is the chick?" Two said, arching a brow in skeptics at Junia.

Sweat began to dampen her nap.

Three shifted scans between a phone screen and her. "Yup, that's her." confirmed the boy as he threw it device at Four.

"Damn!" Four shouted with great indecency. "She's finer than her pics! No wonder Brittney wants her wrecked." he added with all intense purposes of being scornful.

Junia's heart sunk, understanding the situation. It was clearly a trap, she cursed for stupidly ignoring her intuition that warned of this. That is the problem with trusting humans, you can never expect or predict. Creatures like Pennywise, you know they are wicked and evil. When their actions reflect that nature, it is not a surprise, you expect it. However, a human's intentions cannot be seen until they desire to show. Struck with not just fear but fury. Karma at its finest.

She smirked in an effort to regain composure. "Wow. I didn't realize the Brat was so threatened by me." Junia backed up to run but a fourth assault caught her from behind. Panic shot through her as did self-anger. How did she not notice? You would have thought bumping into a psychotic killer clown her sensory to detect might improve. Obviously not the case.

One captured both her wrists mid air. "So threatened, it landed each of us five grand. You're just a plus." he grinned wickedly, showing human teeth.

He watched in concealed darkness, Pennywise. Witnessing how stupid she was to freeze, to have been caught off guard by Four, to not fight and prevail with that bravery he knew her to possess. No, all he got was a frightened girl, who feared what each of those boys would inflict on a body that is not theirs. And it tasted absolutely foul.

They bound her, each pinned down a limb to the hard cement, scrapping her velvet skin.

Gloved fingers twitched, wanting to slice off each one arm that touched what was his.

Nasty taunts and comments spat at her, detailing what wickedness they have in store as she pleaded for help.

Pennywise clicked his tongue behind sharpened teeth.

She tried, and failed, to fight and struggle against the four bodies that outnumbered and over-powered.

Blue eyes glowed into blazing golden ones, angry ones.

Tears stung eyes to match the pains in her shoulder they only encourage to worsen.

What terrible, terrible, awful misfortune. For these boys, these stupid, silly, childish boys.

Unaware, she captured the attention of a monster, one that favours, craves, blood and fear.

Pennywise, through biological advancements, invaded the minds of each male, one by one. Searching through their simple little minds, for nightmares.

Junia watched, through burning eyes. How one by one met with their fears, head on.

How 28 Days Later devoured a neck.

How Chainsaw Massacre brutally sliced a body in half messily.

How Alien gnawed into a face.

How The Grudge snuck up from behind and completed its horrifying task.

Why? What was he doing here? How did he find her? All these questions rushed Junia at once. Paralyzed, she remained on the cold ground, adrenaline pushed viciously into veins. Mind still processing the blatant fact Pennywise just might have saved her. The same clown that torments her in promises of agony she suspected to have played a part in this plot. Relief over-powered fear this time.

The Grudge disappeared after violent trembles and brought back a cleaned Pennywise. Not a single drip or splat of crimson on him. She didn't know whether to be amazed, grateful or terrified.

Brown eyes connect with his still aglow ones, lips parted, quivering. "H-How did you find me?" She noticed there was no cheek-to-cheek smile, only a long frown, an irritated one.

"I found it peculiar that you weren't home." He answered simply while approaching her in slow steps, voice hinted no specific emotion or tone. She found that even more unsettling than his usual wicked playful ones. Pennywise crouched down before her, his weight held up by toes. "I have eyes on the entire town, finding you wasn't such a difficult tas-"

On her knees, she leapt up and captured him. The clown froze as she buried deeply into him. He felt every tremble she gave.

Pennywise wordlessly picked her up, having no choice while engulfed by cold arms wrap around his neck. Ruffles puffed up but he ignored it. With Junia cradled in his arms, he transported them to her home in seconds. She found it oddly comforting how gentle the clown carried her, like a frail piece of china.

"Bathroom." brown eyes peered from the ocean of fabric they swam in, redness consumed them terribly. "Please."

He did as told, in silence and exited the room. Hung a left into the spacious washroom that was right next to where she slept.

Pennywise let her down, gracefully, as she untangled arms. Flicking on the lights did he now see a level of damage Junia received and it sparked wrath never seen before.

The girl noticed this dangerous shift in him, recognizing the yellow orbs that flared. A coloured hand attempted to reach out, still trembling and now hesitate to lay hand on the creature in fear of being lash at. However, something, a voice, whispered it may be safe, just this one time, just maybe. Junia rested her palm against his chest, over where the human heart would be, not breaking eye contact. "I'm alright Pennywise."

Strange. Very strange. He felt no more anger, just...light. Unable to figure out if she casted a magically spell or because it was the first time his clown persona's name rolled off her pretty lips.

Pennywise cleared his throat, actually experiencing the feeling of unease. He stepped back and away from touches. Disappearing before her, she sighed, eyes lidded in unexplainable disappointment. She glanced into the same palm and shook the thoughts away.

Junia can already feel her body stiffen from the ordeal. It wasn't nearly as painful as the incident with Pennywise, in the forest especially but the multiple handling proved to be effective. Body ached all over with scraps and fresh bruises that she felt but hadn't darkened into healing. It was torture just to peel off her clothing. She swallowed nervously, hesitate to step into the tub for cleaning. Knowing very well how painful this would be.

In her room, Pennywise lounged comfortably on the girl's bed as if he was right at home. He'd admit, her bed felt like a cloud, so soft, perfect for some extra activities, he marked it in memory as a note. There was no need to investigate, this isn't a first, second or third row of visits. He even knew where Junia kept the measly little toy used to pleasure herself, it's under the pillow right? A sly smirk pulled a corner of his mouth. If something like that encourages eyes to roll back in satisfied bliss, then his name should be Heaven.

The pool of other provocative remarks about her private choices was silenced by a faint... moan? Pennywise paused, even his breath, to listen out for the noise again and he heard it. Moans, coming from the bathroom, masked under the sounds of running water. However, they were not of pleasure, but sweet sweet pain.

Pennywise giggled, a hand confidently shuffled through dull fabric to take hold of his throbbing male organ and began. His movements matched her little cries of agony that served the clown's aroused needs. It took every bit of sanity and control to not appear in the shower, behind Junia and ravish her virgin body right here and now. Tongue licked over sharpened teeth that craved to taste more of that addictive flesh under her exotic skin as hand pumped faster with tightened grip. The girl's tortured moans heightened in volume, the sounds were so exhilarating, perhaps too much. In moments to release, his eyes rolled back in enjoyment of the intensive pressure, engraving the delicious echoes of her cries. Cries he desired to scream his favourite persona's name, over and over until she can't anymore. Body became immensely relaxed as a side-effect, ears no longer heard water running. A quick tremble and the thick, sticky substances that coated his pelvic area were gone. He hummed in temporary satisfaction. This might become a terrible, terrible habit.

A click and creak of the door was heard, Junia entered her room, dressed in shorts and a loose sweater. Brown eyes flashed in surprised, unexpected to see Pennywise still here and appearing to be feeling quite at home. Any other day, she would shoo the clown away but tonight, having another body with her brought comfort. Especially a body that could kill anyone It felt like, what better way to feel safe.

Junia shut the door and crawled into bed ever so carefully. Her smaller frame inched beside him, leaving the tiniest of space between their bodies that were soon flushed together. Brown eyes drowned into his, realizing that a beautiful pale sky blue were the clown's true colour. She gently, cautiously, rested her head in the arms of Pennywise. "Just tonight."