Chapter 5: Don’t Trust Butterflies

Pennywise isn't a creature that has luxury of normal rest like humans. Although he can experience forms of exhaustion and such, if ravenous hunger ever allowed that to happen. In this case, exhaustion isn't what bothered him, but an unknown wrathful feeling.

Since the girl specified his superficial comfort was only needed for a single night, he left, the moment Junia fell into temporary slumber. Before prominently marking her body when it's not time.

The clown can choose to be anywhere, within Derry's proximity. Don't ask why, he can make an educated guess but reason for this is unsure, he just cannot leave this place. However, it doesn't mean fun is any less sight out.

This town, is his playground, spaces aren't limited. The street. A store. The school. A home. Your home. A room. And just like that, you're gone.

Sometimes though, it is not thrilling to just pop up and say 'boo'. No, it doesn't flavour the meat to maturity. There has to be more imagination, more screams, more fear. A built up, if you will.

To lure a victim, it's an art. Doing it properly to induce the best results is a rare talent.

First comes a brief investigation, see what makes the target tick, invade memories and such.

Then it is time to torment, here and there, using small anxieties like paranoia. Like a marinade.

After that, is when the fun starts, they become so deliciously frightened. The runners are so comical to watch.

And last, but certainly not least, the final blow, unleashing their ultimate nightmare, the one most potent to stir flavour.

Finishing off with one of two ends; devour or float. Either is scrumptious.

Tonight, you'll get the pleasure to witness ending number two, float. It's his personal favourite, in all honesty.

Pennywise observed in predatory fashion, a young girl, about fourteen. She seems to be in her rebellious stage of life, an obvious beer bottle in hand as head tilts back to swallow down the bitter poison. The clown stared at her brunette hair, drifting into consciousness of Sasha Fantelle and breathed deeply.

Lids concealed eyes to have visions of aliens, insects and...oh here it is, her step brother. Bingo. After seconds of tremors, he was no longer Pennywise. In jeans one size too fitted, a golf shirt and platinum spiked hair. Fuckboy, he believes this type is called? No wonder the poor girl is so frightened.

Allen appeared on the front lawn, a few yards from where Sasha drank, she spat out the alcohol like a sprinkler. "A-A-Allen?" She stuttered, wide browns stared in utter panic. The victim glanced back at her home and again to the nightmare "But you-you were just in t-the ho-house".

He smirked wickedly, taking confident steps towards the girl. "You really think I'm done with you Sash? That was just a warm up."

She began to hyperventilate, wanting to run but confused to re-enter the house with the same nightmare. Using desperation as a last resort, she pleaded. "Please Allen, stop. I promise I won't hang out with Eric anymore! Please! Please! I don't want to have sex with you again!"

The false step-brother laughed, reaching the porch, right where she remained in a paralyzed state of tantalizing fear. "Relax Sis, it won't hurt this time." He promised, capturing her eyes with glowing gold. "You'll just float."

Pennywise, through his human manifestation, began to feel remorseful upon the pitiful sight. This Allen surely cared for Sasha and he felt it. Shiver. As well, he couldn't help but see Junia in those big brown eyes. Only thing, she didn't taste remotely close to the maiden. Too bad, so sad.


Junia didn't want to leave the warmth and comfort of bed. Sleep was like a drug to her, a healthy-ish way to ignore problems and not feel heart throbs. This is how she dealt with all misdeeds and fortunes life handed her.

As the song goes, work work work. In a small private owned coffee shop where she could remain under the radar of dramatic persons. The limelight was never for Junia but it always had a way of finding her.

"Woah Junia is that you?" An obnoxious male voice called to her.

Chest tightened, heart pumped rapidly. Over the counter stood a man, stylish in attire, dirty blond combed back and a daring smirk. Recognizing him to be a boy from back home, no longer was his round boyish face present, now refined in strong lines. Handsome would be a good word. "Dimi?" She named the body females gnawed and drooled over, voice in disbelief of his presence. One problem was enough thanks. Bits of embarrassment showed through light blushes; no girl wants an old flame to see her in work clothing. Plus, hairnets are quite unflattering.

"Long time no see Junia, how's life?" His voice was sweet but the words filled in sarcasm, that was her thing.

She snickered out the little coyness of embarrassment. "Long time my fucking ass." Voice said the first part mockingly in a deep tone, a hand placed on hip that dropped, she wasn't pleased. "How in the fuck did you find me in Neo-Derry of all places?"

"You should cover your tracks better if you don't want to be found." He advised while a hand combed through hair, it was a scorcher today.

Junia arched a brow, knowing the answer. "My mom?"

"Yup." he confirmed the source of information. "She's doing very good, Jaison has gotten so big."

Junia wasn't paying this little friendly small talk like they were always chummy. It was fake. Senses of danger alarmed in her mind, she always had a talent to decent evil men. "Leave."

The new unwelcome comer chuckled, he expected this kind of reaction. Dimi nonchalantly pressed against the counter, placing an elbow. "Come on don't be so mean, I was the nice one to you back then."

Brown eyes rolled in sockets, not wanting her difficult childhood to cause more nightmares. "Your definition of nice must be different from mine because all I remember is you tormenting me."

"Not my fault you were psycho from young." he fired back truth she couldn't deny.

Junia huffed in defeat of this round. "On a serious note, what are you doing here?"

Charming laugh showed rows of pearly human teeth. "Typical Junia, out of the loop."

She didn't appreciate the jab, phrases just seen are one of many examples to why she left home. "Fuck off." Junia cursed, adrenaline forgetting every piece of advice her therapist instructed to help remain patient and composed while in public eye.

He didn't unfortunately. "Relax, I'm not here to poke fun."

"Could have fooled me." her tone laced with attitude.

The old 'friend' laughed before getting to his point of this visit. "We can talk about all that later but listen, the McLevans are having a party, I want you to be my escort. And before you snap, no ulterior motives I swear, you're the only person I know around here."

She hummed, that name sounded much like Luke's last one. Wheels turned steps ahead of the male, formulating a plan "And where is this party exactly?" tone changed with interest.

He smiled. "Their estate."

She knew already and accepted the invitation. "Pick me up at 9."

Dimi watched her curiously. "The party starts at 8."

"I like being fashionately late." voice alluring and confident. Guys like him love woman who take control.

He smirked, not like seconds ago, it was one of satisfaction. "See you at 9 then."


That girl's curiosity must be rubbing off on Pennywise because he began to wonder of Junia's condition. Not really out of concern, more of ... not concern. Of selfish worry, knowing her track record of suicidal intentions, it was how they meet.

Junia was in the bathroom, blow drying blue streaked hair. The timing couldn't be anymore perfect. Pennywise flashed himself in her room, on her bed, the same spot he left from. Arms bent under his massive head and legs crossed as if it were his own furniture.

The dryer turned off and hums sang in a melodic rhythm that were pleasing to his ears. Sound of closing drawers and footsteps alerted she was coming back. And he would be so ready.

Pennywise greeted her with a wide grin and purposely high volume. "Miss me?"

"Fucking Christ." Swore Junia, nearly jumping out of her skin by the clown, breath released from being startled. "Right now, no I don't!"

"So lively today and..." He commented on the dramatic reaction, enjoying the tiny licks of fright. Eyes took notice of her attire and narrowed. Junia's body was refreshed and seemed soft to touch with lotion. A scarlet dress that shimmered under the light hugged tightly to every inch and curve, sleeves stopped at the elbows and hem line just before knees. Her look finished off with matching gold coated jewelry and simple black heels.

When Pennywise hadn't spoke, she watched him curiously. "And what?"

A hint of drool escaped from his opened mouth. "Impressed. I'm just impressed, thought you'd be curled in bed but here you are, all dolled up for a party." Gloved hands gestured waves in shape of what was supposed be her body.

Junia understood why the clown would believe so. She wanted to be his expectation, she wanted to sleep this pain away but a realization came to her. A distract from the torment and convert pain into something else. Anger and revenge.

A devious smile curled her painted lips, claiming his attention and interest once again. "It's time for me to stop running and bear fangs of my own."

Definitely a spider she is, so venomous and calculative. It was a sight and thrill to watch. Pennywise imagined the amazing show she'll put on for him with fireworks and balloons.

"Oh? So enticing." He sang, voice returned to its whimsical tone, fingertips tapped together in waves. "What is it you have in mind?"

Junia watched him through skeptical browns, she knew trusting a wicked creature like him isn't intelligent but idiotic. Rationality was put on the back-burner when recalling how Pennywise—selfishly—protected her. She gulped thickly and he followed every movement. "John's little sister was behind last night's trap and her parents are the ones hosting this party."

"Ah Johnny Boy." Hummed the clown, connecting the invisible dots to her little revenge plan. "And you, going straight into the spider's web, very tenacious."

Eyes stared at him hard and with warning, how brave. "She started this by sending children to try and rape, probably kill me too. So forgive me if I'm pissed off and not crying in a corner" Junia peevishly voiced reason for this tactic.

Pennywise darkened, eyes glowed for a moment and lips widened. Yet another persona from her and this one lit a fire he craved to see. This fire, he liked it. "Put on a good show."

A thunderous series of knocks at the front door cut through their conversation. "Shit." Junia realized two things; it was nine o'clock and Pennywise had no clue of being asked out by a male acquaintance. She felt nervous, not for Dimi, for herself.

The clown tilted his head in question to her outburst. "A date is it?"

Damn, is there no hiding anything from this creature?

"Um I wouldn't call it a date." Junia grabbed her small leather wrist-let before heels clicked down the hard wood steps, Pennywise now standing downstairs. "more like, a last minute resort." She answered with honesty, knowing better than to lie.

Something, another human feeling, different from the one earlier, settled in his endless pit of a stomach. This emotion leaving a sickly, unnerving ache in his chest.

The girl watched him with skepticism. "You're not...".

"Am I not what?" Irritation began to settle in the clown for unknown reasons.

She was reluctant to say the little word because of the massive implications that came with it. "Jealous?"

Pennywise parted lips that now matched hers. "That would require me to have feelings for you."

Those words stung her for reasons she'd rather die than admit and he saw it in those round eyes. How wide they got, the hurt and disappointment. How they searched in his blues for a sign, any sign, for gold, desperately but nothing. Only the truth, that she was prey and only prey.

Junia felt silly, threatening tears burned under eyes. Thankful more knocking thundered came to her aid. Without another word, she spun on a heel, waves of her mid-night hair flew a strand away, allowing a slight whiff of the addictive scent. He inhaled, the smell delicious as ever but not gratifying. Why?

When she swung open the door, a very very very impatient man in black glared, at first, ready to pounce on the girl about having to wait for so long. However, male sensory took over and eyes scanned her appearance from head to toe and liked what he saw. Instantly changing his mood. "Wow, you look amazing! Definitely worth the wait, you cannot be the same Junia I knew."

She couldn't help but giggle dryly. "The magic of cosmetics Dimi, reminder that." finding confidence in being seen as attractive to a person who used to pick on her very nastily for wearing low cut shirts. Junia stepped onto the stone steps and noticed Pennywise was gone. She locked up, pushing down the mistaken emotions she realized to have. Anxiety tightened her chest.

Dimi shook in disbelief of her transformation and approval to have this body at his side for the evening. "You're going to make a hell-a lot of people jealous. I wouldn't be surprised if the entire place envied you."

Junia smiled sweetly sorrowful at the comment indirectly wounding her further. "Not everyone."