Chapter 7: Darkness of the Twins

Junia longed for the gold, in his eyes, but now all she prayed is that blue would appear. She never listens, when they tell her, be careful what you wish for. Until karma comes to collect the regretful thoughts, she then understands the weight of universal energies.

The girl remained right in the very spot she entered, feet began to ache from the three inch heels. However, Pennywise sitting on the kitchen counter was distraction enough from the pains. The aura, his own, was immensely monstrous more than times before. Even that night she was nearly gang-possibly-raped the clown never gave off a fierce pressure like this.

"You're back so early, Little Junia. How was the party?" Taunted Pennywise, voice extremely playful and a sinister grin stretched his mouth to expose teeth.

The girl lost breath and words but desperately searched for the courage she believed to regain. "It ended faster than I expected." Spoke a frail voice.

Pennywise's grin only widened into inhuman length, her taste is so divine but why was it still not satisfactory? "Oh?" He sounded as if innocent to the events "what happened?"

Junia noticed in horror once his eyes brightened slightly, the peaceful space she called home began to transform. Warping it to a hellish scene only believed to be built from Hollywood movies and pure nightmares. His true power was being displayed. She tried to not panic and keep sight on him, it was safer than glancing about. "B-Brittney, the daughter, she went off on me. T-They had to restrain her."

Pennywise lowered his massive head into palms, pretending to be sad from her information, sounds of sniffles and fake cries echoed in the conjured hell. "So sad! Poor poor Brittney."

Breath quickened as Junia witnessed the complete frightful transformation the clown bestowed. Tiles fell and exposed a lava pit, only remaining a few that created a single path straight to Pennywise. Heat could be felt. Walls melted realistic details in a downward sloop. She was truly afraid, to her soul.

The clown slowly raised head enough to share a chilling, sinister connection. "Aren't you going to thank me?"

Junia's internal organs shiver. "For what?"

"Come closer and I'll tell you a little secret." Beckoned Pennywise in a slow, haunting command, gloved finger gestured for the girl to walk his treacherous pathway.

She could deny but she knew better than to deny. Her body moved unconsciously. Adrenaline pumped into veins with each step heels took closer to him. Hands clinched tightly onto her dress, so tight, own nails broke skin.

The creature, open mouth couldn't help but allow strands of drool to fall, she looked as appetizing as she tastes. However, now wasn't the moment for that, Pennywise actually had another motive in mind for this little show. "Closer closer closer!" He chanted.

Junia paused inches in front of him, so close, knees brushed against her stomach. She could only think of one thing; this is it, her time has come.

And hoped it would be painless.

Not if he has anything to do with it.

After a single blink, Pennywise's fingers gripped her throat in a strong hold. Not enough to cause much discomfort, just licks of fear, of anticipation. That childish giggle rumbled from his belly and to her dismay, he inched closer, to her ear and whispered. "Do you know who made Bitchy Brittney go loco?"

He pulled back, still so close, she could taste that sweet bitterness, to await a response. She shook and he smiled his best toothy one. "Me."

Tears that desired to be released earlier, now began to stain her cheeks and dampen his glove. Understanding the events, that he was there, that he heard threats from her lips, the venom, he was the venom. Feeling guilty, unable to admit she wish such karma onto Brittney who purposely orchestrate a vindictive plot to violate her. Words, again, came to haunt Junia. And he expected a 'thank you'? What a merciless creature.

Pennywise saw the girl wasn't going to bend to his demand, and wrath settled. Fingers around her neck tightened, constricting flow of air. In reflex, she grabbed both hand onto his one, trying to not panic.

"Pretty Junia is so ungrateful! After everything I have done for you!" He growled, saliva spat everywhere, including her face but there was no time to be disgusted. This level of evil, of malice, she had never seen, only heard and boy, was it absolutely terrifying. The fear radiated from her, that delicious taste rivaled their first encounter, only becoming all the more addictive, he wanted, no, needed it.

In some dangerous tactics, Junia stretched out her neck to limits, just barely able to unexpectedly press lips over the clown's. If this was her time, she will go out with a bang.

Pennywise held a breath in repulsion and shoved her with incredible force backwards, sending her flying against a molten rock that reverted back into the fridge once body came into contact. Its containments created noises of shifting. The girl groaned in pain and series of coughs were muted to him.

"What the fuck was that?" He swore in rage, a gloved hand rubbed the spot where he could still feel her warmth.

Head spun from the heavy impact, sight danced and ears rang. A hand touched her forehead and relief in feeling no wetness sourcing from it. "I...I just thought...I" She managed to say before more violent damage came for not answering.

"You felt?" he repeated with extra emphasis on the 't' and began to growl in a thundering voice that snapped her from hazed vision. "I don't want your affection! I want your fear! That is all I want! You are mine to have! Mine and no one else! Mine to wreck into until this body of yours in nothing but an empty vessel!" His movements became crazed and inhuman with each step and word as he closed the gap between them, disarray rows of teeth pointed out from every direction the more fury he gained.

Conjured nightmares dissipated and allowed for her living space return to its normality. Junia snickered bitterly having successfully gotten under the creature's skin over one little peck on the cheek purposely given to Dimi. "Jealous asshole."

That one earned a monstrous fist aim just breaths away from her head. "Jealous?" Snarled Pennywise with volume, head trembled in furious rage, drool laced skin of her chest.

"Yes." Junia said as clear without stuttering but body trembled. "This anger you're feeling, a burning hatred. That is called jealousy Pennywise."

The clown paused and backed away to take a moment, it was clear that wicked mind of his turned with thought. Understanding now what truth lied between each event. From Junia's little date to the physical actions given to the human male called 'Dimi' that held empty meaning and only was used for him. To provoke him. Only him.

For a virgin, one whom is typically seen as pure and angelic, inexperienced to the world's pleasure and daring trials. However, Junia was more of a tempting vixen. So wicked and calculative, as if, she craved, purposely seeking what she lacks.

Pennywise began to cackle in a wheezy laugh in realization, this girl, really has a death wish. He crouched down on toes, seeking to be lower to her, like an predator, hands on knees. "Ah, Pretty Little Junia~" Sang the clown, just like usual, she wasn't sure to be relieved or increase fright. "Why on earth would you choose to entertain me? You had the perfect opportunity to live a little happy life with Johnny Boy or Dimi Dim to grow old and wither away like a human."

Junai's voice cracked, throat sore from hard swallows and his tight chokes. Arms shakily supported her weight, mid-night hair no longer tamed and eyes. "Because-"

"No no no!" Pennywise stopped her, tone not harsh but hypnotic. A gloved hand reached out and pressed under her soft chin. Raising eyes from the cold tiled floor to meet his golden ones. "Don't look away from me."

The girl gulped for a numerous time, her wishful thought hauntingly commanded attention. "Because..." She began again, bravery dwindling. "I can't trust another human. They lie, cheat, and betray, over and over, without remorse of hurting others. Even if they preach and convince they aren't like the rest, somehow, promises are broken...but..."

Pennywise prompt her to continue, finger on her chin added pressure. "But?"

She flinched in pain but couldn't escape, not anymore. "You."

"And what about me?" Massive head tilted, leaning dangerously close, that their lips could touch for a third time.

Junia pressed lips together, fearing to complete her thoughts, she smelt so temptingly delicious. "You... Your intentions are so clear, I know exactly what you want, what you're after, what you'll do. No lies, no betrayals. It's comforting in a fucked up way."

She knew how enormously insane it sounded. How warped it was, believe her recent Stockholm syndrome is the only way to achieve possible happiness. A happiness, a love, one different from any kind. No matter how dark and sadistic, is still affection of the highest.

That is what happens, when you lose all faith in humanity.

And he listened, to every word and meaning that implied with them. This statement seemed to be more profound than ones before. Realizing what she offered was a chance for her, him, either, to never be lonesome again. To never be hurt—by another human—again. To never go hungry again, like he was forced for over twenty-seven years.

A dark promise between them.

Those nerves he hadn't labelled as a proper definition, now carried one. It was like an experience unheard of. As if, somewhere deep in his abyss, to the swarming lights inside, were overjoyed. Overjoyed why?

"Don't you know how dangerous words like that are?" Whimsical melody of his voice engraved in her mind like a tattoo. "Keep talking in such a way and I'll drag you down into that well and lock you away."

Brown eyes seemed to sprinkle to him, or maybe it was the tears. She smiled, weakly. "Why haven't you done it already? It would be easy enough."

It was a fair question and a true fact. He could very well and effortlessly take her down into his lair. Whether she fought against it or not.

Releasing her momentarily, Pennywise stood up and bent over slightly to offer a hand. "As delightful as the image of you being caged in those dark confinements along my side. The dreadful, infested scenery of sewers don't suit your innocent little persona."

Heart flattered, as if butterflies were inside. It was a small, tiny step, to the acknowledgment she had been craving over the days. And for now, until greed enhanced, this was enough.

Junia placed a shaky hand in his larger one. A strong tug got her standing on heels again and pressed hard against his firm structure. Staring in the endless abyss of gold and feeling the most at ease. In the arms of this man, this creature, who gave and promised protection.

It was so wrong, very wrong but she couldn't help it. She felt, as if she found a missing piece. Something, internal, was pulling her towards this. To death, to Derry, to him.

Or she is just that fucked up.