Chapter 8: Starting To Dig the Crazy

"So what do you think?" Asked Dimi as they casually walked through his newly finished nightclub.

Since he had planned to remain in Derry, the man figured to create something tangible to both, keep busy and be financially stable. Now friends and moved on from their terrible childhood past, he asked Junia for aid in the construction of an investment, her artistic background was ideal.

The girl was speechless. Everything was perfect in all aspects imagined. Chic meets edgy. Modern red tables, couches that curve, marble bar tops, the dancer stages that were a level higher and covered by a thin white sheet for shadow illusions. "I love it."

"So do I." he smiled proudly. "Opening night is tonight, I'll come get you around six."

Junia nodded as eyes roamed in anything but him in pretending to still be in awe. "Okay." Ever since the McLevan's party, she did best to distance herself from Dimi with no luck. It sparked disastrous results as Pennywise became ravenous beyond reason. Least to say, the girl felt extreme guilt each time a different child vanished or a body part was discovered. She is always tired now.

Dimi noticed a hint of that guilt, although completely closeted to her dangerous situation, didn't like those forced smiles. "How's Jaison? He stayed in Toronto right?"

The girl appreciated his attempt. "Really good actually. He plays with my cousins he used to go to the same school with, he really loves Arielle. She's always sending me videos of them."

Although memories of her brother allowed escape for a few seconds, reality quickly returned. There are so many issues and unresolved tension, Junia's anxiety was beginning to show. Dimi could tell by her troubled expression something bothered that pretty little mind. Plus, no jabs at his expense were made once.

"You know Junia." He started in a soft voice that caught her attention. Browns now reflected in his. "I know we had a hard childhood together but you can talk to me. I won't judge or anything."

This time, he was sincere and she felt it. A weak smile of gratitude curled lips, there is not a chance any other human on this planet could understand her darkest desires. "It's alright, nothing I can't handle." She attempted to lie.

A brow rose, he wasn't buying it. "You're such a bad liar."

She giggled because it was true. "Caught me."

"But on a serious note, I'm here for you." Dimi ensured of his aid to be not selfish this time.

Again, the girl smiled but not fake. "Thanks, hearing that means more than you can understand."

"Don't mention it." He grinned back.

They remained in awkward silence for a moment. Junia sensed it was time she took leave. Her chest felt unbelievably heavy, not such a good sign. "Um I have to go, there's a painting I need to finish before our grand opening night." She said with more enthusiasm than awkwardness.

"Remember! Pick up at six!"


Dimi waved her off, it wasn't the first time she acted like this. Typical now than unusual. However, he couldn't be rid of a strange unsettlement inside. Intuition? He'll have to be very aware the next couple of days.


In a nasty fit of boiling anger, Luke pushed every single item off his deck and onto wooden floor. Blood rushed to his brain, unable to stop vision from turning fury red. Grief now replaced by anger. Unable to fathom how the only living sibling left for him had mysteriously disappeared in a psych-ward. How?

An annoying giggle tested his rage. "For a nerd, you're such a dummy."

Luke snapped neck to his door and realized the figure with scarily skinny legs and stick body to be Angel. "get out! Leave me alone!" He snarled at the girl who just giggled some more and strolled inside.

"Take a chill pill, I'm here to help." She boldly ignored his empty threats and invited herself inside, getting comfy on the bed. "oh so soft."

He took a needed, deep breath and rejected in a hard tone. "I don't need help."

"Ah yeah, you do loser."

Luke groaned in frustration, fingers squeezed the bridge of his nose. "If you're going to help can you stop calling me anything but my name?"

Angel watched in before agreement. "Deal, now tell me you've figured out it this is all Junia's fault."

Green eyes shot glares at her, warning of the thin ice she walked on. "Like I told my sister, it is not Junia's fault."

"Don't be stupid." The girls' snobby accent came out. "Of course it's her, you have all the proof you need to say it is."

"Get out Angel." He demanded, blinded by own admiration for the older female to believe she could be responsible for events that happened to his siblings.

The girl sighed in dramatics, eyes rolled. "Luke seriously. Brit told me Junia called your brother to hang out then." She snapped fingers. "He disappeared, coincidence much?"

Luke's chest began to rise and fall much more rapidly, realizing it would not be impossible, the scenario Angel painted for him. This entire time, Brittney ranted and quarreled about the same thing. God, how he wished to have listened. Green eyes rested wildly onto the girl who sat cross-legged on his bed. "What should we do? No one is going to believe us, they don't even seem to give a damn."

Angel snickered in snobbish attitude. "Ever heard of getting your own revenge?" A hand flipped curled hair over boney shoulders, as if the answer wasn't clear. "Do what Brittney and John couldn't, she trusts you right? Use that to your advantage Lose- oh I mean Luke."

He was skeptical but understands the argument Angel presented. It caused panic, disbelief and betrayal. Sure, his siblings weren't on the best of terms with Junia but to kill them? This was getting crazy. "I might have a plan but we need to investigate more, a lot more."


Pennywise made a foolish miscalculation in visiting the girl. For the past couple of days, he had purposely avoided any and all interaction with Junia. He took up space on her bed, arms crossed as if sulking and red lips curved in a frown. Junia knew the reason for his extremely foul mood this afternoon. Dimi, Pennywise isn't a fan of him.

"You're still attending this event?" He asked, voice poisonous and obviously displeased as she tried on different styles of clothing.

Like her eyes, Pennywise seemed to hint his current mood through mouth expressions. Anger, she tried not to provoke often, conjured shark-like rows of teeth that pointed in multiple directions. Mischievousness, like he usual is, a sly smirk with no whites. When he eats, that is a completely different story because of his shape-shifting abilities. If annoyed, a frown appears, she finds it kinda cute. Finally arousal, well... let us just say it is a lot of drool. Excitement, he smiled just enough to see elongated front teeth. Seems harmless right? Nope. Pennywise and 'harmless' cannot exist in the same sentence.

Junia swallowed nervously, she learnt not to invoke anger out the clown. Lesson very well absorbed. "I have to at least be there on opening night... I did design the place." She informed while trying to decide between a dress and a two piece outfit.

Pennywise growled under breath, finding neither of her fabric options appropriate. "Don't expect a savior this time."

"I didn't ask to be saved." She bickered from inside, deciding to wear the dress, a little short but covered the animalistic marks on her shoulders. Although it happened close to a month ago, the feeling of teeth and claws, the heat and throbs remained. Shameful body remembered every dangerous sensation that Junia wasn't ready to admit just yet.

A slight pull of his lips curled them into a sly smirk. "Not verbally but your fear tells me enough."

"Well that situation was different since I was tricked. Besides, security and other people will be there."

Pennywise listened but they didn't sink in. The girl reappeared with poor choice of attire on her body. Frown drooped more, causing increased wrinkles at corners of his mouth. Was she trying to gain undesired attention yet again?

Junia took notice of his expression and tilted her head in disbelief. "What's with that look?"

"What look?"

"Like you don't approve of my clothes." She glanced down, a finger pointed at the fabric.

Let's be honest, a dress that short is never going to be given approval. "Because I don't."

She rolled eyes at the blunt answer. "It's not that bad."

He disagreed, especially with a hemline just ever so barely covered her rare-end.

"Can you even walk in that thing? It looks highly impractical."

"It's fine!" She insisted.

Pennywise smirked, a devious idea that mischievous expression she often admitted defeat to. "Prove it," he dared. "Or change, either one."

Instant regret of believing she could bicker with this creature and not pay the price showed through cheeks brightening in a feverish tint. Those blue eyes of his only prompt the girl further, as if left no choice. Not that he ever gave one.

Junia huffed. "I'm changing." She stomped back inside her closet for the two-piece. "But not because of you!"

The clown snickered victoriously, only to be amazed by her second option. Granted, this little number exposed torso but the skirt was longer. It hugged curves in all the right places, outlined her pleasing female assets and most importantly allowed his bite marks on her shoulder to peek out slightly. Sharpened teeth itched to just rip into her exotic skin for that sweetly luscious flavour he craved.

She is much over-due for another taste-test, don't you think?

"Perhaps I change my mind about not saving you." Teased Pennywise, a string of drool ran down his chin, an obvious sign of approval.

The girl tried to remain composed as humanly possible but that little devil inside encouraged feelings of satisfaction in gaining such a reaction. "Like I said, I didn't ask to be saved."

"There is a difference between wanting to be saved and needing to be saved."

Junia turned to face him while putting in earrings, coloured eyes locked on. "Okay. That night, I wanted saving."

"No, you needed saving." He corrected.

She parted lips, tongue felt dry in hesitation to speak the risky words. "Then, if I wanted to be saved. If I asked, would you save me?"

It was a daring question, he'll give her that. Pennywise found the girl enticing once again. Not that he hadn't before, it just increased significantly greater.

"That depends."

"On what exactly?"

"How much you plead."

"If I recall." She smirked angelically wicked, there was a twisted excitement in provoking such an allured reaction from a creature that only thought of blood, murder and nightmares. "My pleads might not be heard, according to you."

Pennywise grinned darkly at her words and stood on his feet to full height. "Allow me to give you an example of what I meant." he loomed over her, shadows engulfed as the clown circled around her in predatory movements.

"If your begs were to stop me while I indulge all this body has to offer," Gloved hands slid up her arms and halted at shoulders, dangerous fingers toyed with fabric as if contemplating to rip it off skin. Junia paused a breath as he inhaled her delicious scent. "I would gladly ignore those." Whispered the clown into her ear, she trembled.

"But," He pulled back, only an inch or two. Taking hold one of her hands and spun the girl around to once again face him. "If you pleaded for me to stop someone else who desired to do onto you what I want, I would listen."

Junia couldn't breathe, although she was. Chest felt so heavy, like lungs were in need of an asthmatic inhaler. Body became indecent and allured with heated throbs between her hips. His stare, eyes, voice, were so intense and drowned her in a hypnotic state unable to comprehend.

Is this what it felt like, to actually feel? Was it always to be so painful? So intense? So addictive.

Painted maroon lips parted only to be silenced by a car horn, signaled Dimi had arrived on time and not a minute later. She closed mouth and retracted thoughts. "I should get goi-"

"No, no, no." Pennywise grabbed her wrist, stopping the girl from running off. "Say it." He demanded in a slow, haunting voice.

Junia swallowed thickly, it hurt all the way down. Brown eyes quivered, she was frightened, for good reason. "I..." The honking sounded again, she tried to pull her wrist free but he only tightened his grip. "In a very, very, very fucked up way... I feel safer knowing that's how you feel." She finally said with embarrassment glowing all over cheeks.

Without another word, he released the girl and she ran off.

Junia may feel at ease but he surely does not. Curse her.