Chapter 9: Welcome to Golden Haze

No matter how much Junia distracted herself with all the preparations Dimi needed completed before opening the doors, heat remained, a very indecent one. She would be stocking the bars and felt his tight grip on her wrist. While giving tables a wipe, ears tingled from his lingered whispers.

Curse this clown.

Frustration settled, unable to be rid of these feelings she purposely ignored. Although it had been a month since her forced confession to having affectionate emotions towards Pennywise, it only caused a longing. Not that she will admit it, not without a...push.

"Fuck." Dimi cursed after hanging up the phone, her ear twitched. "Junia we have a problem."

She paused aiding one of the bartenders as he rushed in a quickened pace towards her. "What happened?"

"The ticket girl just called in sick with some 24-hour stomach flu and I don't have a last minute replacement." he explained, voice filled with panic and stress.

Junia snickered with a sweet smile, clear that nerves and jitters were getting to him. As far as she knew, this was his first accomplishment. "Okay, so I'll do the tickets, crisis contained."

He watched the girl, bewildered at her offer. "Really?"

"Yes Dimi. So relax, you handle more important things." Junia didn't flinch, responsibility overpowered her anxiety of socialization.

Dimi, however, shared a different opinion. You see, as their friendship blossomed, she revealed details about traumatizing events during their senior years of grade school. Since then, a strange obligation to protect her developed. Something deep in his gut whispered of disaster that surrounded the girl and their joint past.

At the same time, not many other options were available readily as Junia. He glanced around impatiently before answering, a finger waved at her in friendly protection. "If anything or anyone bothers you." He spoke seriously. "Let either Dante or Eric know and they'll take care of it."

Junia nodded immediately in compliance, shook at the level of worry such a small problem caused. She hates being a burden. "Okay, I will."

Their eyes remained locked longer than necessary, out of innocent concern, before Dimi's attention was pulled back onto his employees.

She sighed, headed for the ticket booth that was positioned between security and coat checks. The girl set everything up quickly; tickets, mini register and other little things.

Not much sooner, Dimi gave a signal and the crowd began to pour in as bouncers patted down each individual and peeked inside handbags. Dimi had ensured to hire the absolute best and most professional security. Enthusiastic reactions by patrons to the interior warmed Junia's insides with feelings of success. She held back tears, if only her father could see this, would he be proud?

Another party-goer after another, who waited in the apparent lengthy line that went around the buildings' corner, approached her stall. A man with sharp refined features, pale skin and combed black hair handed two ten dollar bills in payment of the entry fee. Aside from the overwhelming attractive looks, the device on his wrist pulled more attention.

"Is that a first addition Dale Earnhardt watch?" Junia friendly pointed out as she slowly ripped a ticket.

Blues glanced down then back to her with a daring smirk. "Yes, how did you know? Not many people know the sport or even like it enough." Voice sounded surprisingly gentle yet deep.

It seemed so odd how this stranger's presence felt vaguely familiar, as did those stunning eyes. Maroon lips pulled in a smile as she slid him the paid ticket. "My dad had one, just like that. He was a huge race car fanatic."

The man appeared to notice the hint and didn't intrude further. "Valor." He introduced in such immense charm, it was irresistible to deny.

She cleared her throat, uneasy to have such an attractive male behave so cordial. Perhaps, she just got used to the rough treat of late or is wary of gaining another's attention as it earned her harmful consequences.

Let's go with the second one. "Junia." Answered the girl, tone heightened a pitch.

"Junia." Repeated Valor so heavenly, like the glorious gates would open and angels sang. "Gorgeous name."

She couldn't help to blush shamelessly, he seemed so...perfect. It raised alarm. "Thanks but um... you see I have this enormous line of people to take from money still."

He chuckled and nodded in compliance. "I get it." Slender pale fingers graciously retreated, ticket between two of them. "See you around." Bid the man with a dashing smile and ever so subtle wink.

She watched him disappear as did the good vibes immediately when a crude-cut blond, heartless blue eyed nightmare in a dress shirt and pants was next in line. This new male character in an extremely obnoxious voice hinted with disgust called out to her dismay. "Ew! It's Junia!"

The girl froze, like ice. Breath paused, stomach twisted into tight knots and throat burned as if wanting to vomit. If she ever truly feared anyone or thing, it might be this devious human before her. "Gi-Giovanni?"

It only got worse as he called out to companions behind that were not in her view. "Hey guys! It's true! She did hook up with Dimi!" Shouted the terrorizing male as he threw twenties that covered tickets for five individuals. Junia quickly recognized each one of them when they passed by: who she didn't expect, Nolan, the nightmare's—surprisingly handsome—cousin to be along them, he always seemed to be the good one.

They went by, like nothing, as if she didn't existent, like it was seventh grade all over again. Junia began to panic internally but swallowed down the anxiety as another guest came to her booth. She forced a weak smile, continued to take money and give tickets. At this point, couldn't decide if Pennywise or her relentless bullies made her tremble the most.

It felt like endless minutes before Dimi rushed into the already small confinement, his eyes wide and enlarged when seeing her state. The friend panted, he ran over. "I'm... I'm so sorry Junia. I didn't know they were coming or even in Derry. I'll get Eric to escort them out."

She parted lips to pardon the coincidence neither possessed control over. "No Dimi." The words tasted so bitter.

"Why not? They're going to cause problems, we both know that." He voiced in her defence.

Junia sighed, eyes wandered before returning back to the other. "But if we kick them out... it'll look bad on you Dimi, I'll be fine. I just... I'll just stay by the DJ."

He sighed in frustration, the DJ booth and bars were on opposite sides. If something were to happen, it would be impossible to reach her with speed, it was imperative to rely on his staff. Allowing the girl to return home alone seemed just as risky. "If anything happens."

"Call for help, I know the drill."

"No, just get help. No one will hear a thing with the music blasting."

Dimi had a very good point she failed to realize.

"Alright, I'll stick close to the DJ. A bouncer is always near right? I'll be fine."

He sighed again. Everything in his being screaming this was not a good plan. "I'll make sure to come and check on you."

"No problem."


It was beyond packed but they expected Golden Haze, being the first nightclub in Neo-Derry, would draw in quite a population. Once 1:00 AM hit, tickets were no longer needed and bouncers rejected any late comers. Junia, remained just where she said, the DJ booth and security not too far. Uneasiness simmered, only slightly. The worst part? They were around but unable to be sighted, it frightened her immensely.

She felt a light tap on the shoulder and turned to see the DJ lean into her ear. "Can you get me some water? I'm dying." He shouted to counteract loud music playing from his equipment.

Junia looked into similar browns before giving a firm nod to his request, which earned a thankful thumbs-up. She stared at the dense crowd, afraid something might happen but a job needed to be done. It'll be okay... right? She is in a safe place with a well trusted friend, faithful employees and bouncers who would instantly come to her aid if need be. It was only approximately fifteen or so feet to the service bar, literally straight across from the DJ booth.

Easy, just get the water and go. Right?

Get the water and go.

Get the water and go.

Throat swallowed hard, chest tightened as she took a brave step only to be blocked by a person who skillfully carried three drinks. Heart quickened with sickly panic as eyes focused on her—maybe not so former—bully; a smirking Giovanni who stood equal to height, her two inch heels gave a chance.

"Here." The nightmare offered. "One is for the DJ, it's water."

Browns scanned surroundings with urgency in hopes to lay eyes on Dimi or someone or anyone. No one answered her pleads. System warned of wicked ulterior motives behind the phony gentleman action, Junia rejected him, arms crossed under chest, perking them up. "No thanks, I'll get them myself." Voice filled with obvious dislike of the other, no holding back.

Giovanni had eyes on cleavage. "What? Only drink stuff Dimi gives ya?"

She swore a little vomit came up, such a repulsive man. "We aren't like that."

"Sure." Sarcasm was heavy. "I believe you."

"How did you find out about our event?"


Junia groaned in frustration. "Fuck off or answer my question."

Thin lips stretched in a victorious smirk. "If you take the drink I will."

She sighed, eyes roamed one more time to still spot no one. The girl went against all safety advice elders preached about not taking drinks you haven't watched being made and took it.

"Social media, Dimi promoted his grand opening pretty well." He answered, handing the other glass to the DJ who signed his thanks with gestures.

Should have guessed. "Fabulous." Lips touched the glass's rim and inhaled naturally. No suspicious aroma was detected, she allowed only a tiny sip.

Oh, poor little girl, he isn't finished with her yet.

In purposeful childishness, Giovanni tilted her glass. Bacardi and Coke now drenched Junia from mostly the chest, glass broke but not an ear noticed.

"What the fuc- are you serious!" The girl cursed, being too occupied and concerned with make-up being intact. He grinned, it was the perfect moment to strike. In seconds, Giovanni had her trapped against the wall behind them, back ached. Chap Stick cherry flavoured lips against hers, disgusting.

Junia voice a rejection only to have a slimy appendage intrude pass her teeth, it was hard to breath. He tasted absolutely horrible and felt even worse. Like making-out with something crossed between a worm and a snake.

Browns stung, tears threatened to come. She attempted to connect a knee and his most vulnerable male brain but to not avail. He placed one of his own knees between her thighs. In retaliation to her actions, Giovanni shamefully began to grope a full breast. Junia gasped, eyes looked to see if the DJ witnessed this assault and he certainly did. The Dj smiled and looked away, thinking she was just having fun. A single tear streamed down.

This living nightmare wasn't like Pennywise, he is human, yet, this fear could rival when she was bitten in the forest. And this time, no murderous clown is here as a selfish saviour.

As a last resort, she railed an arm in preparation for a strike. Fingers tightened in a fist before flying straight into his rib cage with every ounce of power she could muster.

It worked, Giovanni abruptly pulled out tongue from her mouth. "You bitch." He growled in pained coughs and hugged the attacked area.

Browns blazing with fury. "This is your first and fucking last warning!" Anxiety caused chest to burn, eyes looked wildly at the male, trying to remember she is not that same frightened little girl he terrorized throughout grade school. "Do not ever touch me again!" Tone venomous as possible.

Giovanni laughed, like an over-privileged little boy. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to mess you up."

She was completely taken aback by his statement. "That makes no sense! What the hell have I ever done to you? I was the victim! You tortured me! Not the other fucking way around asshole!"

The nightmare watched her with a devilish expression, like a child who set a trick and awaited its victim to trigger the trap. "I just liked the idea of bragging to everyone about how I banged a Gemini, I'd be a legend."

Junia had no clue what on earth this dipshit was rambling about. What does her zodiac sign have to do with him being such a prick? Thinking she might know a superficial reason, it pained enormously to hear it aloud. Anger roared through her body, it was enough, this was enough. Even though she travelled hundreds of miles away to a forgotten town, a reputation not hers continues to follow. This was her breaking point.

"What kind of-How dare you! That's some bullshit! You came all the way from Toronto just for this? Well good fucking luck because you'll never lay another finger on my body! So you can go fuck yoursel-" The girl paused mid-cuss-out. In one blink, vision became blurred and body felt heavy. Something was very very very wrong. A hand helped steady herself against the wall and the other on forehead. "Wh-what's going on? Wh-at did you fu-fucking do?"

Giovanni cackled, rib throbs lessened. "Like those? Feels like you're on a cloud. Top class R-2's, hope you like 'em."

Roofies, the drug, in the drink, the drink he forced her to swallow.

"You're a fucking lunatic." She growled, not as intimating as desired.

He snickered, believing to be a checkmate. "Not so tough now huh?"

In desperate effort to get away, Junia stumbled for the crowd, pushing between bodies in a terrorized panic. Not even sparing a glance behind, he was just a reach away. All she needs to do is reach the bar, just the bar, or a bounce, or Dimi. Just, someone.

Or thing.

With each step, Junia began to feel extremely heavy. Body tingled in alarming discomfort, like spiders crawling all over. Like how it feels when a leg falls asleep. Disorientation kicked in and so did immense fear.

Giovanni was thrilled to run after the girl, something about a good chase just encouraged addictive adrenaline. Like a wolf on a bunny, going for the kill.

How ironic, the DJ final play her favourite song, Beast by Mia, at this moment.

Junia squeezed through body after body, getting knocked around as well. Tracks came to a halt when bumping face first into someone, exhilaration heightened when a hand landed on her shoulder blade. Head shot upward, through impaired vision, eyes rested on an unexpected protector with black locks. Valor.

However, blues were absent and replaced by bright gold orbs. There is only one who carries gold. Relief came over her, teeth bit down on bottom lip, arms shakily wrapped around his torso.

"Please...Please s-save me... Penn...ywise." Begged the girl in a dazed voice, head unafraid to lean against a firm body clothed without ruffles. Nostrils inhaled no scents of sweetness the clown usually entails but a human male odour.

Even in such a pitiful state, Junia sensed and knew his true identity, it more than impressive. She was correct, Valor who appeared to be human, was Pennywise and all his self-superiority. Had been observing the situation from afar and believed Junia was in control until a certain point.

He looked down, connecting their colours orbs. Brown eyes seem to be clouded over but yet conscious, she is high, like a fucking kite. He narrowed and leaned to press lips against her no longer perfectly painted ones. Junia didn't fight the intimate touch much to his advantage, Valor slipped tongue over teeth with urgency. Anger flared as he tasted hints of sourness, someone brave definitely drugged this girl. He retreated, standing back to full height.

There is one thing he cannot stand other than individuals who exert no fear and it is when someone dared to roam on his territory.

Tongue clicked behind teeth, hands itched to punch whoever drugged Junia. It is never a positive to get on this clown's bad side.

Valor grabbed Giovanni by the collar and yanked him close enough, Giovanni's square front shoes could not touch sticky floor. Golden eyes glowed in anger, putting the perpetrator in a frightened trance and trembled from pure animalistic superiority.

"If I ever catch you around her again, you'll be the next body that goes missing." Valor threatened, very literally explaining the possible end result, hinted with a foreign accent. Fist released Giovanni in a hard shove, so hard he bumped into others before scurrying off like a mouse. Valor continued to glare but not victorious, arms tighten around his torso went noticed. Gold sparked for a moment, allowing both bodies to remain invisible to every pair of eyes within the building, preparation for exit.

For once since disastrous ordeals have begun, she felt true safety in these malevolent arms of her monstrous golden saviour. "You...You actually listened...?" Junia stuttered out, voice muffled from face buried in fabric but he heard the words crystal clear.

Valor gently patted her midnight locks, feeling wetness from her clothing and body stiffness. Not that he blamed her reflex, the clown usually terrorized instead of sympathized. "Obviously, since you have this annoying habit of needing to be saved, is that a human thing?"

"Really? You think I enjoy purposely getting myself into trouble like this?" Attitude radiated from her tone.

"Could have fooled me."

She blinked and blinked and blinked again but the uncomfortable haze would not vanish. "I can't walk."

"Yeah, I kind of noticed that." He snickered, she felt it.

"And I feel funny, like spiders are crawling all over my skin."

Corner of his mouth pulled not a faint smirk. "Ironic choice of words there."

The girl wondered why he said that. "And everything is blurry."

"I would think so."

"You know."

He hummed, beckoning for the response.

"I think that prick fucking drugged me."

"No shit."

Arms tightened all the more, Valor didn't believe she possessed such energy still.

"Can we go home now? I'm tried."

The humanized creature rose a brow. "We?"

"Yes fucking 'we'! How the hell else am I supposed to get home?" She bickered, hinting at the known fact teleportation was an option.

Valor couldn't help but chuckle at the childish retort, this was the most immature he witnessed from the girl. "I guess it's a plus you're still functional."

"Shut up and teleport already."

"Pretty little Junia better watch her pretty little mouth." He teased in a sweet voice with bitter words.