Chapter 3: In the city

Sukuna just got into the city and was walking around, she was fascinated by all these humans, they all had powers she's never seen before, although almost all of them were pathetically weak and useless, there were a few that stood out.

Like this wood-man, she had seen seemed stronger than anyone else around here. Also this weird-looking rabbit girl.

She's getting excited about fighting someone who could maybe put up at least a little bit of a fight.

While walking around she keeps hearing stuff mostly about All Might, how he's the strongest hero and how he is the "symbol of peace". And how theirs no villains around because of him.

From the information, Sukuna gathered so far just from hearing conversations she's come to the conclusion that All Might is basically keeping japan together. So if he falls, then so does japan?

Sukuna started forming the biggest smile at the thought of causing chaos once again. Sukuna doesn't really need any more information because she mostly just wanted to know about All Might.

While Sukuna was lost in her thoughts lots of humans were staring at her when she walked by them. A child covered with tattoos and an extra pair of eyes is not something you see often if not ever. Sure you see weird stuff like people with more arms or legs or animal features.

But with Sukuna it was different, although people didn't judge her or anything because you see different people every day, they still felt something when they looked at her when she walked past, fear.

Sukuna unconsciously releases an aura of a King, that makes people feel like their inferior when they look at her. Whenever she walks past with her head held high she makes those around her feel, weak, and inferior.

Sukuna stopped walking all of a sudden when she heard an explosion all of the sudden a couple of streets down from where she was standing. She squinted her eyes and looked to see if someone was fighting.

What she saw was a man standing at about 8ft tall, that looks to be covered with metal. The man was punching through buildings and people. He was causing chaos and Sukuna wanted to see where this will go to. She wants to see if "the symbol of peace" will show up.

Sukuna jumped on top of the building next to her and start running across the buildings towards the giant man. When she was close she sat down on the ledge of a building and started to enjoy the show.

That's when she heard it, and her devilish grin appeared.

"It Is Fine Now. Why? Because I Am Here!"


(Pov general)

"It Is Fine Now. Why? Because I Am Here!"

When the people heard that they stopped screaming and freaking out, they started cheering and cried tears of happiness, "ALL MIGHT, ALL MIGHT, ALL MIGHT"

In the middle of the street there stood All Might tall and proud, his smile so wide that it displayed his white teeth that practically blinded people.

All Might with his smiling face looked at the villain that stopped causing chaos and focused on the hero in front of him.

"The chaos you've caused ends now villain." All Might said while staring down the villain.

When the villain heard that he started laughing like a maniac. "HIHIHIHI, ALL MIGHT I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU! MY NAME IS METAL MAN AND I SHALL BE THE VILLAIN TO KILL YOU!"

When All Might heard that he knew this was just another villain who wanted fame, because those who go after him only want to say these words, "I killed All Might."

All Might knew there was gonna be a fight, he looked around at the buildings destroyed and the chaos this villain caused. He has to take this seriously and end it quickly.

All Might crouched down a little bit to get into his fighting stance. When the villain saw this his grin widened and he too got into a stance. All Might took a deep breath and launched off towards the villain, underneath where All Might launched from, a crater formed.

When All Might was about to go for a quick punch to the chest, although it was very quick the villain was not gonna fight All Might blindly, he was gonna take this fight seriously. So right before the punch landed the villain put his arms in an X formation shielding his chest.

When All Might landed the punch on the villain, the villain's arms cracked and he skidded back about 15 feet. The villain took pride in his strength, he was huge and strong, and metal, what could be more perfect. But when that punch landed he realized why they say All Might is the strongest.

The villain coughed out some blood but stayed standing. He still had his grin on his face, but with some blood dripping down his chin. He got out of a fighting stance and stood up straight, he looked at All Might and saw that All Might was looking right back at him.

All Might was a little surprised that the villain could take a punch from him, although it wasn't this strongest because he didn' t want to kill him it was still quite the punch.

The villain got back into a fighting stance and started charging at All Might. All Might was watching the villain charge at him and got ready to punch the villain again. Except the villain was already there with a punch coming straight for All Might's face.

All Might was watching the whole time so he was already ready for the punch so he took his right arm and cocked it back. And with one big scream, he punched the villain's fist with his own.


When All Might's fist landed with the villains you could instantly hear the break of an arm, and considering that it was All Might fighting, everyone guessed it was the villain's arm. The metal that basically looked to be a part of the villain started getting torn off his body.

When everything seemed to calm down and the fight seemed to be over, you could see that in the middle of the street stood All Might tall and proud, and beneath him lying on the ground, the villain laid there, looking a lot smaller, and weaker.

When the people saw this they cheered and chanted All Might's name. They just got to see their favorite hero, the strongest hero, defeat a villain. It was the best day of their lives.

Then All Might smile faltered a little bit and he looked up and there he saw a girl sitting on the edge of a building, smiling at him, with her piercing red eyes she looked straight into his blue eyes.

Then the girl started saying something towards him, although he couldn't hear because of all the cheering, he still could see what she said by reading her lips. And what he heard was disturbing, to say the least.

"That looked like fun, Maybe you can entertain me."

And with that, she disappeared. Like she was never there.


[A/N: *sigh* yo guys author here, I kinda rushed this chapter because I'm having trouble figuring out what to write. Like Sukuna right now could kill anyone easily so I don't know what to do, I don't want to nerf Sukuna and I can't just buff All Might, that's stupid I would have to buff him so much, so I'm thinking of changing the world or something.]

[But if you actually like the story give me suggestions on what to do because right now Sukuna can kill everyone with 1 finger. Or if you want me to change the world what should it be?]

[Also this is the first fight scene I wrote, it's barely a fight scene but whatever. But I do hope you enjoyed the chapter it might not be the best because I was watching outer banks season 2 while writing.]
