Chapter 4: Sukuna's goal

Once Sukuna left the fight scene she started hopping across buildings until she heard a scream. Curious about what was happening and having nothing better to do she went to go check it out.

She stopped on top of a short building that had an alley between it and another building. She looked down and what she saw was 3 men cornering a woman that looks quite wealthy of you go by her expensive-looking clothes and purse. Also, the women looked quite beautiful, well compared to the other humans Sukuna has seen while going through the city.

The 3 men looked like they wanted something from the woman. They started grabbing the woman by her arms and hair. They ripped her purse away from her and started to pin her down and rip her clothes off.

Sukuna saw that the 3 men had quirks, 1 man seemed to be able to turn his arms into knives, another man seemed to have some kind of poison dripping from his fingers, and the last man had 2 extra pairs of arms.

Sukuna gets broken out of his thought process when the woman starts screaming again, but her mouth gets quickly covered by the 6 arm man. Sukuna seeing these men assume their villains, just what she needed.


(general pov)

As the woman was about to get violated, she closed her eyes and started crying, she starts praying that someone will help her, some hero, any hero. When she thought she was about to be defiled by these villains, you could hear a loud grunt come from one of the men.

She opens her eyes and what she sees is a beautiful girl that looks to be between the ages of 10-13, beautiful long pink hair, the tattoos that covered the girl's face just added extra charm. But when she was thinking that her hero has saved her. She sees the girl's sinister smile.

The girl slices off the 6 arm man's head with her fingers, the woman not processing what happened yet started realizing that someone just got killed in front of her. She was about to freak out and start screaming but she saw the demon girl pick up the man's head, and push her hands together like she's clapping, and the head explodes.

That was the last straw for the woman and she began screaming, she has never seen something so gruesome, and it was done by this beautiful girl, no demon.

And with that, she passes out from fear.


Sukuna just squished the head of the man she just killed and felt pure bliss, she's only killed one person since she was brought to this world now this was the second.

She looked around and saw the knifeman and poison man stuck in fear, she spread her smile wider at that. She slowly walks towards the knifeman to get her next kill.

The knifeman seeing the girl walk towards him breaks out of his fear-struck state, he realizes it's a girl no older than 13 that is coming at him, he has nothing to be afraid about. After all, it's just a little girl.

"You don't want to do this little girl, if you come any further I will cut you." The knifeman says after he finally calmed down. It's not every day you see a girl crush someone's head.

When he saw the girl was not stopping he steeled his resolve and got ready to fight her. He grew 3 knives out of each hand (like wolverine) and got into a fighting stance, he was gonna charge her, and go for a quick kill.

Sukuna seeing him ready to fight flexes her right arm indicating she was gonna kill him. She doesn't want to kill him too quickly she wants to enjoy it a little bit. So she doesn't charge at him she waits for him to come to her.

The knifeman starts running towards the girl ready to slash her, he stops a couple of feet in front of her and slashes downwards with his right arm expecting to cut her. But when he felt his knives bounce off something he knows he didn't get her.

He sees the girl's fingernail in front of her chest where his knives were supposed to cut, and is confused, did this girl just block his knives with, fingernails?

"What's your name girl?" The knifeman asks the girl.

When Sukuna heard this she forgot that no one in this world knows of her, she shall change that, she'll make it so everyone will fear her again just by hearing her name. So she decided to enlighten this weak human in front of her. Sukuna spreads her arms apart and says "My name is Ryomen Sukuna, the King of Curses! Too bad, you won't remember me though."

"Why?" the man asks while jumping backward after feeling the pressure the girl gave off just by standing there.

Sukuna looks at the human and says with a sinister smile "because I'll kill you."

When the man heard that he got angry that this little girl would talk to him like that. He threw all his logic and brain cells out the window and charged at Sukuna blindly.

He slashed at her with both his knives, but Sukuna just spins to the left while running her hands through her hair, practically dancing.

The man goes for an uppercut with his right arm after he saw Sukuna dodged his first strike, Sukuna just dodges again like it's nothing.

The knifeman starts getting angrier each time Sukuna doges his attacks effortlessly. This went on for about 1 minute before Sukuna got bored, so when he went for a slash with his left arm she just grabbed it effortlessly.

The man seeing this tried to slash with his right arm, he aimed right for Sukunas neck. Seeing as he was about to kill her he smirked victoriously before that smirk vanished as quickly as it came. And instead came a shriek of pain from the knifeman.

He looked at the right arm that Sukuna was now holding, and he was missing.

Sukuna looked at the face the knifeman was making and asked him "do you miss your arm?" The man tried to glare at Sukuna but the pain of losing an arm was too much.

"P-please just let me go, you already won so please l-let me go." The villain begged out of fear of losing his life.

Sukuna hearing what the villain said stretched his face making a smirk appear. The villain seeing this got terrified, he doesn't want to lose his life, especially not to this demon.

"Your begging is music to my ears, ahhh how I've missed this." Sukuna said back to the man.

"Beg me more, cry more, fall more into despair." When the man heard that he starting peeing himself. This was too much, this has been the most scared he has ever been in his life.

For the next 5 minutes, Sukuna ripped the man apart, killing him slowly but very painfully.


Once Sukuna dusted her hands off she looked around until her eyes landed on the poison man who was trembling in fear. Forming a smile on her face she flashed right in front of him and grabbed his face, but before he slammed his face down he said, "Do you know what they used to call me boy? The king of curses, AND deadly poisons. Know your place."

And with that, she slammed the poison man's head in the ground forming a crater and mushed brains.

Sukuna stood up and took a deep breath. She needs entertainment, sure what she just did was fun but not when they can't give you a good fight. She needs some form of entertainment. Then she got the most brilliant idea.

If these people were too weak individually then why not just fight all of them at the same time. The sinister smile on Sukunas face spread further and further until she started laughing like a maniac.

She's a genius, that is what she needs, this is what her entertainment will be, Sukuna vs the world.

The laughter of Sukuna woke up the woman from earlier, the woman looked around and saw mutilated bodies, she was about to pass out again but before she could she heard someone talk to her.

"Hey woman"

She looked up and standing right in front of her was the girl from earlier, she didn't even see her come in front of her.


The girl called out again witch worked since the woman got out of her trance and answered the girl with a meek voice.


"Since I saved you can you do me a favor?" the girl asked.

The woman although terrified of what she saw the girl do, still can't help but feel a little thankful so she responded back "S-sure what do you need?"

"Can you help me write something?"

The woman not expecting that got confused for a second before she didn't see any problem with helping with that. "Sure, what do you want me to help you writ-"

The woman was cut off before she finished talking, the last thing she saw was a devilish smirk of the girl in front of her.

Sukuna who was now smiling at the lady with her hand in the woman's chest said "thanks lady"

And pulled her hand out of the woman's chest. With her bloody hand, she proceeded to write on the wall. Once she finished what she wanted to say she jumped off the roof of the building and headed away from the area.

But even still from a distance, he heard a loud scream. And that's when he knew, they read his message to the world.


Cops were stationed all around the alleyway, a pedestrian found bodies in it and called the police immediately. The police instantly came to the scene and what they saw could only be described as a massacre, there were body parts everywhere. The whole alley was bloody.

But there was one thing that stood out and that was the wall.

One police officer saw this and read it out loud unconsciously gathering the attention of everyone around.

"I will kill everyone in this world - Sukuna"


[A/N: Bit of a longer chapter, Sundays are usually off days for writing, but I just felt like writing, sorry that I posted it late, hope you enjoyed it, this chapter is just basically Sukuna's declaration of war against the whole world.]

[Questions: Should Sukuna pick up companions/underlings? If so who, like toga, dabi, etc.]

[Btw there probably be a timeskip next chapter]
