Chapter 6: Healing All Might

[Heres another chapter cause I'm in a good mood, plus you all are sexy af. I wrote this right after the last one so hopefully it's still good]


(Pov general)

Right now in a room in UA, All Might is sitting down with a serious expression scaring the kid in front of him.

"A-ah All Might are you okay?" The green-haired boy asked meekly.

All Might heard his successor speak snapped out of his daze and stared at the meek boy "I'm gonna be honest young Midoriya I am not in the best situation"

"What's wrong All Might?" Izuku asks All Might in a worried tone.

All Might seeing his successor's worried expression sighed to himself. "Young Midoriya I am going to tell you something, you would probably find out eventually but I wasn't gonna tell you just yet"

Hearing the serious voice of the usual cheerful All Might worried Izuku. "What do you need to tell me All Might?"

"Ahhh" All might sighed as he stood up and lifted his shirt up, what Izuku saw made his eyes bulge. All Might was hurt, someone has injured him this bad.

"I'm not gonna go into how I got injured or who injured me right now, but just know that I have had this injury for years, it has been slowly making me weaker and weaker. Right now I probably am at 1/4 of my original power."

[A/N: I forgot how did All Might get injured again?]

Izuku stared at All Might's injury and soaked in all the words that All Might's said.

"I am guessing you have heard of Sukuna young Midoriya" All Might said to the young boy.

"Of course I know of him All Might, he's the biggest villain in the world" Izuku said.

"Well, he left a message but with that message he left an envelope, an envelope for me" All Might said to Izuku.

"Why did he leave an envelope for you All Might?" The young successor asked with a little worry present in his voice. After all lots of villains target All Might, but before he wasn't aware of All Might's injury, now that he is he's worried especially since the world's number one villain is sending a letter to All Might.

"He said h-he could heal my injury, I have been looking for a way to heal this injury for years and nothing has worked, the most something has done is slown it down a little bit so I could still be a hero for a couple of hours a day, but my time is running out, now that I handed you OFA my power is leaving quicker, but if I get healed I can still be a hero for longer."

When Izuku heard what All Might said he started running a bunch of scenarios through his head, to see what would happen if Sukuna really healed All Might, or if he would just kill All Might. "All Might are you really gonna believe this villain, he kills people for fun and he's very dangerous, he's taken out 3 of America's top ten heroes, it seems if he wanted to he could probably kill you, especially with your injury." Izuku starts frantically saying, he doesn't want All Might to die.

"Calm down young Midoriya, I don't believe him, but I also want to try it, because if he can really heal me, and I don't know how or why he would heal me, I would like to take the chance" All Might said to his student.

Izuku stared at All Might in shock but mostly worry. "Don't worry young Midoriya, even if it's a trick then I can escape, after all, I'm the number one hero" All Might said with his shiny smile trying to reassure his student.

Izuku just nodded his head, that made him feel a little less worried but he is still concerned for All Might. "Okay, All Might if you want to take the chance that Sukuna can heal you then I will wish you good luck" Izuku said as he stared straight into All Might's eyes.

Hearing what his student said All Might mentally sighed in relief, he knows what he's gonna do is stupid but if there's even a slim chance he can get healed then he would like to take it, but he doesn't want to worry his student.

"Do not worry young Midoriya I'll be back better and ever in a flash" All Might said with his signature smile.

Izuku nodded his head with a smile then left through the door to head back to class.

Watching his student leave All Might sighed and sat down, when all of the sudden he started coughing, he covered his mouth with his hand, and when he finally stopped coughing he looked at his hand only to see blood.

"Ahhh, I don't know why you want to heal me Sukuna, but hopefully you can" With that All Might looked at the envelope for instructions on where to go, he stood up and left out through the door.


(Pov Sukuna)

On the envelope I sent to All Might it said meet at 11 pm in this abandoned area a couple of miles out of the city, so I am gonna see if this so-called number one hero will trust a letter.

Right now I am about a minute away from where I'm supposed to meet him. I have a black sweatshirt with a red hood, and some black joggers, you might be wondering why I'm not wearing a mask.

Well? why the hell should I, I'm not some coward who hides behind a mask, I killed in the shadows to spread my name, I never really tried to hide my identity, it's their fault they're so shitty at doing their jobs.

I just reached the meetup spot, and in the middle of the abandoned area, there I see All Might. So he came.


(Pov general)

Standing in the middle of the area is All Mightin his buff form, sure he came here to see if he can really get healed but he's gonna stay on guard.

All Might is waiting for Sukuna when he suddenly heard a voice he did not expect, it sounded like a girl.

"Hahaha, so you came All Might" When All Might heard the voice he looked up, and sitting at the edge of a broken building was a girl? He did not expect Sukuna to be a girl, well he assumes this person is Sukuna.

"Are you Sukuna?" All Might asks the individual sitting down.

"Indeed I am" Sukuna says as she jumps down and lands about 30 feet away from All Might.

"You are All Might the strongest human, fascinating, I expected you to come because I thought you were dumb, it seems I am right" Sukuna says looking straight into All Might's eyes with a sadistic smile.

"And you are Sukuna supposedly "the king of cures?" and a girl?" All Might says staring back into Sukunas eyes.

"Indeed I am a girl, enough chit-chat I am assuming you are here because you read my letter and you want to see if I can heal you?" Sukuna asks All Might.

"Yes, I came here to see if you can heal my injury, by the way, I was wondering how you know I am injured" All Might says with nothing but seriousness in his voice.

"Because anything I want to see I will be able to see" Sukuna says mysteriously. All Might although confused about what Sukuna means didn't press any further. He just wants to be healed.

"Will you heal me?" All Might asks with hope.

"Yes, I can heal you quite easily, and I will heal you if you do one thing for me" Sukuna says with a mysterious smile on her face.

When All Might heard he can be healed he was excited but didn't show it on his face, but once Sukuna finished talking and he heard she wanted him to do something he got serious once again.

"What do you want, I will not do anything evil, or illegal, and I won't hurt anyone for you" All Might said defensively.

Sukuna laughed hearing that but still said "don't worry you don't have to do anything close to that, I will tell you after I heal you, come here"

Although still keeping his guard up All Might walked towards Sukuna, once in front of her, he noticed stuff he couldn't see because of the dark. She was pretty tall for a girl, about 6ft tall, she had tattoos all over her face, and an extra pair of eyes, long pink hair with an undercut that was tied in a ponytail, and sharp fingernails.

"Lift your shirt up" Sukuna said to All Might, once All Might complied with the request Sukuna started to heal him with curse energy.

Sukuna never tried healing anyone really, but he knows how to, but he never tried healing anyone without curse energy, but he'll know it'll work.

All Might watched in amazement as the young-looking girl heal him like it's nothing. He could feel his power again, he feels like he could run around the world and not breaking a sweat.

"I'm done healing you" once he heard what the girl said he checked his injury only to see it's gone. He started tearing up a little bit in the corners of his eyes. He can't believe he's healed.

Maybe Sukuna isn't that bad.

He was about to thank her but her voice cut him off. "Now for my request" her voice sounded cold and excited at the same time.

All Might got out of his excitement when he heard what the girl said. He forgot about that, she said it he doesn't have to do anything bad though.

"What is your request Sukuna?" All Might asks with seriousness present in his voice.

"Ohhh nothing much, by the way since you transferred your power over to that boy you'll lose it eventually, but while I was healing you I made it so you can keep it, and even go past your original power if you train hard enough, I'm guessing it would take a year to get back to your peak power"

When All Might heard what Sukuna said, this time he really couldn't believe it, that's impossible, he was about to ask her how she knew about the power but was cut off when he remembered her words "anything I want to see I will be able to see"

All Might started thinking again maybe Sukuna isn't that bad maybe he can bring her to the side of heroes.

But Sukunas voice cut his thoughts off.

"My request is, that in the next year get all the top heroes, and student, and yourself, to train as hard as possible, get as strong as possible"

All Might was confused when he heard that, why would this villain heal him than her one request be for the heroes to get stronger?

"Why?" All Might asked. Maybe she has good in her heart, she would be a good asset for the heroes.

"Ahhh, don't misunderstand, I just want you all to get as strong as possible so I can have some fun, I don't want you all to die super easily, that's no fun" She said with a psycho smile.

She vanished from her spot but All Might could hear her say.

"Don't disappoint me, Heroes"


[A/N: *sigh* my finger hurts from typing and my brain hurts from thinking. This was a bit of a longer chapter almost 2000 words, hopefully, you guys liked my idea of healing All Might and don't think it was stupid or something.]

[try to guess ME- Am I a boy or a girl? How old am I?]
