Chapter 7: Smile

[For all those wondering, I'm a 17-year-old boy, I'm going into my senior year of high school. Now here's your chapter]


Sukuna left All Might after she healed him and headed back to the city. Over the years Sukuna hasn't really lived in one place, she moves around, she used to live in the forest but ever since she came to the city she's liked it here and live here ever since.

When she got back to the city she started walking around the streets, she was walking by an alleyway when she heard some laughter, although she doesn't care all she has to do was turn her head to see what it was, so she did.

What she saw was a young blonde girl, styled into two messy buns, with a big smile on her blushing face. She seems to be holding what looks to be like a bloody knife. Under her is a man on the ground with a couple of stab wounds in his chest.

Sukuna stared at the cute-looking psycho and smiled, a psychotic smile. She starts laughing, which draws the attention of the young blonde.

The girl looks over when she hears laughter, she sees a girl with tattoos and pink hair, 'you don't see that every day' she thinks to herself.

She smiles and the unusual-looking girl and tries to talk to her "Hi! What's so funny? My name is Himiko what's yours? Why do you have tattoos? Do you like blood too?"

[A/N: I don't really know how toga would strike up a conversation lol sorry if it's pretty cringey]

Sukuna stared at the talkative blonde who just killed someone and now seemed to forget about it.

"My name is Sukuna, and I laughed because you killed that human, and I love blood" Sukuna answers Himiko with a sadistic smile.

Hearing what the girl said shocked Himiko, of course she knew who Sukuna was, she was the number one villain, and her idol.

She stared at the girl with stars in her eyes and a blushing face. "Wow, your Sukuna? I thought you would be a guy, also your my idol and I love you" Himiko said very quickly.

Hearing what Himiko said annoyed Sukuna. "What a thoroughly annoying brat" Sukuna said to himself but Himiko still heard him. But before she could say anything Sukuna cut her off.

"Why did you kill that human?" Sukuna asked Himiko.

When Himiko heard that she smiled gleefully and answered with great enthusiasm "Because it was fun and I like the way blood looks on my knives"

Sukuna smiled widely hearing what the young blonde said. "You wasted enough of my time brat, but next time you kill someone make sure you slowly torture them first and don't kill them until they break. It's way more fun." Sukuna didn't wait for a response and vanished after that.

Seeing her idol leave Himiko felt a little sad, but today was a good day, she killed someone, she met her idol, and they seem to have a lot in common, maybe she'll try to torture someone next.


(Pov All Might/General)

After Sukuna left I was still left in shock by her final words. So all this is a game to her, she just wants to have fun, she healed me because I was the best chance at providing her entertainment.

All Might just remembered the request Sukuna gave him, even she didn't request it All Might would still try to get stronger, now more than ever, he realizes the weight of the situation now.

Sukuna is very dangerous and needs to be taken down as quickly as possible. Once All Might got his thoughts organized he immediately starts running back to UA. He needs to tell Nezu.

After a while of running, he makes it to UA, he stops in the front and proceeds to walk in and head straight to Nezus office. All Might doesn't even bother knocking and just walks into the office.

What he sees is Nezu sitting at his desk, but once he hears the door open he looks up and makes eye contact with All Might.

"You forgot to knock Toshinori" Nezu says with an annoyed voice.

"Not now Nezu I have something serious to talk about with you"

Hearing the seriousness in All Might's voice Nezu also gets serious and waits for All Might to continue talking.

All Might took a deep breath and looked at Nezu "I met Sukuna" When Nezu heard that he was first confused than worried then curious.

"When, where, why, and how did you meet Sukuna, Toshinori?" Nezu asks the giant man in front of him, he realized All Might wasn't in his small might form which confused him, usually, he doesn't stay big unless he absolutely has to.

"Well you read the letter Nezu, Sukuna said that she can heal me"All Might said.

"She?"Nezu asks with a confused voice, after all, wasn't Sukuna a boy?

"Yes I was surprised too, Sukuna is a girl, a young girl too, no older than 17 it looks like." All Might said with a small chuckle.

Hearing what All Might said surprised Nezu, Sukuna the number one villain in the world, the so called "King of Curses" was a girl and a teenage girl at that.

Nezu got over the shock of this information and asked All Might "So, did Sukuna heal you?" Although he already guessed she healed All Might he still wants to make sure.

"Yes, Sukuna healed me, actually should I say she healed a lot more than just my injury" All Might' said with a sigh.

"What do you mean?" Nezu asked All Might. "Well she made it so I don't lose OFA"

Once Nezu heard that he was really shocked and almost couldn't believe it, but All Might seemed to be telling the truth. "So? isn't that a good thing Toshinori, Sukuna healed you and helped you keep your power, what's the problem?" Nezu asked with confusion, he's not stupid he also wants to know why Sukuna, the number one villain healed the number one hero.

"That is the problem, Sukuna healed me, so I could entertain her, she said that she needs me to bring her more fun and entertainment." All Might said to the shocked animal.

"For entertainment? So were all those murders entertainment too?" All Might could hear the anger coming out of Nezus voice when he said that.

"It seems so, she doesn't really seem to want anything other than to have, as she likes to call it "fun". Before she healed me she said she gets to request something from me, I was skeptical but then she said she wouldn't request anything against my morals, she said she wants all the heroes and students to train harder for the next year, and get as strong as possible"

Nezu was angry, he couldn't believe all these murders for the past 4 years were out of boredom, and then the said murderer requested for all the heroes to get stronger to quench her boredom.

"Even if Sukuna didn't request that I would have still told all the heroes to get stronger." All Might said with a serious voice.

"Why?" Nezu asked.

"Because Sukuna is strong, probably stronger than me when I was at my peak, and she knows it, she knows that I can't beat her alone" All Might said as he stood up.

Nezu was surprised to hear that, after all, he knows just how strong the number one hero was at his peak.

"How strong is she if you'd have to guess?" Nezu asked curiously.

"Even I was at my peak, I would lose, easily"

"Tomorrow we'll call a meeting to discuss how we should go about Sukuna" Nezu said after what he heard All Might say.

"We need to get stronger, I believe if we all work together we can take her out" All Might said as he was about to walk out the door, but he said one more thing "the world needs to be prepared for Sukuna if we aren't we are doomed." With that All Might left.

Not knowing that someone was listening to their conversation.

"Ahhh, The party is about to begin, let's see if this world can entertain me at all"

Sukuna got up from her sitting spot and looked at her clothes.

"I miss my old clothes" As she said that she flared up with curse energy when it dies down she was wearing her old light-colored kimono with a black edge, a black scarf, and black shoes.

"That's better, now let the fun begin"


[A/N: Sorry I haven't been writing a lot of Sukuna lately, I wanted to get All Mights pov on the situation, but hopefully you liked this chapter]