Chapter 11: Sports festival

(Pov General)

1 week has passed since Sukuna has shown herself again. Lots of people are very scared because the last time she was around she went on killing sprees and killed a lot of great heroes.

Also, the villains will probably become more confident because Sukuna is back. They now have their pillar, just like All Might is the pillar for the heroes, Sukuna is the pillar for villains.

Right now in a room at U.A, all the top ten heroes and Nezu are sitting down at a table with grim expressions on their faces.

"I didn't think Sukuna would take action yet, she said she will give us a year" All Might said with a bitter tone. He wanted to trust his instincts and look where that led them, with another dead hero.

"I knew we should've tried to take action earlier! This death is on you All Might" Endeavor said with anger while gnashing his teeth.

Nezu sensing the tension of the room tried to calm ease it a little bit, "The question now is do we continue with the sports festival?"

"I think we should cancel the sports festival, now is not the time to hold one of those, Sukuna is back and clearly is trying to say that she shouldn't be taken lightly." Midnight said seriously.

Most of the heroes agreed with her. With Sukuna back they have to stay vigilant, they can't hold a sports festival, that would be the perfect time for villains to strike.

"I think we should do it" Hawks said calmly "It would calm the people and have them put more trust in us if U.A can hold one"

The heroes had to agree somewhat with him, they need to make sure the people don't start losing their faith in the heroes.

"I think we should as well" Best Jeanist said agreeing to what Hawks said.

Now that they thought about it most of the heroes agreed to the sports festival, after all, they will be around to help if anything goes wrong, and they're a lot stronger than they used to be.

They discussed some more about Sukuna and then about some little matters, after about an hour Nezu stood up, "Well that concludes our meeting, remember to stay vigilant" After he said that the heroes started leaving to do their own thing and get ready for the sports festival.

Only Nezu and All Might were left in the room, All Might stood up and looked at Nezu "Are you sure the doing the sports festival right now is a good call" All Might looked at Nezu seriously.

"We can't have Sukuna put fear into people, we need to make sure that the people know that we're strong and that we can stop her, we'll do that by doing the sports festival, when they see how strong the students are their fear for Sukuna will start to go away" Nezu said as he sat back down on his chair.

All Might walked towards the door, and with one glance back to Nezu he said with a threatening tone "I hope your right about this" with that he left.

Nezu watched as All Might left, he slowly closed his eyes and muttered.

"I hope I am too"


(1 week later)

Today is the day of the sports festival, when the people heard the festival was gonna happen this year they were surprised, after all the number one villain in the world reappeared and the crime rate started going up again.

But they still bought tickets. after all, it's the sports festival who wouldn't want to go?

Right now in class 1-A, the students are sitting in their seats, they are excited but nervous at the same time.

They are excited because they've always dreamed of taking part in the sports festival, now they're basically gonna star in it.

They are nervous because they're wondering if holding the sports festival is really the right thing to do, after all, more and more villains are starting to show themselves every day, holding a giant festival won't really help anything.

Also maybe villains will take this chance to cause chaos all over the place, most of the top ten heroes will be at the festival, plus lots of others will be there to scout for promising students.

All Might clapped his hands together which pulled the class out of their thoughts and put their attention on him.

"I know what your all thinking, but worry not young heroes, nothing bad will happen during the sports festival, I will be there watching over making sure everything is fine." All Might said with a lot of enthusiasm and a bright smile.

The kids calmed down after hearing that, and their nervousness from earlier go replaced with even more excitement.

Although All Might said that he can't help but feel something bad will happen.


(Pov Sukuna)

The sports festival is gonna start in about 5 minutes, right now I'm in the stands sitting up pretty high.

I'm getting quite a few stairs which is starting to piss me off, but I need to keep my cool I don't want to get noticed by the heroes right away, I'll introduce myself later on.

Right now I'm wearing my kimono, I have my hair in a ponytail, my tattoos are on full display, I guess it is odd for humans to see a young girl with tattoos on her face.

One lady, in particular, is giving me a dirty look, she will be the first I kill later today. She looked away really quickly, I wonder why.


(Pov random lady who is gonna get tortured later)

Why does that weird girl have such a nasty smile, it looks like she's gonna murder everyone.


(Pov back to Sukuna)

I hear people clapping so I look around and spot that students are coming out of a tunnel, none of them pique my interest until a green-haired boy caught my eye.

[A/N: ' ' = thinking]

'Hmm he is pretty strong for a brat'

No other kid caught my eye except a blonde kid who made a speech. 'He's probably the second strongest student after that green-haired brat'

It seems they're starting off with a race.

[A/N: I'm gonna skip most of the stuff that happens in the sports festival, I don't feel like writing what the students are doing when I've seen the anime, I hate when people write like 5 chapters of just canon sports festival]


(5 hours later/ Pov Sukuna)

The main part of the Festival is over, right now All Might is giving out awards to the winners.

The green-haired boy got 1st place and the explosion kid got 2nd, which he doesn't seem very happy about

The way the green-haired boy and All Might look at each other is like teacher and student, I knew it, that's All Might's successor.

While the people were cheering for the students, out of the corner of my eye I see someone looking at me in fear and confusion.

I look at them right into the eye and form an evil smirk.


(Pov Midnight)

The sports festival went surprisingly well, no incidents happened, everyone's just having a good time. Midoriya won, which is surprising because I heard he used to not be able to use his quirk without breaking something.

We had to get a muzzle for Bakugo, he was acting like a rabid dog.

While All Might was giving the winners their awards I felt a gaze on me, it felt uncomfortable, I get gazes all the time, I mean not to sound narcissistic but I am really sexy.

I get gazes of people who look like they want to fuck me on the spot, and that's never made me uncomfortable, in fact, I quite like getting those looks from people.

But this gaze, made me feel like I was a toy.

I looked in the direction where I feel someone looking at me, and what I see almost makes my eyes pop out.

I remember how All Might described Sukuna, pink hair in a ponytail, a young girl no older than 18, and most importantly, face tattoos.

Their sitting down was Sukuna in the flesh, looking at me like I was an inferior creature who served as nothing more but entertainment. She looked straight into my eyes, I tried to keep looking in hers, but then she started forming the smile of the devil, that is when I looked away.

I quickly looked back and what I saw almost made me faint. As a hero, I've seen my fair share of gruesome sights. But looking at someone's head who is playing the role of a ball is not something I wish to see ever again.

Sukuna is sitting there with an evil smile while throwing a random woman's head up and down.

Sukuna started to mouth words, and I could clearly make out what she said.

"You're next"


[A/N: Yo I hope you liked the chapter, I'm trying to speed up the MHA arc because I want to go to a new world lol. AND IT IS CONFIRMED drum roll pleaseeeeee..... ESDEATH IS THE LOVE INTEREST AND NO FUCKING HAREM. Yes I know you are all happy, I am too, I love Esdeath, so when I read FF where they get Esdeath with a harem I want to kill that author. Like dude theirs no way Esdeath would let that happen. And plus harem sucks ass. Sure their not unrealistic, but in the anime world they mostly are, and they're always poorly written with some FF being an exception. SO! the next world is Akame Ga Kill, It probably won't be a long arc, but I mostly just have to figure out how I'm gonna write Esdeath and Sukuna getting together without it being absolute shit. Like Esdeath isn't lesbian, she likes young boys with an innocent smile, Sukuna is not a boy, and is literally a psycho. But that's why I think they're perfect together. The best duo in FF history, 2 crazy girls in love killing everyone in the multiverse]

[Oh anddddd, ESDEATH ISN'T A USELESS GIRL WHO IS ONLY FOR THE MC PLEASURE, Esdeath will basically be the second half of Sukuna, she won't be a Sakura or a girl who is always the mc weakness, or who is always holding MC back, god I hate those girls]

[Also, should I add some reincarnated people? Maybe have some people who reincarnate and try to be friends with the mc, or try to have harems, and have Sukuna and Esdeath just torture them and crush their dreams. Tell me if you want to see that.]
