Chapter 12: Cut short

(Pov All Might/5 min earlier)

I finally announce my presence and the crowd starts cheering. I thought I would never get used to all this attention, sometimes it still kind of gives me a little pressure. But now that I have my injury healed and still have OFA, I feel like I can finally look around this stadium and proudly think to myself 'I am the symbol of peace, I will protect these people.'

I start walking towards where the 3 winners are while sporting my big smile. From the stands, I watched young Midoriya compete in the festival, and he made me very proud, I know he will become a very strong hero.

I finished putting the medals around the 3rd place student and 2nd placed student, I walk up to young Midoriya and look at him with pride.

"You have done very well young Midoriya, you truly made me proud today" I looked at my student and could practically see the tears threatening to fall out of his eyes.

"Thank you All Might, I couldn't have done it without you" Young Midoriya is wiping his eyes as I put the medal around him.

Today was truly a good day, no villains caused trouble, well none that can't be handled by the police. Just some small stuff, but that happens every day.

Yet I still have the gut feeling something bad will happen. "Well I'm glad nothing bad happened today" I mumbled, young Midoriya looked at me confused, he probably couldn't hear me.

As I was about to tell him it's nothing I hear a scream, no more like a yell, Midnight's yell, I could practically hear the hatred in her voice. That's when I knew I jinxed myself.



(Pov General)

After Midnight's yell, everyone looked to where she was looking. Everyone's eyes went towards the top of the stands, there was nobody seated there except one individual, a teenage girl, she had her pink hair in a high ponytail that cascades down her back, a white kimono, and tattoos on her face, and arms.

But she is holding something? She's holding a head... now she's tossing it up and down like she's mocking the heroes, now she's spinning it on her finger, now she's just holding it, wait it looks like she's writing something on the forehead with her sharp fingernails, nobody can see what she wrote though. Now she's cocking her arm back, what is she doing?

She threw it...

And it landed right in front of Midnight. It's rolling and it stopped on the backside of the head, so Midnight can see what she wrote. Midnight looked at the message Sukuna wrote and started gritting her teeth in anger.

"Time's up" Midnight unconsciously read the message out loud, and the whole area is quiet so everyone heard it.

The people who were stuck in fear and confusion started processing what just happened.


"She just killed somebody"

"Is that Sukuna?"

"That's what Midnight called her, so it must be her"

"So that's Sukuna, the biggest villain in the whole world"

People started screaming, crying, panicking, asking questions. All the heroes who heard what Midnight said started to take action, they started giving out orders, they started escorting the people out of the area.

Sukuna gazed over all of the people like a king who was looking at a bunch of ants, or should she say queen now? Or Empress? She'll figure it out later.

The top ten heroes all stand next to each other and stare up at Sukuna who is looking down on them in her usual badass sitting position.

A couple of minutes passed where the heroes and Sukuna just stayed still, the heroes were trying to figure Sukuna out while Sukuna was thinking of what sounds better Queen of curses, or Empress of curses.

[A/N: Nah fr tho, which sounds better, I want to give Sukuna a cool nickname unless you can come up with a better one, give me your ideas yo]

All Might was the one to break the ice once the area was cleared out and it was just the heroes and Sukuna left in the arena.

"Sukuna why are you here, you said you would give us a year, we still have 6 months." After All Might said that he looked towards the head on the ground and tightens his fists in anger.

Sukuna looks at All Might and starts to chuckle very darkly until it turned into maniacal laughter. "Yes I did give you a year, and technically you should still have half a year left."

When the heroes heard that they were still confused why Sukuna was here if she told them they'll have a year.

"But, that was until I discovered something, the thing I discovered replaced all of you, so now you all aren't needed anymore, so your time is cut short." Sukuna practically shouted the last words.

The heroes started gasping for air because Sukuna was releasing a heavy pressure on all of them because she was so excited.

When Sukuna finally calmed herself down, well enough for her pressure to seize, because she was still standing tall with her arms spread across with a bloodthirsty smile plastered on her face.

The heroes looked at Sukuna in horror because they realized, even after all that training, all that hard work, they were still weak in front of a monster like Sukuna.

But that won't stop them, they will still try to bring down Sukuna, even if it costs them their lives. As they all steeled themselves to fight Sukuna they all got into a fighting stance.

Sukuna watched them get ready to fight her, although they weren't needed, and were weak, she will still fight them, maybe all 10 of them together could give her some entertainment.

Sukuna jumps from the stands and lands across from where the heroes are. The heroes are on one side of the stadium and Sukuna is on the other.

"Although I didn't give you a full year, you still had 6 months to get as strong as possible, so don't disappoint me heroes, or I might destroy a couple of cities to make up for fun."

The heroes got in their fighting stances when they heard Sukunas's words, they will stop this villain at all costs, even if they lose their lives in the process.

Rumi Usagiyama, or otherwise known as the Rabbit Hero: Mirko, took action first. Although she's a battle junky and loves a good fight, even she knows now is not the time to have fun, this is the most dangerous battle she has faced yet.

Mirko propels herself at Sukuna leaving spider cracks from where she jumped from. Right before she gets to Sukuna she jumps up and does a front flip while tensing her right leg, she aims for Sukunas head, and she slams her leg down on the villain.

Sukuna watched as Mirko brought her leg down, Sukuna just raises her left arm above her head like a shield and bocks the powerful kick from Mirko.

"Ah shit my kimonos a little dirty now" Sukunas says, practically ignoring Mirko.

Mirko is a little surprised seeing her kick did literally nothing other than dirty Sukunas kimono a little, but she expected that her kick wouldn't be enough. So she uses Sukuna's arm to propel herself to a backflip and lands about 15 feet away from Sukuna.

Mirko wastes no time and launches herself straight at Sukuna, this time she uses her left leg to kick Sukuna on the right side.

Sukuna watches as Mirko aims her kick to her right ribcage. She just raises her right arm and grabs Mirkos ankle, she doesn't forget to grip Mirkos ankle a little hard until she heard a crack. Mirko grunts from the pain but Sukuna just throws her away to the side of the arena leaving a crater in the wall.

After she was done with Mirko she eyed the other heroes and seeing how they didn't take action she took that as the initiative to do something. Sukuna looks around until she spots a familiar hero, she grins showing her fangs and launches herself at the hero.

Midnight seeing Sukuna come at her remembered her words "Your next". Although she's a bit startled she wasn't unprepared, she starts to release her quirk.

Midnight's quirk is Somnambulist, which allows her to put nearby people to sleep by exuding a sleep-inducing aroma from her body. Although her Quirk worked better on males than females. But that is what she's been training for the past 6 months, to make her quirk stronger against females.

When Sukuna was close to Midnight she sensed a weird aroma which she assumes is Midnight's quirk. It made her a little lightheaded and dizzy, but she's moving so fast so the quirk was easy to shake off. Even if she just stayed still and allowed the quirk to hit her, she could just use curse energy to get rid of the aroma. So Midnight's quirk is essentially useless on Sukuna.

Midnight saw how Sukuna shook out of her quirk like it was nothing, she didn't panic though, she tried to release more towards Sukuna, but Sukuna was just moving too fast.

And in a matter of 3 seconds, Sukuna was directly in front of Midnight, Sukuna could've got in there probably 10x quicker, but that's no fun.

Sukuna raised her right arm and slashed at midnight, severing her left arm from her body.

"AHHH" Midnight screamed out in pain which caught the other heroes attention, it seems they couldn't really process what just happened. But as soon as Midnight screamed, All Might took action.

He launched himself at Sukuna, forming a crater beneath him from the force. He grabbed Midnight and jumped away. He placed her down on the ground away from Sukunas reach.

"Are you okay Midnight" All Might asked the hero.

"Ahh, never better, it hurts like a bitch though." Midnight said with a bitter smile on her face, this was no time for her to try to seek medical help.

All Might looked at Sukuna and asked the question he's been wondering for the past couple of minutes.

"What did you discover that could make you go back on your word" All Might asked as he stared down the demon who started laughing.

"Do you really want to know what I've discovered All Might? Well, I shouldn't say discovered anymore, more like I did discover but now have." Sukuna said, smiling like a psycho.

All Might just waited for her to tell him, and what she told him, he has never heard of something more insane

"I discovered, and now have











The ability to travel to different worlds."


[A/N: BOOM! crazy right!? lol. Anyways there will be a backstory on how Sukuna got this ability, so don't worry it won't be some bs like "I just figured it out somehow", no there's a real reason why she got it. But anyway MHA arc will probably end in like 4-6 chapters or something. I apologize if it's rushed, but MHA is kinda boring soooo yeah. ALSO! I'm sorry if the fight scenes are pretty bad, I don't really know how to write them. Hopefully, they'll get better.]

[I need you guys to answer this. Should Sukuna gather a group of people from different worlds? Hear me out on this, it will be like the Akatsuki kinda, except all of them will be psychos who love to kill and torture people, and they will go around destroying worlds and stuff. Let me know if you would like to see that]

[Also this isn't really important or anything but I'm just wondering should Sukuna cut her hair? Or do you like long hair Sukuna? I'll post a pic of both and tell me what you guys like more]
