Chapter 13: The Goddess of curses

(Pov General)

"W-what did you just say? The ability to travel to different worlds? That's not possible." All Might said to Sukuna.

Sukuna just smirked at All Might's statement "It is indeed possible, after all, I am living proof"

"How did you get that ability?" Midnight asks with a bit of a struggle since she's still in a lot of pain from getting her arm chopped off.

"I forced someone to give me it, All Might you know who this person is, any guesses?" Sukuna says with a little excitement in her voice, she likes the looks that had when she told them about her new ability, despair.

All Might thinks long and hard about if he knows anybody with an ability similar to what Sukuna described until he got it 'I forced someone to give it to me' he remembers what Sukuna said. Someone who has the ability to give abilities.

"All for One" All Might mumbled.

"Indeed, he gave me, actually more like I made him give me that ability." Sukuna started to smile sadistically "He was so pitiful under my foot"

All Might ears perked up on that "Did you kill All for One"

"I didn't just kill him, I tortured him slowly, I made the once strongest villain in the world, break." Sukuna said while still having her sadistic smile.

All Might couldn't believe what he was hearing, All for One is dead. But he didn't die by his own hands.

He didn't know whether to be happy or mad, too much is happening in such a short amount of time, it's overwhelming. Once he calmed himself down he asked Sukuna one more question.

"Did All for One have the ability to travel to different worlds?" All Might's feeling perplexed, he doubts All for One had that ability.

"No, he did not, someone else had it, I found that person, and used All for One to take that person's ability, then transfer it to me." Sukuna doesn't mind answering All Might's questions, she's in quite a good mood so she'll at least answer a question or two.

"Who in the world had a quirk that allowed them to travel different worlds" Midnight said.

"Some teenage kid had it, I saw him about to use it, so I knocked him out, and made All for One transfer it to me." Sukuna said.

"Did you kill the kid" All Might mumbled.

"Hm?" Sukuna heard him he just wants to make these heroes more pissed.

"DID YOU KILL THE KID" All Might yelled furiously at Sukuna.

Sukuna just smirked at All Might's outburst "Of course I killed the kid, I did a lot worse than just give him a simple death, he begged me to kill him when I was done with him."

All Might got even more furious when he heard that, he can usually keep cool in these situations, but Sukuna just has this weird effect on people, to make them lose control of their emotions t times they should keep them in check.

And it doesn't help that Sukuna is practically bragging about how she tortured a kid.

All Might got up furiously and look at Sukuna with a hard glare, he didn't even bother about anything else, he just started charging towards Sukuna.

Sukuna just smirked at All Might's actions, she was trying to get him mad, anger can be a great boost in strength sometimes.

All Might gets in front of Sukuna and starts throwing punches, which SUkuna just blocks casually. It's like they're playing pattycake with each other.

All Might starts to throw some hooks and uppercuts to try to get at least one good hit in on Sukuna.

Sukuna just continues to block casually, until All Might found an opening right where Sukunas heart should be.

All Might doesn't want to miss this opportunity so he immediately uses his strongest attack.

"UNITED STATES OF SMASHHH" All Might yells with all his power, he cocks back his arm and punches towards Sukunas chest.

Sukuna smiled seeing this, she left an opening because she wanted to see how strong All Might's strongest attack is. It looks quite strong, maybe she should coat herself in curse energy to block it? Nah.

Sukuna puts her arms in an X shape in front of her chest, she's not using curse energy to help block this because she wants to see just how strong the strongest human in the world is.

All Might's fist connects with Sukunas arms which creates a loud sonic boom because All Might's punch was very strong.

Sukuna grunts a bit when the fist connects, she was expecting for it to be a little weaker than this, it seems she underestimated All Might.

Sukuna gets knocked back from All Might's punch, she flips through the air until she finds the wall and forms a crater on the wall where she lands, she coughs up a bit of saliva, and a little bit of blood.

But her smirk never left her face, this was exhilarating, All Might actually injured her a little, but even her insides exploded and all her limbs got cut off she could heal herself in no time.

But the fact that All Might actually could make her bleed was quite the feat.

Hawks who was watching this all go down was a bit surprised when All Might had an outburst and charged at Sukuna.

He could see Sukuna smirk as if she achieved something. When Sukuna got flung away, hawks was keenly watching, when Sukuna got stuck in the wall and the heroes let their guards down a bit, he knew it wasn't over, he took this chance to finish of Sukuna.

He used his fast speed to fly up in the air and then launch down towards Sukuna, right when he saw Sukuna when the dust settled he got his wings ready.

He grabbed his feathers and used them as swords, he was gonna charge right at Sukuna full speed into the wall while trying to pierce her.

He knows he will probably get injured from charging full speed plus a little extra because of the speed he picked up from flying downwards, but he's willing to risk his life for this world.

While Hawks was charging towards Sukuna, the other heroes took that as their cue to help him make sure Sukuna stays down.

All of the heroes except All Might, and Midnight charged at Sukuna, they were all going to use their strongest attack on Sukuna.

They've all worked with each other before so they have pretty good chemistry, so they know what each other are thinking.

What they didn't realize though was Sukunas cold smirk that you could see when the dust settled.

Sukuna stood up in the crate she created with her body in the wall. She was waiting for this, a couple of feet, they just need to come a little closer.

She wanted to use these heroes for her own entertainment, she wants a good battle, and she knows these heroes can't give it to her, it's like if an MMA fighter fought a bunch of newborn infants.

All they'll do is annoy you, there is no real challenge while fighting these heroes. SO she will get rid of them quickly because they are not needed.

She'll save All Might and Midnight because she wants to keep their bodies intact when she displays them for the world to see.

Sukuna lets a deep chuckle from her, she might be a bit rusty, she hasn't done this in a while.

Ahhh who is she kidding, she is Sukuna the kin- no the Goddess of curses.

[A/N: I kinda just came up with that name on the spot, if you guys don't like it I'll change it just LMK what you guys would like her title to be.]

Sukunas puts her hands together and mutters under her breath, but with her voice carried power, so all the heroes heard it.

"Domain expansion, Malevolent Shrine" A Buddhist shrine decorated with skulls appeared in view behind Sukuna.


Hawks was about to pierce Sukuna with his feather swords until he heard under Sukunas breath "Domain expansion, Malevolent Shrine" he doesn't know what she was doing but he's had a bad feeling ever since he saw Sukuna smirk.

Now he realized what was happening, she was finally using a part of her power.

Hawks tried to get the heroes to stop by shouting at them to turn back, he now realized Sukuna was acting hurt to get the heroes in range, in range for something that can wipe them all out.

But as soon as the heroes heard him and were about to turn back, they all saw a shrine appear behind Sukuna.

The last thing they saw was Sukunas's sadistic smile.

Then they were all sliced.


All Might watched as Sukuna used a weird technique, he was confused at first, but then he saw a giant shrine appear, he had a very bad feeling about that, he was about to go help but then he heard Hawks shouting at them to leave.

It seemed like time froze around him, All Might looked at Sukuna, and watched how her once concentrated face, became a sadistic grin.

Then all the heroes got slice by some invisible force. All Might couldn't believe it, they lost just like that.

Sukuna really was toying with them.

The world really is going to end.


[A/N: Yo I hope you like this chapter. The fights are pretty bad I know, well because Sukuna is way stronger than all of them, there really is no fight tbh. If you thinking I'm rushing this arc well I guess I am, but also not, because Sukuna could easily kill all of them if anything I'm stretching it out a bit. MHA is kinda boring to write because there's nothing for Sukuna to do, hopefully, the next arc will be better, plus Sukuna will pick up esdeath. So there's probably gonna be 2 more chapters of MHA at most.]

[If you're wondering why I didn't show the fight between, all for one and Sukuna, it's because I don't feel like writing a crippled villain fight against Sukuna, it's just making the story longer for no reason. Also, the way Sukuna got the ability is from a reincarnated person, if you didn't pick that up, I just made an excuse for Sukuna to get it]

[Also, you guys don't really like the idea of Sukuna getting a group of psychos together, so I won't do it, but some of you like the idea of Sukuna getting a couple of people to follow him on his journey, so who should Sukuna pick up?]

[Also I don't know if I'll have Sukuna destroy the MHA world, I'll probably have her just kill the top ten heroes, but she'll destroy other worlds.}

[What worlds would you like to see Sukuna go to and destroy?]

[If you have any questions I'll try to answer them.]
