Chapter 1: The System

The grass was tainted with blood, and the moonlight shone down on the land. A boy no older than 16 ran, his right arm cut off and a deep 'X' shaped wound on his back. His face was covered in tears. He stumbled and fell as he was surrounded by 5 men. They were all wearing full black with a dark purple flame symbol on their left shoulder. They were all armed with swords at their waists. The one in front of him looked down upon him with an arrogant look. He unsheathed his blade so quickly it was almost invisible to the human eye, and put it up to the boy's neck.

He asked in an arrogant tone, "Any last words, Sei?" as he slowly pressed his blade into the boy's neck. Sei, the boy, coughed up blood as he used his last bit of energy to flip the man off. The man now was so pissed that a vein in his forehead was visible.

As Sei resigned himself to death, he drew back his sword. Time suddenly seemed to slow down, but his body did not move faster. Suddenly, he heard a strange voice inside his head.

_The what?_ Sei thought as he heard a weird voice in his head.

_Wait. What's going to happen to me then?_ He asked as he listened to the system.

_Oh yeah, that makes sense. -Wait, what?! No! This is my body. You can't take it. You can't!_ He yelled, trying to stop the system, but he couldn't do anything but yell.

_No you can't, it's mine. It's my body. You can't possess it, it's mine. Please don't._ He pleaded one last time before finally stopping.

Time began moving as normal, and Sei was suddenly behind the man who was originally in front of him. He dug his fingers into that man's neck and ripped out a chunk of his neck. He raised his hand above his mouth and drank the blood dripping from his hand. He had a devilish grin.

He ripped off the arm of the man and placed it next to where his arm originally was. Demonic energy surged as blood began flowing out of both his nub and the arm he held in his hand. The blood began floating around them, and then the blood wrapped around his nub and arm.

He began by slaughtering all the men who had tried to kill him. He grinned as he looked at the corpses. As he basked in the glory of the corpses, a holographic game-like window appeared in front of him.


576 Years Later

_How long has it been? I hate this fucking system._

_Ha...ha. Mother fucker! Return my body, you mother fucker! Give it back, you fucker!_

Sei was 7'4 and had a monstrous build. He was wearing a pair of trousers and a bear's hide around his shoulders.

As Sei got up from his meditative position, he released an exorbitant amount of Demonic Qi. Multiple people suddenly surrounded him as he grinned devilishly. Everyone who had surrounded him had almost shat themselves out of fright.

"This- this fucking monster has already reached the Fifth Title Realm!" One of the men who had surrounded Sei said.

His eyes shone red as he licked his lips. Then one of the men who had surrounded him.

But before he could get within 10 metres of Sei, a massive shockwave reverberated through the area. A 20-inch diameter hole appeared in his chest, and Sei's hand was covered in blood. He licked the blood off his hand.

"A bit bitter for my taste," he said, with an eerie grin.

His eyes shone a deep crimson as his murderous intent began to materialise. His iris began turning black and his pupils turned crimson.

But then suddenly, he stabbed himself. He coughed up blood as he looked down at the hole in his chest.

"How- how did this hap-" His eyes started to dilute as he slowly lost consciousness.

_Me. That's how it happened. I spent over 500 years cultivating myself and surpassed you around 50 years ago. While you were eating cultivation pills and wasting away my body, I used my raw will to raise my cultivation._ He said in a menacing voice as he began spinning his qi core while quickly chanting. As Sei was doing this, the system knew exactly what he was doing.

However, at this point, the thing possessing his body was no longer the system. It was something else entirely, no longer acting solely for the host's benefit.


580 Years Ago

Sei, 14, was walking in the forest collecting firewood. Then suddenly, he heard a ding sound in his head and a holographic game-like window appeared in front of him. Sei was freaked out at first, but then he looked at the message. When he first looked at the system, he thought he was delusional, but then he looked a second time.

Sei screamed at the top of his lungs as memories flooded into his brain. He rolled around on the ground as he was in immense pain.

After a long three hours, he stopped screaming. He then sat up, and grinned.


Name: Sei Zaghara

Title: Biggest Coward

Race: Human

Age: 14

Height: 5'1

Weight: 40kg

HP: 10/10

STA: 10/10

Cultivation: Mortal

Level: 0

Experience: 100/1000


STR: 1(-4)

DEX: 1(-4)

END: 1(-4)

AGI: 1(-4)

INT: 1(-4)

MND: 1(-4)

LUK: -4(-4) (LOCK)

Unassigned Point: 0



Recover 1 STA every 30 minutes.


5% chance of being pitied.

Heavenly Demon Lord's Fist Art-

Comprised of 10,000 different punches and stances.

Weak bones-

10% extra damage is done to the host.

Cultivation Techniques:

Heavenly Demon Lord's Mind Cultivation-

immunity to all abnormal mental status conditions.

Heavenly Demon Lord's Body Cultivation-

Damage to the host does -60% damage.

Speed increased by 100%.

Damage increased by 120%.

Agility improved by 50%.

Full immunity to all poisons.

Heavenly Demon Lord's Soul Cultivation-

Immunity to all direct soul attacks.

Cultivation speed increase by 5%.

Vampiric Blood Drinking Body Cultivation Art-

By drinking the blood of others, you can strengthen your body.
