Chapter 2: Power of The System

As Sei sat there on the ground, he had an eerie grin from ear to ear. As he got up, it transformed into maniacal laughter. The expression he wore on his face was vile and repulsive.

After a while of laughing, Sei stopped. He looked at the window and then closed it. He gathered the firewood he had gathered before. He placed them in an octagonal formation and sat in the middle.

He sat in the middle of them, cross-legged, with the back of his hands on his knees. He began mumbling something in a low voice, after which he grinned.

"I have around 2 years before the Zehri Clan tries to wipe out my clan, I should head to the mountains and cultivate there. But before that, I need some stuff. Okay, then let's go," he cursed to himself.

Afterwards, he continued walking before finally ending up in front of a giant gate with bold writing on the top, 'Zaghara Clan' it had 2 guards near the entrance. As he walked to the gate, they looked down on him, Sei glared at them as he walked by.

He walked to his room, all the while getting smug looks from everyone. As he sat down in his room, a girl came into his room. He raised an eyebrow, then suddenly remembered.

"Brother, how are-" the girl started speaking before getting interrupted.

"Get the fuck out. You whore. Now!" Sei said as he started remembering his 'sweet' younger sister.

Before the using Time Reversal Technique and before he had the system, she was the one who spread all the rumours about him. She glared at him with murderous intent.

"What the fuck did you just say?!You fucking failure! And you're still the heir to our clan, but you can't do a single fucking thing right! Don't you say anything like that-" Suddenly, she dropped to the floor.

A giant hole suddenly appeared in her chest. Sei grinned as he licked the blood off his hand.

<+1 END, +1 AGI, +1 STR, +1 DEX.>

"Now I understand why 'it' liked blood so much. Well, goodnight, little sister. Before I leave, I'm going to leave a little message for my family." He said as he began writing in blood on his room's wall.


After a few hours, a maid came into Sei's room while searching for his sister. Normally she wouldn't even get within 10 metres of his room, as she would genuinely do anything rather than go near his room. As she opened the fusumas in his room, she screamed at what she saw.

Sei's sister had a hole in her chest, and she was hanging from the ceiling by her large intestine wrapped around her throat. There was a message written in blood, spelling out 'Heavenly Demon Mountain'. Guards ran into his room as they heard the screaming. Some even threw up the moment they saw Sei's sister.


While everyone from Sei's clan was freaking out. Sei was walking up Heavenly Demon Mountain. While he was walking, he could very clearly feel that some people were tailing him.

He stopped walking and placed his hand on a tree and began trying to sense where the people tailing him were. He then ran to the nearest person and ripped off his head, then drank his blood.

Hours Later

Sei was standing surrounded by corpses; he was completely drenched in blood. He licked his lips as he collected all their valuables.

<+11 END, +11 AGI, +11 STR, +11 DEX.>

Afterwards, he continued walking up Heavenly Demon Mountain. While he was walking, he put all his unassigned stat points into INT. While he was walking, he yet again sensed more people.

However, this time they weren't following him. Instead, they were just standing there, so Sei just assumed that they were just some random people that were travelling. But he did need to get some money as well as another thing, so he started walking towards them. As he walked towards them, he started to smell blood and hear yells.

"Please, anyone, save him! Please help! He's dying! Please!" A young woman yelled as she held an elderly man in her hands.

Sei looked at them, chuckling a little bit, before walking towards them. At first, she was hesitant, but she wasn't capable of stopping him.

First, he had a taste of his blood, then suddenly he felt a surge of power through his veins. He looked at the system window. He grinned eerily. He then proceeded to use his 'Blood Controlling Arts' to heal the old man. He then stabbed both of them at their vital points. As the girl was dying, she started crying.

"Why- Why did you-" she said as she cried before getting interrupted.

"Shh shhh shhh. I'll tell you why. You've served your purpose," he whispered into her ear.

He stood up as he chuckled before taking their valuables. He then started to walk away.

"It should take around 2 more days until I get there." He said as he looked at the system window.

<+60 END, +60 AGI, +60 STR, +60 DEX.>


Name: Sei Zaghara

Title: None

Race: Human

Age: 14

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 48 kg

HP: 20/39

STA: 5/39

Cultivation: Mortal

Level: 5

Experience: 3200/6000


STR: 77

DEX: 77

END: 77

AGI: 77

INT: 10

MND: 5


Unassigned Point: 25


Vampiric Saturation-

No longer needing to eat, the host can stay full on just drinking blood.

The host can also regain HP and STA by drinking blood.


Regain 1 STA per 30 minutes.


5% chance to get pitied.

Vampiric Blood Rage-

Increases all stats by 100% for 10 minutes for the price of a blood relative's soul.

Weak bones-

10% extra damage is done to the host.

Blood Controlling Arts-

Gives the host the ability to control blood.

Cultivation Techniques:

Heavenly Demon Lord's Mind Cultivation-

Immunity to all abnormal mental status conditions.

Heavenly Demon Lord's Body Cultivation-

Damage to the host does -60% damage.

Speed increased by 100%.

Damage increased by 120%.

Agility increased by 50%.

Full immunity to all poisons.

Heavenly Demon Lord's Soul Cultivation-

Immunity to all direct soul attacks.

Cultivation speed increase by 5%.

Heavenly Demon Lord's Fist Art-

It increases cultivation, dantian energy, meridians, qi core, and physical strength.

The strongest fist art known to man.

Vampiric Blood Drinking Body Cultivation Art-

By drinking the blood of others, you can strengthen your body.

However, side effects include insanity, an intense craving for blood, and an excessive amount of demon qi.
