Chapter 3: Slaughter

<+60 END, +60 AGI, +60 STR, +60 DEX>

Sei smirked as he assigned all his stat points into INT. He continued to walk while he was thinking to himself.

_It should be around here-_ He immediately stopped his train of thought as he stumbled across a village surrounded by a giant wooden fence made with shaved tree trunks.

As he walked closer, he saw some guards in front of the village gate. Before moving towards the guards, he switched off all system notifications. He then walked towards the guards, covered in blood.

"Hey! You, what are you doing here! No outsiders allowed-" said one of the guards in front of the gate.

before getting his head twisted off. The other guard was shocked at first but then stabilised, trying to thrust his spear at Sei.

However, instead of dodging or blocking, he strangely twisted his torso to spin in mid-air, then landed next to the man. He then thrust his hand into the man's chest. He then licked his hands and broke down the gate to the village.

"It's grinding time," Sei said as he walked around the village, slowly killing everyone one by one.

He started by killing one person in an alleyway and killing everyone he came across. He was licking the blood off his hand in a rhythmic manner.Replenishing his HP and STA while gaining STR, DEX, END and AGI.

4 Days Later

After a while, Sei killed all the people in the village. He collected all the bodies and stacked them all on top of each other. He then began absorbing all the blood and negative energy into his body. He began, mumbling while absorbing the energy.

After 5 hours, Sei started secreting a black fluid. As he finished cultivating, he turned on his system notifications.

<+145 END, +145 AGI, +145 STR, +145 DEX.>

As Sei continued to walk, he put all his stat points into INT.

_Now, if I remember correctly, there should be a village and a town around here. And if it still hasn't been wiped out, there might be a goblin or ogre nest around here._ Sei thought to himself before stumbling across another village. This village had a brick wall surrounding it and was nearly 3 times the size of the last one.

Sei licked his lips as he prepared for the hunt. But before that, he turned off the system notifications. He began by sealing off all the exits and then killing all the guards.

After which, he spent countless nights killing at least 25 people each night.

11 Days Later

Sei once again sat atop a mountain of corpses, meditating and absorbing all the negative energy and blood into his own body. After a while, his body was covered by a skin-tight blood cocoon.

After 12 hours, the blood blasted off of him. As he got out of the blood cocoon, he was completely naked, drenched in blood, 2 inches taller and with more defined muscles.

_It should be 14 miles away from here._ He put on some black, saggy trousers. Before he left, he drank the blood of every single person.

When he was finished, he began running at full speed (80 mph) to the town. After a bit of running, when he had arrived in the town, he licked his lips at the thought of killing all the people.

_After raising my INT and MND to 100, I should be able to use that._ Sei thought as he stretched, then looked around before sensing something strange. He shrugged it off as he thought nothing of it.

32 Days Later

Sei had finished slaughtering the town, feeling endlessly happy.

_Wait, what was-_ Before Sei finished his train of thought, he was hit in the face, being sent flying around 11–13 meters.

"Who the fuck did that?!" Sei shouted, enraged by being hit.

He looked around before being sent flying again.

"God fucking damn it! Who the fuck did that?!" Sei yelled again, even angrier than before.

He looked around again before the first thing that appeared next to his face. He grinned as he caught the arm with his fist and slammed the culprit into the ground.

Sei backed away, getting them into a stance before the man stood up, tears running down his face like a waterfall.

"How dare you kill my daughter, you motherfucking demon!" The man charged at Sei again with a suffocating amount of murderous intent.

Sei stared at him before saying, "4th rank of the Qi Gathering stage. This might be an actual challenge. " He said that he dodged the man's punch just for a split second before counter-attacking him with a punch of his own.

The man was sent flying, crashing into a building. As he got out from under the rubble, he spat out some blood and charged at Sei again. He slammed his foot down upon Sei.

However, this time it connected, sending Sei flying. As Sei slowly got up, the man unleashed a barrage of punches on Sei. Sei struggled to retaliate, or so it seemed. However, he was waiting for the perfect chance to strike.

After waiting for 50 seconds, Sei found the perfect opportunity to counter-attack. And when he found it, he used it, punching the man in the gut, propelling him into a building. As he lay there, he coughed up blood.

As Sei looked at the message, he spat blood and slowly walked towards the man, his arms completely battered. He towered above him and finally killed him.

When Sei pierced his skin and drank his blood, he had an expression like that of a man who had taken a bite of a lemon.

"That's some disgusting blood."

Sei sat down, turning on his system notifications. He was instantly bombarded by a ton of notifications. His grin said it all.