Chapter 4: Metamorphosis

<+912 END, +912 AGI, +912 STR, +912 DEX>

As Sei looked at the notifications, he grinned.

_I'm lucky that guy wasn't at the 9th rank of the Qi Gather stage. Or else I might not have survived._ Before the metamorphosis, he raised his INT stat to 100 and his MND stat to 40. A few minutes later, the blood of all the people in the town wrapped around him like a cocoon. And thus the metamorphosis began.


"My liege, another village on Heavenly Demon Mountain has been completely wiped out. Not only that, but we have also found what appears to be a giant blood ball. We believe that whatever has caused all the recent slaughter is inside of it." A young man covered in light armour reported to his lord.

"Have 10 Core Making cultivators guard it and 30 Qi Gathering cultivators to support them. Make sure you kill the thing that comes out. Take the Yin-Yang brothers if you need to. We have to make sure that there will be no problems when we exterminate the Zaghara clan. No matter the price." said an old man, with a purple flame emblem on his clothes, sitting on a throne.

"Yes, my liege," the man replied before leaving to gather the men for the job.


2 Weeks Later

In the middle of the night, in the centre of a bloodied and destroyed town. There was a giant, pulsating ball of blood. The blood inside the ball started to expand, yet the layer of film holding it together was not. As it continued to grow in size, it finally exploded.

Blood splattered everywhere, and in the middle of it all was a man, 5'8" with a muscular build and long black hair. He was completely drenched in blood, and, of course, this man was Sei.

<'Weak bones' have transformed into 'Strong bones'.>

"Wow, looks like someone has gathered me a welcoming committee. Well, let's be good guests and say hi. However, this might be a little hard as I still cannot use Qi, but I reckon it'll be fine. " Sei said to himself before bending his back at 90° to dodge a spear strike.

He then used his 'Body Modification Arts', to harden his hand and extend his nails, sharpening them. He ripped out the man's heart, after which he licked it clean of blood when he was about to eat it. Another man ran at Sei, attempting to punch him. Sei glared at him before he kicked him 20 metres away.

"How dare you kill him! You, fucking monster! He was my friend! " As the man finished his sentence, he slammed his heel into the ground, leaving behind a crater.

However, Sei had already disappeared and reappeared beside him. Sei grabbed the man by his face and slammed him to the ground. Sei raised him into the air, digging his fingers into the man's face.

"Didn't your mother teach you not to interrupt someone while they're enjoying their meal? But that won't matter any more because you are about to die. Slowly." Sei said as his pupils contracted and he grinned from ear to ear.

Sei pulled off the man's face and left him there to bleed to death. Sei started walking again, stuffing the entire heart into his mouth. He had an expression of pure joy on his face before two people suddenly attacked Sei at the same time.

Sei took the hits directly, getting completely battered. Or so it seemed. Although it looked like Sei was being used like a ragdoll, he was taking no damage. He gathered a lot of Negative Energy and shot it out, propelling them backwards. He looked at the 2 in front of him, scowling, before looking closer.

_Aren't those two... the Yin-Yang brothers? I'm absolutely fucked if I stay here! I have to go! _Sei pretended to go on and rush them, but he actually moved past them and ran like hell (180mph). Not looking back for even a second. He knew that he was no match for them now. If it was just one of them, he could definitely win, but the two of them could create devastating damage with their combo attacks.


Name: Sei Zaghara

Title: Cold Blooded (+10% damage done when the host has the intent to kill.)

Race: Human 7/8 Demon 1/8

Age: 14

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 60 kg

HP: 600/600

STA: 600/600

NE: 3000/3000

Cultivation: 9th Rank Impurity Expulsion

Level: 21

Experience: 21280/22000


STR: 999 (MAX)

DEX: 999 (MAX)

END: 999 (MAX)

AGI: 999 (MAX)

INT: 100

MND: 40


Unassigned Point: 0


Vampiric Saturation-

No longer needing to eat, the host can stay full on just drinking blood.

The host can also regain HP and STA by drinking blood.


Regain 1 STA per 30 minutes.


5% chance to get pitied.

Vampiric Blood Rage-

Increases all stats by 100% for 10 minutes for the price of a blood relative's soul.

Strong bones-

10% less damage is done to the host.

Strong muscles-

10% less damage is done to the host.

Blood Controlling Arts-

Gives the host the ability to control blood.

Cultivation Techniques:

Heavenly Demon Lord's Mind Cultivation-

Immunity to all abnormal mental status conditions.

Heavenly Demon Lord's Body Cultivation-

Damage to the host does -60% damage.

Speed increased by 100%.

Damage increased by 120%.

Agility increased by 50%.

Full immunity to all poisons.

Heavenly Demon Lord's Soul Cultivation-

Immunity to all direct soul attacks.

Cultivation speed increase by 5%.

Heavenly Demon Lord's Fist Art-

It increases cultivation, dantian energy, meridians, qi core, and physical strength.

The strongest fist art known to man.

Vampiric Blood Drinking Body Cultivation Art-

By drinking the blood of others, you can strengthen your body.

However, side effects include insanity, an intense craving for blood, and an excessive amount of demon qi.
