Chapter 5: Monster Hunting

As Sei was running like hell, he stretched out his arm and used a tree as a pole, swung around and slammed one of the brothers to the ground. After that, he jumped 15 metres into the air and channelled all the negative energy into his hand. He quickly plummeted to the ground and slammed his fist into the ground, leaving behind a giant crater.

While doing so, he repelled the negative energy from his fist, pushing back the other brother. He quickly ran away, losing the brothers. He sighed a breath of relief, after which he immediately put the stat points into MND.

Sei then looked around and realised where he was.

_The ogre and goblin nests are around here, around 3 kilometres from here. Wait, if it's the year 203 on the imperial calendar. That means... 'he' will be there, Sei reasoned, as a creepy smile appeared on his face. He began running towards the nest instantly.

After a short while of jumping from tree to tree, he reached a village that housed around 600 goblins and 20 ogres. Each goblin stood at around 1 meter, while the ogres were around 4 metres tall. And while goblins are very short, they have the strength of an adult man. However, in the face of any regular cultivator, they were simply a pest. The only thing they had was the fact that they reproduced at an unnormal rate. This usually meant that if a goblin nest was found, they would have to be exterminated immediately.

In the middle of the village, there was a hole that led to a cave. Many goblins went in and out of the cave like ants. As Sei looked around, he smelt a smell he could never forget.

_He's here!_ His eyes bulged as he grinned. He shot out of the tree like a cannonball. He smashed into the ground, crushing 3 goblins. He looked around, then looked at the blood on his clothes.

"Damn, goblin blood cannot be washed away, not in any way. Not even the system knows how to. This really pisses me off." Sei said as he looked at an ogre.


The ogre slammed its club into the ground trying to squash Sei.

Sei had maxed out his stats for his current cultivation, but this does not mean that the stat points were worthless. He was currently on par with anyone who couldn't use Qi or used it astoundingly poorly.

He had dodged the club strike before it even got within a metre of him. He used that time to jump up and kick the head off the ogre. He continued mercilessly slaughtering the goblins and ogres for a while.

3 Hours Later

The village was covered in countless corpses of goblins and ogres. And it was the cave, the main nest of them. Sei was currently deep in the cave, crushing the head of the queen goblin. Sei looked pleased with himself when the robotic voice of the system sounded in his head as a window opened.

Sei was covered in blue blood. He took in a waft of air and looked around. He continued meandering through the cave until he found a giant boulder that was obviously sealing off a part of the cave. He punched the boulder completely destroying it.

It was pitch black inside, but Sei could clearly see that he grinned at what he saw.

There was a child, probably around the age of 7. He had jet black hair and yellowy-orange eyes and had impeccable muscle definition. He was wearing a torn-up black rag. He was also wearing some more rags wrapped around his waist to cover up his cleavage. Sei stared at Sei with a face of indifference, and as he did, Sein used his 'Inspect' skill.



Name: None

Title: Beast Master (Can absorb an infinite number of magical beast's 'Stars')

Race: Human

Age: 7

Height: 4'5

Weight: 25 kg

'Stars': 30/∞

Cultivation: Mortal


As Sei looked at the information before him, he had a sense of total euphoria.

He finally met him, 'The Beast Master'. In Sei's previous life, he was widely known as one of the strongest men because of his special ability. Sei always thought that if he succeeded in reversing time, he'd make 'The Beast Master' his ally. He came here not only to get EXP but also to recuse the kid.

As he looked at him, he walked up to him. The kid sat there not caring at all until Sei pressed his thumb onto his forehead and imprinted the location of a dragon, the 'Vampiric Blood Drinking Body Cultivation Art' as well as a fist style. He himself could not use the 'Dragonic Emperor Fist Style'. The latter was a fist style that his possessor found in an ancient dragonkin empire. He couldn't use it as he was not fond of using 'Stars' to strengthen himself.

"Boy, your name will now be Reith. Use the knowledge I imprinted on you and become strong. When you absorb that dragon's 'Stars' only then will we meet again. But before that, absorb all these goblin and ogre 'Stars'. I hope you become strong enough to one day utilise the 'Dragonic Emperor Fist Style'. Become strong, Reith. " As Sei said this, he walked out of the cave, then he started walking to the top of the 'Heavenly Demon Mountain'.

_As I remember, there are no more towns or villages on the 'Heavenly Demon Mountain' only nests of mountain wolves. So I can reach the top in about 2-3 months._ His eyes glimmered as he started thinking about the top of the 'Heavenly Demon Mountain'.


Name: Sei Zaghara

Title: Cold Blooded (+10% damage done when the host has the intent to kill.)

Goblin Slayer (+10℅ damage done to goblins.)

Race: Human 7/8 Demon 1/8

Age: 15

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 60 kg

HP: 600/600

STA: 600/600

NE: 2500/3000

Cultivation: 9th Rank Impurity Expulsion

Level: 22

Experience: 15310/23000


STR: 999 (MAX)

DEX: 999 (MAX)

END: 999 (MAX)

AGI: 999 (MAX)

INT: 100

MND: 45


Unassigned Point: 0



The host can gain knowledge of anything or anyone simply by requesting the system to analyse the thing or person.

Vampiric Saturation-

No longer needing to eat, the host can stay full on just drinking blood.

The host can also regain HP and STA by drinking blood.


Regain 1 STA per 30 minutes.


5% chance to get pitied.

Vampiric Blood Rage-

Increases all stats by 100% for 10 minutes for the price of a blood relative's soul.

Strong bones-

10% less damage is done to the host.

Strong muscles-

10% less damage is done to the host.

Blood Controlling Arts-

Gives the host the ability to control blood.

Cultivation Techniques:

Heavenly Demon Lord's Mind Cultivation-

Immunity to all abnormal mental status conditions.

Heavenly Demon Lord's Body Cultivation-

Damage to the host does -60% damage.

Speed increased by 100%.

Damage increased by 120%.

Agility increased by 50%.

Full immunity to all poisons.

Heavenly Demon Lord's Soul Cultivation-

Immunity to all direct soul attacks.

Cultivation speed increase by 5%.

Heavenly Demon Lord's Fist Art-

It increases cultivation, dantian energy, meridians, qi core, and physical strength.

The strongest fist art known to man.

Vampiric Blood Drinking Body Cultivation Art-

By drinking the blood of others, you can strengthen your body.

However, side effects include insanity, an intense craving for blood, and an excessive amount of demon qi.
