Chapter 6: Meanwhile

While Sei was walking up the 'Heavenly Demon Mountain' the Zaghara Clan was in total panic. They had just lost the 2nd daughter of the patriarch who was meant to marry the 3rd young master of the Zehri Clan.

The only reason they had even become such a powerful family was because of this arrangement. However, now that she had died, they were on the verge of destruction. The only way they could atone for this was by giving the Zehri Clan the culprit.

Unfortunately, the only lead they had was the message left by the murderer, 'Heavenly Demon Mountain'. Not only that, but her corpse was found in the 1st young master's room. At first, they thought he might have done it. However, they knew he was too weak to do such a thing. A while after the death of the patriarch's second daughter, they had reports of a few villages and towns being completely wiped out.

And recently, they found that the person behind this had wiped out many monster nests around the 'Heavenly Demon Mountain'. So naturally, they believed that the murderer was this person.

"My lord, we have sent 5 Qi Gathering cultivators as well as 15 Dantian Creation cultivators to capture the culprit." The man who spoke, while kneeling, looked around middle-aged and had a scar starting from his forehead to his chin. He was wearing heavy chainmail armour with a sword by his side.

"Good. Just make sure he's alive by the time he gets back. We need to give him to the patriarch of the Zehri Clan so that we can survive. On another note, has anyone found Sei or his corpse?"asked the patriarch of the Zaghara Clan. He was sitting on a well-designed chair that had wooden carved dragons on the armrests.

"I am afraid of my liege. No one has seen him ever since he went into his room on the day of the incident. We believe that the culprit has kidnapped or killed him." Replied the kneeling man.

The patriarch raised his hand, dismissing him. He was in deep thought as to why someone would try to kidnap Sei, of all people.


The patriarch of the Zehri Clan was sitting upon a throne while looking down upon his subordinates.

"My lord, the man in the town of Ishta has escaped. He had killed 2 of the Qi Gathering cultivators. However, when faced with the Ying-Yang brothers, he instantly fled. It appears that the man is aware of them, furthermore, the brothers have reported that he doesn't use qi but rather negative energy. This most likely means that he is not in the Qi Gathering realm and is a demonic cultivator. His power seems to derive from the loving creatures he kills. Finally, while scouts were surveying the 'Heavenly Demon Mountain' they had found an ogre and goblin nest that had been wiped out, as well as several mountain wolf packs killed." announced a slim but tall scholar. He was wearing very baggy clothes.

"Understood, continue searching the mountain for him. How are preparations to extinguish the Zaghara Clan going? Are they proceeding as planned?" asked the patriarch as he sent away the scholar.

He looked down upon the general, expecting good news.

"Yes, my lord. The preparations will be finished in around 1 year and 4 months." replied the general.

The patriarch smirked as he heard the news. He sent away the general while drinking some tea.


Out in the middle of the woods was a small boy, around a metre tall, with unkempt hair and completely covered in blood. He was currently absorbing 'Stars' from a 4 armed giant mantis. It had 30 stars, just like Ogres, except it was just a bit weaker. He was surrounded by the corpses of 30 of these mantises. This boy was, of course, Reith. His current stats were as follows.


Name: Reith

Title: Beast Master (Can absorb an infinite number of magical beast 'Stars')

Race: Human

Age: 7

Height: 4'5"

Weight: 25 kg

HP: 250/250

STA: 250/250

'Stars': 21,860/∞

Cultivation: Mortal Ranked


As he finished absorbing the 'Stars' he continued walking. He was trying to do what he always wanted: become the strongest. Although Sei had told him to, he would have tried regardless. And although he had so many 'Stars' absorbed, it didn't matter much as most of them had been goblin 'Stars'.

When he had the 'Vampiric Blood Drinking Body Cultivation Art' imprinted on his mind, he made sure to only use it on the strongest. Because when it was imprinted on him, he had also learned of the pros and cons. He did not want to develop a taste for blood. His eyes glistened when he saw more magical beasts. He was about to go on another rampage.

While weak beasts 'Stars' don't do much absorbing more 'Stars' did still strengthen him. Normally, people would have a hard time deciding whether to absorb the magical beast's 'Stars' or not, as regular humans have a limit. If a human without the special ability that Reith had, were to try and absorb more 'Stars' than their body could handle, they would turn into an abomination. They would turn into a mixture of all the magical beasts' 'Stars' they had absorbed.


As Reith continued slaughtering more magical beasts, both the Zehri and the Zaghara Clan were searching for Sei. Although they had a rough idea of where he was, the 'Heavenly Demon Mountain' was large, very large.

They would have to spend 6 months covering the entirety of the mountain to find him. That is to say, if he stood still for the entire time. They were both desperate to catch him, so they sent many people to find him. However, they never heard from them again.

Only one had ever returned from the Zehri Clan. An assassin type cultivator had returned beaten to a pulp. He was so incredibly injured, in fact, that he was killed so that he wouldn't suffer anymore. The only information they got from him before he died was the fact that the man was the devil's reincarnation.