Chapter 10: The 2nd Demonic King

He stared at the magnificent entrance for a while, admiring its beauty. After he did so, he started to release his Demon Qi. He had done this to make his presence known. It didn't take long before the gate started to be pulled up, allowing him entry.

When he got past the gates, he came upon an incredible view. Houses upon houses, clean roads, and thousands of people. There were families, young, old, middle-aged, there were millions, maybe billions, of people there. It probably spanned the entirety of the kingdom it was above.

An entire city was built below another and, unlike some might think, none of these houses lacked anything. They were all solidly built, which made it look like a paradise under Terra. The whole of the settlement was built upon a huge mound, or well, something that looked like it.

On top of the mound was a massive castle. There was a type of hierarchy in the housing, as the further one went up, the better the houses got. However, that did not mean that the houses at the bottom were horrible. In fact, they were so pristine that the nobles of some countries would live in them.

As soon as Sei had gotten past the gate, he was surrounded by 5 Dantian Rebuilding cultivators. While they didn't show any intent of harming or killing Sei, he was still on edge. After all, one should know that no one is trustworthy in the world of martial arts.

As he looked around him, he noted their clothing. They all wore plain white masks, only with holes for them to see. They all wore thick steel bracers on both their shins and their forearms. All of them had incredibly thick metal collars on their necks. Some of them wore just very worn out beige coloured shorts, and only 2 of them had shirts, and the one in front of him had trousers and a shirt. None of them wore shoes, and all had calluses on their feet and hands.

Before Sei tried to outrun people who could threaten his entire existence, he decided to check his status.


Name: Sei Zaghara

Title: Cold Blooded (+10% damage done when the host has the intent to kill.)

Goblin Slayer (+10℅ damage done to goblins.)

Murder (+10% damage done to humans.)

Wolf Hunter (+10% damage done to wolf-type monsters.)

Race: Human 7/8 Demon 1/8

Age: 16

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 71 kg

HP: 1175/1175

STA: 22/1175

NE: 40000/40000

QI: 39855/40000

Cultivation: 8th Rank Core Making (LOCK)

Level: 44

Experience: 17310/45000


Just as he had thought, his stamina had not been refilled enough to start running. So he decided against trying to run from the cultivators. But what he did decide to do was to check their statuses.



Name: No. 632

Title: None

Race: Human

Age: 42

Height: 5'10

Weight: 74 kg

Cultivation: 7th Rank Dantian Rebuilding



Name: No. 633

Title: None

Race: Human

Age: 29

Height: 5'11

Weight: 75 kg

Cultivation: 7th Rank Dantian Rebuilding



Name: No. 634

Title: None

Race: Human

Age: 30

Height: 5'10

Weight: 75 kg

Cultivation: 5th Rank Dantian Rebuilding



Name: No. 635

Title: None

Race: Human

Age: 31

Height: 6'1

Weight: 75 kg

Cultivation: 3rd Rank Dantian Rebuilding



Name: No. 636

Title: None

Race: Human

Age: 54

Height: 5'9

Weight: 75 kg

Cultivation: 1st Rank Dantian Rebuilding


As he looked at the panels in front of him, telling him their information, he noticed that No.632 had gestured for Sei to follow him. So, as Sei had no shot of running away, he began following them to the castle at the top of the mound.

4 Hours Later

Even though he no longer had the stamina to run at full speed, they had to walk quite slowly, but still quite fast. As Sei continued walking, he noticed some things about the people guiding him.

The first was their weight. While they were all of varying ages, weights, and sizes, they were all somehow the same weight. Sei found this quite interesting as it would be quite difficult to keep several people at the same weight, especially if they're not the same person. Finally, he wondered why one would want several people at the same weight and why 75 kilograms.

The next thing he noticed was the countless and deep scars all-around their bodies, and the thing that confused Sei was as to why these men had such serious injuries if they were obviously not from fighting. But the scar that was the most visible was the scar around their throats. He found it very obvious as to why someone would do this. After all, this was the Demonic Cult. Mere slaves weren't trustworthy.

The last thing he took note of was the almost murderous glares from the locals. The entire time, while they were walking, every single person who had seen them, stared deeply into their guides. They all seemed to have something against them, which majorly puzzled Sei. I mean, did the slaves really do something deserving of that?

After walking for hours, they had finally arrived in front of the castle. It was absolutely magnificent. The entire castle was around 421,874 metres in total area. The castle was held up by majestic marble pillars that had the former owners' names engraved on them. The castle itself was built in a way that made it look truly perfect, not a single thing was out of place.

The door to the castle slowly creaked open, inviting Sei in, and as Sei entered the castle, the people who guided him split off in different directions. When Sei entered the castle, he felt an almost supreme presence. As that happened, another 2 Dantian Rebuilding cultivators guided him to the 2nd Demonic King.

It didn't take long to get there, but when he did, a gust of murderous intent and power washed over him. The 2 Dantian Rebuilding cultivators bowed to the 2nd Demonic King and disappeared almost instantaneously. Sei stood there staring at the man before him.

Sei was forced onto one knee as the 2nd Demonic King stood. The man grinned as he looked at Sei.

"What sorcery do you use to make yourself look like that?" The man asked as he looked at Sei's unusual appearance. Unfortunately, he couldn't respond as the pressure made it impossible for him to speak.

"Well, if you cannot answer that, state the purpose of your visit here!" The 2nd Demonic Lord yelled at him as an even greater pressure was applied to Sei's body.

Although it was now even harder for Sei to answer what he asked him, he fought through the pain and managed a response, "To join the 2nd Demonic King's forces!"

He said that he almost passed out but he managed to keep consciousness. The 2nd Demonic King seemed satisfied with his answer and sat back down while releasing the pressure he had on Sei. As soon as he did so, Sei felt as if the weight of the planet had been taken off his shoulders.

He looked up at the 2nd Demonic King and waited for a response from him.


Name: Sei Zaghara

Title: Cold Blooded (+10% damage done when the host has the intent to kill.)

Goblin Slayer (+10℅ damage done to goblins.)

Murderer (+10% damage done to humans.)

Wolf Hunter (+10% damage done to wolf-type monsters.)

Race: Human 7/8 Demon 1/8

Age: 16

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 71 kg

HP: 1170/1175

STA: 0/1175

NE: 40000/40000

QI: 39800/40000

Cultivation: 8th Rank Core Making (LOCK)

Level: 44

Experience: 17310/45000


STR: 2350

DEX: 2350

END: 2350

AGI: 2350

INT: 100

MND: 150


Unassigned Point: 5


Blood Controlling Arts-

By infusing QI into any blood source, the host can control any source of blood.

Body Modification Arts-

By using NE and QI, the host gains the ability to completely modify the host's own body.

Demonic Fist-

By concentrating NE and QI into the fist and releasing it when the punch is dealt, the host can unleash unimaginable strength.


By using three-quarters of the host's NE and QI, the host can see 2 seconds into the future.

Heavenly Demon Lord's Eye of Destruction-

By concentrating immense amounts of NQ into the host's eyes and expelling it, the host can destroy almost everything. As the host trains this technique, the host will be capable of destroying more.

Heavenly Demon Lord's Fist Art-

By activating the previous Heavenly Demon Lord's inheritance, the host gains knowledge of 10,000 different punches and stances.

Heavenly Demon Lord's Judgment Fingers-

Using qi and negative energy, the host can summon giant fingers from the sky to crush the enemy. As the host trains more in this technique, the host will be capable of summoning more fingers.


By using NE and QI to warp any creature's mind, the host can control any creature with intelligence.


By simply requesting the system, the host can gain knowledge of anything or anyone.

Night Vision-

By infusing NE into the host's eyes, the host can see clear as day in the dark.

Qi Expulsion-

By compressing QI into a tiny ball and expelling it insanely quickly, the QI will repel anything and anyone in a 3-meter radius.

Seismic Pulse-

By expelling NE or QI into the ground, the host can get a mental map of a 100-meter radius. By expelling NE or QI into a person, the host can get a mental image of the person's physical and mental condition.

Strong Bones-

By cultivating the host's bones, 10% less damage is done to the host.

Strong Muscles-

By cultivating the host's muscles, 10% less damage is done to the host.


By mixing NE and QI, the host can move and control animate and inanimate objects with their mind.

Vampiric Blood Rage-

By using a blood relative's soul, all of the host's stats increase by 100% for 10 minutes while also losing all sanity.

Vampiric Saturation-

By drinking blood, the host loses the need to eat or drink. By drinking blood, the host can regain HP and STA.

Cultivation Techniques:

Heavenly Demon Lord's Demonic Qi Refinement Art-

By utilising a special refinement art, the host can refine demonic qi and purify it.

Completion Rate: 0%

Heavenly Demon Lord's Body Cultivation Art-

By utilising this special cultivation art, all damage done to the host decreases by 60%. The host's speed increased by 100%, all damage done to the host increased by 120%, and the host's agility increased by 50%. If this cultivation art is cultivated far enough, the host gains full immunity to all poisons, as well as petrification, paralysis, burning, electrification, and suffocation.

Completion Rate: 1%

Heavenly Demon Lord's Mind Cultivation Art-

By cultivating this art, the host gains immunity to all abnormal mental status conditions. This cultivation art can also increase one's mental capacity and overall intelligence. If this cultivation art is cultivated to its fullest potential, it can give the host an unrivalled intelligence.

Completion Rate: 0%

Heavenly Demon Lord's Soul Cultivation Art-

By utilising a special cultivation art, the host becomes immune to all direct soul attacks. Using this cultivation art, the speed of all cultivation increases by 5%.

Completion Rate: 0%

Vampiric Blood Drinking Body Cultivation Art-

By drinking the blood of others, you can strengthen your body. However, side effects include insanity, an intense craving for blood, and an excessive amount of demon QI.
