Chapter 9: The Gate

As he opened the door, 4 Qi Expanding cultivators all attacked him at the same time. As they attempted to attack Sei, he gathered Qi into a tiny ball, after which he released it out of his body, sending all of them flying. They all crashed into the cave walls. They were practically puddles of mush on the ground.

_Interesting. I didn't think that would happen, but this much will not kill me._ Sei thought to himself before continuing to walk, once again ignoring the evolution of the system. While he walked, he checked his status.


Name: Sei Zaghara

Title: Cold Blooded (+10% damage done when the host has the intent to kill.)

Goblin Slayer (+10℅ damage done to goblins.)

Murder (+10% damage done to humans.)

Wolf Hunter (+10% damage done to wolf-type monsters.)

Race: Human 7/8 Demon 1/8

Age: 16

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 71 kg

HP: 1174/1175

STA: 1170/1175

NE: 40000/40000

QI: 39850/40000

Cultivation: 8th Rank Core Making (LOCK)

Level: 44

Experience: 17310/45000


As he looked at his status, he sighed as he knew he was not even a fraction of the way to his goal. But if he could join the Demonic Cult, he could make some progress in his quest. After all, he did have information about the future, and while it was quite limited, it was still incredibly valuable. Any one of the 153 billion people on this planet would risk everything to have a single sliver of Sei's knowledge.

While Sei was remembering his goal, he started speeding up. While the tunnels of the Demonic Cult were very cleanly built, that didn't mean they'd skimp out on the complexity of length.

The tunnels ran throughout the entirety of the kingdom, which was 85,000 kilometres in diameter. So, going in and out of this Demonic Cult hideout took quite a time.

Not only that, but the total length of all the tunnels combined came out to almost 170,000 kilometres. The worst part of it was that there were no shortcuts, but there were thousands of secret passages to enter other parts of the tunnels.

However, only this hideout could help Sei on this ultimate quest. So it was imperative, to him at least, to go under the Demonic King. Thus, no matter how difficult it was, he would join this outpost. And he was ready to do almost anything to do so, after all. Wasn't true power worth at least that?

1 Hour Later

After running at full speed for about 41 minutes and struggling to remember the correct secret paths for the rest of the time, he had finally arrived. The Demonic Cult's greatest colony.

In front of Sei was a giant steel portcullis type gate. It was around 50 metres in height and a beauty to behold. The craftsmanship made it seem as if a god had created it, and the wood around the gate had an incredibly intricate sculpture carved into it.

It had a majestic dragon carved into it, but if you thought that was it, you'd be wrong. If one had passed the first title realm and had refined their body to the point of Qi sense, they'd be able to feel the Dragon Qi inside the sculpture.

This is because one of the only 2 dragons ever killed was killed by the original Heavenly Demon Lord, and to cement his might, he had it used as the foundation of the sculpture. So if one used Qi sense and looked at the sculpture, they would feel the mighty Dragon Qi, and if one had incredible Qi sensing abilities, they'd feel the incredibly refined Demonic Qi.

The flooring around the gate had a perfect hexagonal pattern. It was so perfect that if a mortal saw it, they'd view the rest of the world as unnatural and imperfect. And just like the sculpture, it was incredibly intricate as every tile had a scene of the Heavenly Demon Lord battling the dragon.

Not only that, but if one looked deeply into the tiles, they'd start being put under a type of hypnosis and start seeing the Heavenly Demon Lord having a life-threatening and legendary fight against the Dragon known then as 'God of Destruction, Persesn'.

However, the incredible thing was that the tiles themselves didn't have any hypnosis inscriptions, but just the craftsmanship itself could deceive the mind's perception. Even those who had specifically trained in Mind Cultivation Techniques would have their minds toyed with.

But that wasn't the end of the craftsmanship on the entrance. The gate itself was probably the greatest thing about the whole entrance. The gate had every single verse of the Demonic Bible written on it. But that in itself was not the most amazing thing about the gate. The greatest thing about the gate was that there was a piece of every Heavenly Demon Lord's soul in the gate.

Beings so powerful they could erase mountains and split oceans to walk to another continent. Beings so grand that even the people who hated them had to praise their heaven-defying power. They were so influential that kings of other countries would listen to what they ordered them to do, even if it meant killing themselves. Beings like this were never accepted by heaven and thus overcame heaven itself.

However, you might be wondering, if they were so powerful, how could they die? Well, that's simple. If cultivation in this realm couldn't provide immortality, they'd simply have to steal it from the gods that have it.

While Sei was observing the magnificent scene, he let his stamina recover, even if just a bit. He knew all about the gate and tiles and sculpture, so he wasn't as impressed as the first time he had seen it. But even so, it was still an incredible sight and he still had to praise the amazing craftsmanship, even if he didn't want to.

The gate, after all, was one of the works of art 'he' had created and so it was great enough to make even the gods themselves jealous.


Name: Sei Zaghara

Title: Cold Blooded (+10% damage done when the host has the intent to kill.)

Goblin Slayer (+10℅ damage done to goblins.)

Murderer (+10% damage done to humans.)

Wolf Hunter (+10% damage done to wolf-type monsters.)

Race: Human 7/8 Demon 1/8

Age: 16

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 71 kg

HP: 1175/1175

STA: 12/1175

NE: 40000/40000

QI: 39975/40000

Cultivation: 8th Rank Core Making (LOCK)

Level: 44

Experience: 17310/45000


STR: 2350

DEX: 2350

END: 2350

AGI: 2350

INT: 100

MND: 150


Unassigned Point: 5


Blood Controlling Arts-

By infusing QI into any blood source, the host can control any source of blood.

Body Modification Arts-

By using NE and QI, the host gains the ability to completely modify the host's own body.

Demonic Fist-

By concentrating NE and QI into the fist and releasing it when the punch is dealt, the host can unleash unimaginable strength.


By using three-quarters of the host's NE and QI, the host can see 2 seconds into the future.

Heavenly Demon Lord's Eye of Destruction-

By concentrating immense amounts of NQ into the host's eyes and expelling it, the host can destroy almost everything. As the host trains this technique, the host will be capable of destroying more.

Heavenly Demon Lord's Fist Art-

By activating the previous Heavenly Demon Lord's inheritance, the host gains knowledge of 10,000 different punches and stances.

Heavenly Demon Lord's Judgment Fingers-

Using qi and negative energy, the host can summon giant fingers from the sky to crush the enemy. As the host trains more in this technique, the host will be capable of summoning more fingers.


By using NE and QI to warp any creature's mind, the host can control any creature with intelligence.


By simply requesting the system, the host can gain knowledge of anything or anyone.

Night Vision

By infusing NE into the host's eyes, the host can see clear as day in the dark.

Qi Expulsion-

By compressing QI into a tiny ball and expelling it insanely quickly, the QI will repel anything and anyone in a 3-meter radius.

Seismic Pulse-

By expelling NE or QI into the ground, the host can get a mental map of a 100-meter radius. By expelling NE or QI into a person, the host can get a mental image of the person's physical and mental condition.

Strong Bones-

By cultivating the host's bones, 10% less damage is done to the host.

Strong Muscles-

By cultivating the host's muscles, 10% less damage is done to the host.


By mixing NE and QI, the host can move and control animate and inanimate objects with their mind.

Vampiric Blood Rage-

By using a blood relative's soul, all of the host's stats increase by 100% for 10 minutes while also losing all sanity.

Vampiric Saturation-

By drinking blood, the host loses the need to eat or drink. By drinking blood, the host can regain HP and STA.

Cultivation Techniques:

Heavenly Demon Lord's Demonic Qi Refinement Art-

By utilising a special refinement art, the host can refine demonic qi and purify it.

Completion Rate: 0%

Heavenly Demon Lord's Body Cultivation Art-

By utilising this special cultivation art, all damage done to the host decreases by 60%. The host's speed increased by 100%, all damage done to the host increased by 120%, and the host's agility increased by 50%. If this cultivation art is cultivated far enough, the host gains full immunity to all poisons, as well as petrification, paralysis, burning, electrification, and suffocation.

Completion Rate: 1%

Heavenly Demon Lord's Mind Cultivation Art-

By cultivating this art, the host gains immunity to all abnormal mental status conditions. This cultivation art can also increase one's mental capacity and overall intelligence. If this cultivation art is cultivated to its fullest potential, it can give the host an unrivalled intelligence.

Completion Rate: 0%

Heavenly Demon Lord's Soul Cultivation Art-

By utilising a special cultivation art, the host becomes immune to all direct soul attacks. Using this cultivation art, the speed of all cultivation increases by 5%.

Completion Rate: 0%

Vampiric Blood Drinking Body Cultivation Art-

By drinking the blood of others, you can strengthen your body. However, side effects include insanity, an intense craving for blood, and an excessive amount of demon QI.
