Chapter 8: Imperial Capital

15 Months Later

"Name?" the gatekeeper asked.

He was wearing a set of leather and chainmail armour. He was holding a wooden board with several names on it. He had asked a man in a long black cloak. The man in the cloak placed his hand on his face. But what happened next could only be described as horrific. The sound of ripping flesh came from his face.

He had a red demon mask in his hand, and his face was ripped off. His face then began to regenerate. He looked at the guard with a lifeless look in his eyes. The guard looked horrified before the man replied.

"Some refer to me as the Blood Demon. So I guess you can call me. But I don't care what you refer to me as. I'm going to enter now, and you're not going to stop me," He replied.

This person was, of course, Sei. Sei placed his ripped-off skull back on, and it merged with his face. As he walked through the gates of the city. He continued walking until he reached a small hut near the outer wall of the city's gate.

"I guess I might as well use all of my stat points now," he said to himself as he put most of his points into mind.

<'Hypnosis' has been given to the host.>

<'Telekinesis' has been given to the host.>

<'Foresight' has been given to the host.>

As Sei was bombarded with the notifications, he grinned. He ignored the evolution of the system. Sei looked at the hut before him and squatted down. He slammed his hand into the ground. Doing so sent a giant shockwave through the ground, giving Sei a complete map of the underground.


"Lord, it seems that someone has found our base." announced a man.

A tall man looked at him. His eyes were crimson, and his hair was an extremely dark shade of purple. He had a slim, athletic physique and some scars here and there on his arms. He was wearing a black cloak over a simple grey shirt. He wore baggy, black trousers and plain leather shoes. He looked at the man who had just spoken.

He was currently being hand-fed grapes by a beauty absolutely out of this world. She was wearing a white dress and had a veil over her eyes. As the man resting in her lap looked away, she placed the grapes down. She proceeded to also look at the man who had just spoken, all the while with a soft smile.

He was resting on her lap. He sighed before replying in a deep voice.

"Is it the 'Orthodox Sect'?" As he replied, he slowly got up.

"No, we don't believe so. It seems to be the man who people call 'Blood Demon'. We don't have any idea why or how he is here. How should we respond? " The man inquired.

As he slowly got up, he grabbed a bottle of alcohol and replied.

"Don't do anything, let's see what'll happen, but do respond with lethal force if necessary." As he finished talking, he took a massive gulp of alcohol.


"My liege, it appears that the mass murderer known as the 'Blood Demon' has appeared in the capital. How does your majesty suggest we respond?" A man in full armour asked his king.

Before hearing the news, the crowned king was drinking. And as he heard the news, he instantly spat out his wine.

"How dare that monster appear in my capital!? Find him, seize him, and then we will publicly execute him. He has spent the past two years wiping out cities and villages, even erasing entire guilds and slaughtering so many of the men in my military. Find him immediately!" The king replied, slamming his fist onto the table.

The man who had replayed the king's message was shocked. In all of his years serving the king, he had never seen him this angry.

_He must really care for his people. He truly is a good king._ The man thought as he immediately sent the king's orders to his soldiers.

However, what the king was truly thinking could make one wonder. How in the world did this man become King?


As Sei looked at his mental map of the underground, he could sense many powerful people coming. And he knew he couldn't stay there for long or he'd be killed. So he used his palm to create a hole in the ground and jumped into it.

As he jumped in, he used his telekinesis to repair the damage. He began walking down the tunnel he had gone into. The Demonic Cult's secret underground base was very long and housed one of the 9 demonic kings.

The complex tunnels were almost endless. It would take months for one person until they found the right path. Luckily, he knew these paths like the back of his hand. However, some parts were different.

After a couple of hours of walking, he finally reached a door. He grinned as he slowly opened it. But what he saw next slightly worried him.


Name: Sei Zaghara

Title: Cold Blooded (+10% damage done when the host has the intent to kill.)

Goblin Slayer (+10℅ damage done to goblins.)

Murderer (+10% damage done to humans.)

Wolf Hunter (+10% damage done to wolf-type monsters.)

Race: Human 7/8 Demon 1/8

Age: 16

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 71 kg

HP: 1174/1175

STA: 1170/1175

NE: 40000/40000

QI: 40000/40000

Cultivation: 8th Rank Core Making (LOCK)

Level: 44

Experience: 11710/45000


STR: 2350

DEX: 2350

END: 2350

AGI: 2350

INT: 100

MND: 150


Unassigned Point: 5


Blood Controlling Arts-

By infusing QI into any blood source, the host can control any source of blood.

Body Modification Arts-

By using NE and QI, the host gains the ability to completely modify the host's own body.

Demonic Fist-

By concentrating NE and QI into the fist and releasing it when the punch is dealt, the host can unleash unimaginable strength.


By using three-quarters of the host's NE and QI, the host can see 2 seconds into the future.

Heavenly Demon Lord's Eye of Destruction-

By concentrating immense amounts of NQ into the host's eyes and expelling it, the host can destroy almost everything. As the host trains this technique, the host will be capable of destroying more.

Heavenly Demon Lord's Fist Art-

By activating the previous Heavenly Demon Lord's inheritance, the host gains knowledge of 10,000 different punches and stances.

Heavenly Demon Lord's Judgment Fingers-

Using qi and negative energy, the host can summon giant fingers from the sky to crush the enemy. As the host trains more in this technique, the host will be capable of summoning more fingers.


By using NE and QI to warp any creature's mind, the host can control any creature with intelligence.


By simply requesting the system, the host can gain knowledge of anything or anyone.

Night Vision

By infusing NE into the host's eyes, the host can see clear as day in the dark.

Qi Expulsion-

By compressing QI into a tiny ball and expelling it insanely quickly, the QI will repel anything and anyone in a 3-meter radius.

Seismic Pulse-

By expelling NE or QI into the ground, the host can get a mental map of a 100-meter radius. By expelling NE or QI into a person, the host can get a mental image of the person's physical and mental condition.

Strong Bones-

By cultivating the host's bones, 10% less damage is done to the host.

Strong Muscles-

By cultivating the host's muscles, 10% less damage is done to the host.


By mixing NE and QI, the host can move and control animate and inanimate objects with their mind.

Vampiric Blood Rage-

By using a blood relative's soul, all of the host's stats increase by 100% for 10 minutes while also losing all sanity.

Vampiric Saturation-

By drinking blood, the host loses the need to eat or drink. By drinking blood, the host can regain HP and STA.

Cultivation Techniques:

Heavenly Demon Lord's Demonic Qi Refinement Art-

By utilising a special refinement art, the host can refine demonic qi and purify it.

Completion Rate: 0%

Heavenly Demon Lord's Body Cultivation Art-

By utilising this special cultivation art, all damage done to the host decreases by 60%. The host's speed increased by 100%, all damage done to the host increased by 120%, and the host's agility increased by 50%. If this cultivation art is cultivated far enough, the host gains full immunity to all poisons, as well as petrification, paralysis, burning, electrification, and suffocation.

Completion Rate: 1%

Heavenly Demon Lord's Mind Cultivation Art-

By cultivating this art, the host gains immunity to all abnormal mental status conditions. This cultivation art can also increase one's mental capacity and overall intelligence. If this cultivation art is cultivated to its fullest potential, it can give the host an unrivalled intelligence.

Completion Rate: 0%

Heavenly Demon Lord's Soul Cultivation Art-

By utilising a special cultivation art, the host becomes immune to all direct soul attacks. Using this cultivation art, the speed of all cultivation increases by 5%.

Completion Rate: 0%

Vampiric Blood Drinking Body Cultivation Art-

By drinking the blood of others, you can strengthen your body. However, side effects include insanity, an intense craving for blood, and an excessive amount of demon QI.
