A human of the cursed world known as "Earth" where magic, power and longevity do not exist gets reincarnated into the world of Ul'Tair. Ul'Tair is a world filled with magic and wonders, a place where those who find a purpose in the cursed world are rewarded with reincarnation. However not every reincarnation is the same for the main protagonist becomes a rare breed of magic creature known as an "Immortal". Those who serve many masters for eons as a Familiar. This is the story of how the human gets reborn into a new destiny.
(At 50,000 views I'll start working on cover art for this novel. The same can be said for my other novels I'm working on. Even though this one is my favorite so far >~>)
(Also I'm trying my best to find grammatical errors before posting new content, working in other novels to expand my insanity and doing all of this on a phone so please be patient. And if I start dishing out novels at a faster pace [hopefully in a few weeks{20th-28th Aug, 2021}] it's because I came back from my military exercise >~>)