Prologue: New Beginning

I, Okita Tatsuya a soon-to-be freshman high school next week, decided to live separately and live with my aunt, or maybe just another way of saying 'running away from my problems back home'. Haven't seen my aunt for about 5 years ever since she got married, she became my babysitter when I was a child back then, I hope she didn't change even after that thing. The bus stopped, so I picked up my luggage.

After coming down from the bus, I looked around, and since I am pretty new here, and got no clue where to go so I stopped at a nearby convenience store and took my phone out. After looking for a few seconds, I could see that this is the correct street. But, I got stopped and saw a girl in front of me with long blonde hair, she looks lost but I decided not to probe into her business and turned around. I didn't see her face since she's looking in the opposite direction, but I could tell that she's a beautiful person because of how the way she carries herself.

After walking for a while, I saw a 2 story house and pushed the doorbell.

"Ha—aa...", I sighed looking at the house in front of me, hoping that things will be better from now on.

The door opened, and I saw a beautiful woman who seems to be in her 20s.

"Ah! Tatsuya you're here, come come.", smiling at me.

The woman in front of me is my aunt, Toma Ayaka. A gorgeous lady with long brown amethyst hair color, and a pale white-skin pairing it with her slender body that even I couldn't believe she had given birth at how well she maintained her figure, and eyes shaped like an almond then pairing it with her brown hazel eye color; She's my mom's cousin, a friendly person with excellent charisma, and a single mother with a daughter who's still in pre-school. She found out that her husband was committing adultery and immediately filed a divorce. Till to this day, I can't believe that her husband did that to her. Why would you do that if you have a hot and beautiful wife beside you? Maybe they had some conflict? Haaa... Better not to probe unto that matter. But, I am still happy that she didn't change, her cheerful personality is still there.

"Yes, hello Auntie", I said while making a bow gesture.

"Oh my~ You've grown~"

"A-ah, yes, thank you."

"Here here, come."

As she said that, she made an open arm gesture.

"Huh?", slightly tilting my head. And then, I asked her, " Um, what's with that?".

"Oh come on~ No need to be shy come here, give aunty a hug~"

"Ah, N-no needs for that.", I got taken back from what she said, and suddenly embraced me.

"Oh my~ you've grown, look at you. What did you eat to become this tall?"

Haa... I want to reject her embrace, but there's nothing I can do than accept it. Even though she's smaller than me, I could still smell the fragrance oozing out from her body, and lastly her boobs! It's touching me! it feels soft, G? or H?. Bad Tatsuya! Don't lust your aunt! Bad! I want to slap my face so badly! Ahh—hh!!

After a few seconds, she finally released me.

"Let's go, come in."

"A-ah okay, Pardon my intrusion."

"Haha, no need for that since you'll be living here with us"

"Ah, yes."

Standing in the living room I glanced around the house, and I could say that this is a pretty house with its simplistic design.

Then, I hear Aunt Ayaka calling me.

"Tatsuya, come here."

"Here's my daughter", introducing her daughter to me, and I saw a little girl holding her hand while looking at me interestingly. Wait, MINI-AUNT AYAKA! A mini version of Aunt Ayaka, she's so small and she does remind of a cat, the way she's holding aunt's hand is too cute. Her hair is twin-tailed, I could see some differences, her eyes are way more rounder and instead of aunt's brown hazel color, it was azure.

"Asuka, this is your cousin, Tatsuya-niichan. Now, introduce yourself~"

"Hewwo~ My name is Toma Ashuka, and I am fwour years old.", she shyly said and then bowing cutely.

Ug—gh, my heart can't resist it. She's too CUUUTE!

I crouched down and removed the hair that was blocking half of my face.

"Hello, I'm Okita Tatsuya, and I'm your cousin", I smiled waving at her.

Her face flushed and embraced her mom's leg. She's too shy, I guess. Haha too cute.

"Fufu~ Oh my~ Tatsuya, you need to wait until she's 18."

"Huh?!", I got flabbergasted by what she said.

I only smiled and waved at her! What do you mean?!

"Just joking~"


That's not a thing to joke about!! YOU'RE MAKING ME LOOK LIKE A LOLICON!! AND I AM NOT!!

"Fufu~ Asuka you can go back, and later Nii-chan can play with you later."

"Really?!", Asuka smiled with her eyes glowing, because she got a new playmate to play with.

"Yes, but you better eat your vegetables later or else Nii-chan will not play with you."

"O-okay... But Nii-chan will play with me right?", I saw her eyes wavered, I guess children do hate vegetables. I let out a giggle looking at how cute she is.

"Yes, but Nii-chan still needs to put his stuff to his room, since he will live with us from now on.", patting her daughter's head.

"Really?! Nii-chan will live with us? So Asuka will have a new playmate?!", Asuka's eyes glowed brighter.

"Yes yes, I'll be your new playmate, so please take care of me.", I smiled at her.

"Okay, Nii-chan gonna play with you later, okay?", Aunt Ayaka smile at her daughter who seemingly looks like a child who got a new toy on Christmas.

Asuka's smile widen and said, "Okay!".

Asuka went back.

I thought she will hate me at first, but I could see that she got Aunt Ayaka's cheerful personality. Mini-Aunt Ayaka.

"So Tatsuya, I heard about your circumstances. Rest assured, we are here for you.", giving me a warm smile.

I shyly scratched my cheeks, "Thank you."

"By the way, um, where's my room Auntie?"

"Oh, it's on the second floor, the second room to the right."

"Thank you, Auntie, I'll get going then."

"No problem~ I'll prepare the bath for you. If you have any problems just talk to me."

"Yes, I appreciate it very much, Thank you again Auntie.", and I proceed to pick up my luggage and went upstairs.

I got to my room, and I must say it's quite big maybe about 7 tatami mats.

After putting down all my stuff, "Ha—aa...", I let out a tired sigh and drag myself to the bed, and slowly closing my eyes.

After a while...

I woke up, and gone downstairs. Seeing my aunt preparing the food, realizing that this will be my new life from now on.

Aunt Ayaka noticed me and said, "Oh! Tatsuya, the bath is ready. After you take a bath dinner will be ready."

"Thank you, Auntie, sorry for the hassle."

"Oh, no worries.", Aunt Akemi let out a giggle.

I went to the bathroom, took my clothes off, and then looked at the mirror. Removing the hair in front of my face, I could see my face which I inherited from my mother. My mother was a beauty that every man dreams of. At first, I thought it was just an exaggeration, but after my dad told me stories of all the people that wooed my mother, I was left shocked. I didn't expect that she was treated like a goddess in her younger days. My dad even told me that my face was a carbon copy of my mother in her younger days, sharp jawline, well-proportioned face, and same almond eye shape. I guess it's on my mother's genes since even Aunt got the same eye shape as mine.

"Ha—aa...", I sighed then looked at my eyes.

I have amethyst eyes which were very uncommon, this is the only thing that I didn't inherit from my parents. My mother had sky-blue-like color eyes whilst my dad had brown eyes. Dad even told me that it's a blessing from heaven.

Like my mom, I did inherit some stuff from my father such as my physique and hair. We have the same hair color which is black the common hair color for Japanese while my mom had blonde hair since she's half-blood.

I looked at my body, ever since my growth spurt last summer, I grew 10 cm taller from 165cm to 175cm in just one summer. It's one of the best things that ever happened to me, but compared to my father I'm still shorter than him in a few cms. I looked at my body and saw the fruit of my hard work, it was one of the things I could be proud of. After all those years of hellish training from my dad. My muscles became more compact even though it is not noticeable when I have my clothes on.

He was a mixed martial artist, I looked up to him so I asked him to train him, and I didn't expect that...HE TOOK IT TOO FAR!!!

At first, I just want to learn some self-defense, but he took it too far! Well, I guess he became excited when he found out that his son took an interest in his hobby.

Dipping into the bath, I let out a blissful sound, "Haaa... So relaxing".

I got out of the bath and dressed, I saw Asuka playing, so I decided to play with her. When she saw me, she smiled and said, "Nii-chan! Let's play!".

"Okay", I smiled.

After playing Aunt Ayaka called us, "Dinner's ready."

""Thank you for the food.""

After eating Aunt Ayaka took Asuka upstairs, so I decided to clean the dishes.

Aunt Ayaka saw me, "Tatsuya no need to do that.".

I let out a smile and said, "It's okay, least I could do."

"Oh.", thumping her fist on her palm and said, " I got your uniform, I'll just prepare it for you tomorrow."

"Thank you again, Auntie."

"Hm... You still got a week before your school starts, how about go around tomorrow?"

Now that I think about it, that's a great idea I could probably try to relax, and buy some new stuff along the way.

"I do plan on doing that."

"Nice, I do know some few places that have some great foods."

"Now now, go to sleep and I'll handle that, you need to rest.", Aunt Ayaka added.

"Ah, okay, thank you again, Auntie."

"Fufu~ No need to thank me."

"I'll go upstairs then."

I went back upstairs and laid down in my bed.

Thinking about what my life will be like from now on.

I looked up at the ceiling pondering, whether I could get a peaceful high school life. I don't want that to happen again...

So that's why I decided to be a mob character and created my rules.


Never be in the spotlight.

Don't meddle with troublesome people.

Be average as possible.

I firmly believed that as long I follow these rules, I could get a peaceful quiet life.

"Ha—aaa...", I sighed and slowly closed my eyes, and went to sleep.