Taking a Stroll

Waking up is one of the hellish things to do, sometimes I wish that I have the power to summon beds wherever I want.

"Urgh", slowly opening my eyes, and saw an unfamiliar ceiling above me.

I got up and went downstairs, and saw 2 familiar figures, one is my aunt and the other is the mini version of her.

"Good morning Tatsuya", Aunt Ayaka greeted with a smile on her face.

"Good morning Auntie."

"Good morning Nii-chan!", Asuka greeted with a thousand-watt smile on her face. Now, I believe angels do exist in this world.

"Good morning Asuka-chan.", I smiled.

I sat at the dining table in front of Asuka and beside my aunt. We are currently having a standard breakfast with omelet and toast.

After eating, I went back to my room and changed my clothes.

Still thinking about the places I could visit, Aunt Ayaka called me, so I went down.


"Tatsuya are you about to leave?", Aunt Ayaka asked.

"Ah, yes. Why are you asking Auntie?"

"So about that, I was about to ask you if you can go home before dinner because we have a new neighbor. They invited us to have dinner at their place. "


"Yep, they just moved in yesterday, and invited us."

Yesterday? What a coincidence.

"Okay, I'll be there before dinner."

"Okie~ Be careful, okay?"


"Okay~ Take care~", Aunt Ayaka waved smiling at me.

"Thanks, I'll head out now."

But, someone intercepted me on my way out, "Nii-chan! Let's play!"

It was Asuka in her cat pajamas, which I find cute.

"Asuka, Nii-chan will play with you later he needs to go somewhere.", Aunt Ayaka interjected.

"Eh, b-but.", Asuka said while looking dejected.

So I went to her, and patted her head, "Later, it will not take long", I smiled at her.

"O-okay.", while puffing her cheeks.

Fufu~ I want to poke her cheeks, she looks like a hamster.


After getting out of the house, I continued to walk, even though I don't know my destination.

However, I saw a park, so I decided to check it out.

I sat on a nearby bench, mesmerizing the beauty of nature.

When I was about to head my way out of the park, I saw a guy and a girl bickering at each other, both of them are good-looking, the guy looks defeated, which I found funny. I think they're a couple just fighting.

I proceed walking while ignoring the two.

After my stay at the park, I went my way to get food, but...


I look like a child who got separated from my parents, well I technically did separate with my parents to live with my aunt.

Now, where do I go? Where am I anyway?

As I wander around, I saw a ramen shop, so quickly got there I don't have any choice anyway, I'm super hungry right now.

"Welcome, please come in.", I was greeted by the old man at the counter, and I sat in front of him.

"So young man, what can I get for you?"

"Umm, miso ramen please."


As I was waiting, I saw a black-haired beauty, in the kitchen cutting some vegetables. She looked at me for a bit and then proceeded to cut the vegetables.

"Here's your miso ramen.", the old man handed me the ramen.

"Thank you."

After eating, I thanked the old man and left the store.

Right now, I've got nothing to do and am still lost, I looked at my phone and saw that it's still afternoon.

Then I realized, I HAVE GPS!

Facepalming at my stupidity, I opened my GPS app and saw that I'm close to the shopping center, so I quickly went there.

After a few walks, I got there.

It's quite big, I must say.

I wandered around leisurely and saw a bookstore.

I entered the bookstore.

Since I have nothing to do, I might as well look for something to read.

I began looking around, but I got nothing.

"Ha—aa...", looking tired, I went to look for something to sit on.

Oh, there's one.

As I was about to take a seat, suddenly a girl approached me and said.

"Do you believe in fate?"

"Huh? Are you talking to me?", I asked her, while tilting my head in confusion.

"Yep", and smiled at me.

Huh? Who talks to a stranger just to ask that? What a weird girl... Now that I think about it, she looks familiar, but I can't quite grasp where I've seen her...

As I was immersing myself with my thoughts, the girl talked, "Hey, do you believe in fate?"

"Ah? Oh, umm, I guess yes?"

"Eh—h...", said it with amusement.

"Okay then, Bye~", the girl waved, and left.


I didn't even get to see her face clearly, she got her hood on.

One of the weirdest interactions I've ever had, why would she ask me that out of nowhere? Fate? Why would she ask that out of all things?

I just shrugged it off, and proceed to do my own thing.

A few minutes later, I found something and bought it, and left the bookstore.


I went home earlier than I expected.

"Oh, welcome back Tatsuya, you got back earlier than expected.", Aunt Ayaka greeted me.

"Yes, I got nothing left to do."

"Ohh, I see, did something happen?", she asked.

"Ah, nothing."

Then I heard someone calling me, "Nii-chan! Playtime!"

Yep, I knew who it was, it was Asuka. But, her clothes changed into a panda one...

Why is Aunt dressing her up like that?

Not like I'm against it, it looks cute.


A few hours later...

Aunt Ayaka called us.

"Alright, we still have an hour before dinner, so get ready."


So I went back to my room and changed into an article of formal clothing. Not really though, only white polo long sleeves and black pants.

After a while, Aunt Ayaka called me.

Then I went downstairs.

I was greeted by a gorgeous woman in her dress, with its simplistic design. Even though, the dress is simply the only thing that matters was the person who's wearing it.

I gave a thumbs-up to Aunt Ayaka in my head.

And then, I saw a cute little thing still wearing her panda suit.

"Oh, my~ you look good on that one. Come here~ I have a gel, let me fix your hair."

When I heard that, I flinched.

"I know, but don't worry it's only our neighbor. Just this once okay?" looking at me with her puppy eyes.

Urg—gh, why are you looking at me like that. I hesitated and said, "B-but—".

Aunt Ayaka interjected, "Oh, come on~ you need to look good it is our first dinner with them, we need to look presentable. Okay~", then winked at me.

I look at her dejectedly, I give up. I forgot that she's one of the persistent types.

"O-okay.", while looking dejected.

Aunt was fixing my hair happily humming.

"Mm~ Hmm~ Mm~"

A few minutes later...

"There we go fixed~", Aunt Ayaka said with a big smile on her face.

"Oh~ Look at you~ So handsome~ Right, Asuka?", Aunt Ayaka added.

"Yep! Nii-chan looks like a prince.", looking proud with her arms crossed.

"A-ah yes, thank you Asuka-chan and Auntie", I shyly said while scratching my right cheek.

"Let's go.", Aunt Ayaka said.

We head out to go into our neighbor's house.