Interrogation from Naoki

Naoki was glaring at Yuki and me.

"So?", she said in an impatient tone.


As I was about to speak, Yuki interrupted me and said, "Come on, Nao-chan, it's just a kiss.", then she grinned triumphantly.

Nao-chan? So they're close, huh.

"You! I keep telling you! Just hold your horses down! We had a promise!", Naoki said angrily.

"Yeah, I know, but sometimes promises are meant to be broken.", Yuki still grinning at Naoki.

While the two are bickering at each other, I'm just sitting here, pondering whether my life will turn good or for worst. Just imagining it, makes me shiver.

"That's not true! Why are you even here?!", Naoki exclaimed.

"To get some fresh air, what do you think?", Yuki replied.

"Muumuu...", Naoki angrily pouting with her cheeks bulging.

I can't believe that even though she looks angry, she still looks cute.

She then turned her head to me.

My whole back shivered as I look into her fierce eyes.

"And you, why did you meet her.", Naoki angrily but at the same time her tone had gentleness.

"I-I... I only met her when I ran earlier, t-then I got lost and started wandering around then I saw this glass dome garden. After I got in, I heard Yuki's voice she's singing then I followed the voice and I met her.", my eyes glanced sideways trying not to look into Naoki's eyes.

"And?", Naoki said as her voice is getting impatient.

"A-And—... I asked her how about, how she knew me..."

"And?", her stares are getting more impatient and fierce.

Then, I panicky said, "W-Wait, we need to get ready for school.", as bullets of sweats are forming in my whole face.

I stood up and walked past Naoki, but she grabbed my arm.

"Sit.", Naoki coldly said.

"Y-Yes! Mam!", I panicky said.

I sat on the same spot.

"I don't care about school, you better explain it first.", Naoki looked at me coldly.

Oh god, I knew that she's scary when she's angry, but experiencing it first-hand made it worse!

What do I say? That, I can't move my body and she forcefully kissed me? Was it even forced? I accepted it though... And enjoyed it...

I bit my lower lips, and said, "I—"

But, before I could even speak.

Yuki spoke, "If you're jealous that much, why not kiss him too?"

""Eh?!"", Naoki and me exclaimed.

How could she say that indifferently?

And yeah... Why did she kiss me? What's our relationship?

"H-how could you say that!?", Naoki shouted as her face is flushed red.

"T-That's immoral and bad!", she added.

"You know, that's not pretty convincing when I can literally see your mouth smiling.", Yuki said.

I then looked at Naoki, and Yuki's right. She's heavily panting while smiling, giving me creeps. I'm pretty sure that's not a common reaction.

And, how come, Yuki can say that nonchalantly like people say that on normal occasions.

Naoki then looked at me, and smiled, "I'll forgive you... I-If you kissed me too, l-like what you did e-earlier", after saying the last part her face flushed red once more.

I was flabbergasted by the sudden turn of events, I don't what's happening, right now. And, what forgiveness? Do I need to seek forgiveness for kissing a girl?

"Whoa whoa, wait a minute, I'm so confused.", I looked at them while crossed my arm making a T-sign.

"What's confusing? She's asking for a kiss?", Yuki said while tilting her sideways in confusion.

Naoki then looked gloomy and sad.

"Y-You don't want to...? A-Am I not attractive...", Naoki said while tears are forming in her eyes.

I was hit by an unknown force, the way she looks at me is unbearable to ignore, she looks like a cute crying puppy begging for food.

"Eh? N-No no-no. I want to!", I immediately went to her and hugged her.

"R-Really?", Naoki still looking at me with her puppy eyes.

From her sad gloomy puppy eyes, Naoki's face turned into a bright smile.

I was bewildered by her face, it only took like a few seconds. I feel like, I got tricked.

"Y-Ye—", but before I could say that.

My face was forcefully grabbed and Naoki kissed me.

"Mnnnh?!", I exclaimed.

I was caught off-guard?! Again?!

Ugh! I'm losing to my inner desires again. Oh well, I might as well savor this.

As I savor Naoki's lips, I could tell that she's kind of new to this thing since Naoki was only putting her lips into mine, so I started the lead. I started sucking on her lower lips, she was surprised and only tried to copy what I did.

Naoki's lips tasted like cherry with a bit of saltiness, and Yuki's lips tasted like peaches. To be honest, I prefer both.

As I was losing to my lust, I tried to invade her mouth with my tongue, and she complied. Our tongues intertwined each other. I saw her eyes it's the same as Yuki's earlier kiss, it's full of emotions like despair, joy, lust, and sadness. She's fully showing her affection to me, as she gave her all in our kiss.

As we exchange our saliva from all the sucking, I tightened my hug. And, the only thing I could hear is the slurping sound that we're creating from our deepened kiss.

Then our pace slowed down, and a few seconds later, we stopped.

Both of our faces are flushed in redness. And then, I looked at Yuki, whose face is red too while looking away at a faraway distance.

"Am I forgiven?", I asked her.

"Umu", she nodded then gave me a quick peck kiss on my lips.

How can she be this cute?!

But, at the back of my head. There's this question of what's my relationship with them.

"Now, for the last touch.", Yuki said.

As she leaned her head closer to mine gave me a quick peck to my lips just like what Naoki did earlier.

I looked alternately at both of them. Naoki did see that but didn't say anything, and only kept humming and smiling all the time. Yuki on the other hand was smiling too but she got this mischievous vibe I'm getting from her.

As my curiosity rose, I asked them a question, "What's our relationship?"

"Fufu~ I bet you're thinking if we're your girlfriends, right?", Yuki teasingly said.

My eyes widen, how come she knew what I was thinking?

"G-Girlfriend?!", Naoki exclaimed but she ended it with, "Hehehe~", and continued smiling.

God, Naoki looks like a tiny animal that needs to be protected at all cost.

"Y-Yeah.", I replied shyly scratching my cheeks.

"We are not, but i-if you want t-to, t-then I g-guess... Nao and I can be your girlfriend, r-right?.", Yuki said flushed red, and looked at Naoki.

"—?!", Naoki looked at Yuki surprised.

Then she added, "Y-Yeah, I-I would love to.", and her face turned beet-red.

I felt relieved, I thought that I'm kind of a playboy since I don't remember them. The only thing I remember about that incident was the traumatic event and the eyes. But, other than that, any people related to that incident are the ones I forgot, that's what I concluded, by the events that occurred to me these days. It's like my brain forcefully removed all the people that are related to it then along with it, my memories and interactions with them.

With all these thoughts in my head, this is the first time I saw Yuki felt embarrassed for the first time, I didn't expect her cute side at all. Most importantly, I spewed blood out of my mouth when I heard about the girlfriend thing.

Two?! You want me to go out with you two? What is this? Package-deal? I thought to myself.

"W-What? Two of you?", I confusingly asked them.

"Y-Yeah... We decided a long time ago, that instead of fighting over you, we decided to go out with you together.", Yuki said while blushing.

"Y-y-yeah.", Naoki added.

Then I unconsciously blurted, "B-But why? Two of you? I know that Naoki was in love with me since the way she's acting for this past few days, and the kiss earlier sealed the deal. And..."

Wait a minute... Yuki kissed me too... Which means...

"I told you, you're emotions are always showing on your face.", Yuki scolded Naoki.

"Ugh, I-I know!", Naoki grunted.

I was collecting my thoughts.

"Wait, so let me get this straight, you two are both in love with me?", I looked at the two.

Naoki and Yuki nodded at the same time.

"Ever since...?", I asked.

"Well me, since the incident, but Naoki here...", Yuki pointed at Naoki, "is way longer."

"Umu.", Naoki nodded.

"Naoki? For how long?", I asked Naoki.

"S-sorry, I can't tell you.", Naoki said dejectedly.

Was it related to my memory? Why do I got the feeling that they're keeping me out from recovering my memories? Why though? I thought to myself.

I thought I could at least get some information on how long we knew each other. But, I guess not.

"So, with that said, we can go out for real now. A threesome.", Yuki said proudly.

My face flushed red, "Rephrasing, please..."

Then I inhaled, and said, "Sorry, but I don't really remember you guys, despite that, there's a certain thing I'm sure of. And that is, my feeling for the both of you are the same, I don't know how to describe the turmoil feeling inside my chest but I certainly know that this is a familial feeling, though I don't know if this is love like you guys feel."

I was expecting disappointed and rejected faces on Naoki and Yuki. But, what I got was two girls beaming in smiles.

I looked at them puzzled.

"Hey-hey, Yuki! He said it right?!", Naoki excitedly exclaimed to Yuki.

"Fufu~ I heard that. That's good enough for us, Tatsu.", Yuki said while smiling.

I'm fully confused with their reactions.

"What?", I asked them.

"I said, your answer is enough. We will do our best to let you realize your true feelings, and force you to accept our Threesome relationship! We wouldn't even mad if you add more, right Nao?", Yuki said triumphantly.

"Yep, as long I'm with Tatsu, I'm okay with it.", Naoki said triumphantly too.

I looked at flabbergasted.

WHAT DO YOU MEAN ADD MORE?! HUUUH?! I exclaimed in my head.


But before I could speak, Yuki put a finger on my mouth, silencing me.

"Just accept it, don't even try to challenge our perseverance.", Yuki looked at me menacingly.

"Y-Yes!", I exclaimed.

I thought Naoki is scary but Yuki is much scarier!

I agreed without any hesitation because I could that no matter what I retort, it will only end in vain.

"Yey!", Naoki shouted excitedly.

Naoki and Yuki celebrated.

Meanwhile, I'm here pondering what my life will be like from now on.

I took my phone out and saw the time, it's now 7:41 am.

I called the two.

"Yuki! Naoki! We need to go!"

"Oh yeah! We need to go to school!", Naoki exclaimed.

"Oh, there's that too.", Yuki said.

"We need to go home first and change", I said to Naoki.

"Yeah... But it's almost like a 10 min run just to get to the main area of the park.", Naoki said.

What Naoki said was right.

"Yeah... By the way, how's the two?", I asked Naoki.

"Oh, when you left, they didn't really notice you leaving."

"Really? And, how did you know that I was here?"

"Eh?! Uhh, ahh, I followed you.", Naoki said while her eyes are saying a different story.

I narrowed my eyes. What follow? I looked at my back when I stopped earlier, and I didn't see anyone besides myself.

"Really?" I looked at Naoki with doubt.

"Y-Yeah, of course!"

"Are you sure?"

"Of course!"

Then I saw her hands, fidgeting her phone.

Don't tell me...

"Haa... Okay...", I said.

It's pretty obvious, as Yuki said she's really easy to read.

"So, what do we need to do now?", I asked.

"How about go to my place?", Yuki suggested.

"Your place? Is it near?", I said.

"Oh yeah! We can go to Yuki's place.", Naoki exclaimed.

"It's pretty near, let me call my chauffeur.", Yuki said.


She called someone on her phone, then after the call, she said, "Let's go they're outside."

"Wait, where? In the main area?", I asked.

"No, just follow me", Yuki said.

Naoki and I followed Yuki.

Then, we ended up on the opposite side of the glassy dome garden. I didn't expect that there will be an exit here.

After we got out, we saw a tall gate and behind it was 2 black cars and some black-suited man standing, I think they're bodyguard. When I saw that, I looked at Yuki and concluded that she must be from a wealthy family or a noble.

We reached the gates, all the black-suited people bowed and greeted Yuki, """Good morning, Milady!"""

Then a person opened the door for us, Yuki looked at us and said, "Shall we?"

We got in the black car, we're currently sitting beside each other and I'm at the center of it.

I realized something, "Wait, I don't have my uniform and Naoki too."

"Oh, don't worry about that, I can just share my uniform with Nao."

I looked at both of them and noticed that Naoki's breast is slightly bigger than Yuki's. Then, I felt a bloodlust emitting from Yuki.

I asked, "But, what about me?", to divert the topic.

"You don't need to worry about that, we got yours as well."

"For real?!"

"Yeah, she has one.", Naoki interjected.

"What? Why do you have a uniform for me? And, how come you knew my size?", I asked the Yuki and Naoki.

"Don't ask questions, just be thankful that we got a uniform for you so that you can't be late for school.", Yuki glared at me.

"O-okay then."

I can't really retort to Yuki, just remembering the scene when she beat up those guys still gives me shiver.

"Yeah, Tatsu, no need to worry about it. Just be grateful.", Naoki said.

"Uhh, okay?"

We reached her house, scratch that— It's a mansion! We're at the front gate of it, then slowly the gate opened.

It only took like 2 minutes to reach here, do we even need a car? I'm pretty sure we can just walk to get here.

Then, I remembered something.

"Wait, I need to call Auntie—"

Naoki interrupted, "No need, I texted them."

"Oh, thank you Naoki.", I said and smiled.

We got out of the car and saw a huge mansion in front of me, plus the line of maids on both sides, and in the center of it is an old man which seems to be the butler.

"""Good morning, Milady."""

"The uniforms are ready, Milady.", the butler said.

"Ah, I see. Thank you, Allen.", Yuki said to the butler.

Allen was his name, huh. I was expecting Sebastian, though.

"You're welcome, Milady.", the butler bowed.

"Good morning, Naoki-sama.", the butler greeted Naoki.

"Good morning too, Allen-san"

After he greeted Naoki, he turned his head to me and his eyes widen upon seeing me.

"T-Tatsuya-sama?!", the butler exclaimed.

I'm not even surprised anymore because of what happened earlier, since Yuki is somewhat close to me.

"Ah, hello.", I said while smiling.

"I-I'm so glad about your recovery, the last ti—", the butler said but got cut off by Yuki.

"Allen!", Yuki exclaimed.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Milady, I'll go and prepare for your departure.", the butler said and continued his work.

"Let's go.", Yuki said.

"O-okay.", I said.

Then we entered the huge mansion of Yuki.