Aggressive Yuki

I was fascinated by the interior decors of the mansion. Old and classy aesthetics.

"So, where's my uniform?", I asked Yuki.

"Oh, follow me.", Yuki said.

"And Naoki, just go to my wardrobe.", Yuki added.

"Okay.", Naoki nodded.

"Alright, follow me, Tatsu."

I nodded and followed her.

I just realized the way they call me changed. Is that how they usually call me?

As I was in my deep thoughts, we continued walking in a huge hallway then we stopped in front of a room.

"We're here, let's go in.", Yuki said.

Snapping out of deep thoughts, I replied, "Oh, okay."

I entered the room first.

But, as I scanned it, this is more likely a bedroom. I walked and stopped in front of the huge bed.

I heard Yuki locking the room. then I turned around and asked Yuki, "Why ar—"

Yuki pounced and hugged me making us fall in the bed.

"Hey, what are you doing.", I asked her.

She's burying her head in my chest, then she started snuggling her head in my chest.

When I saw her acting like this, I can't help to think if she's the girl who beaten up those guys or just an innocent one.

Nevertheless, seeing her like this, gave a me warm feeling towards her.

She stopped and turned her head upward, looking at me.

"Hm?", I looked at her confusingly.

She's looking at me with puppy eyes, and said, "Can I have a kiss?"

Another one? And, why is she looking at me like that, don't tell me she copied what Naoki did earlier?

I grunted, knowing that I don't have a choice, seeing them acting like this in front of me is my biggest weakness.

"Alright, Haa...", I said.

Underneath her innocent expression, she showed a mischievous smile.

Every atom in my body tingled, as my senses are screaming danger. But, as soon I was about to move, my face got grabbed and she assaulted my lips.

Forcing her tongue inside my mouth, she suddenly started getting aggressive. She's entwining her tongue against mine. As our kissing got aggressive over time. I saw her eyes just like earlier, full of lust. While that's happening, a hand started caressing my crotch.

My eyes widen, and we stopped our steamy kissing, she grinned at me.

She then started lowering her head to my neck and started sucking, but midway through that, someone knocked on the door.

When I heard that, I kind of felt disappointed but at the same time relieved.

Then someone called in the door, "Hatsuumi Yuuki!! I know you're in there! Bring Tatsu out!"

It was Naoki shouting at the other side of the door.

"Tch!", Yuki said in annoyance.

Is she really that horny? Well, I can't really blame her, even myself...

Naoki started banging the door.

"Alright! Just stop or you'll destroy that door.", Yuki grumpily said.

Yuki got off me and started walking towards the door, then opened the door.

There I saw, Naoki standing angrily while wearing Yuki's uniform.

Naoki then saw me lying down in the bed with my clothes disheveled.

"What are you guys... doing...", Naoki asked Yuki while narrowing her eyes on her.

"Deepening our bond as a civilized human species.", Yuki said indifferently.

For real? How come she can say that straight-faced.

"I knew it! I got a feeling that you will take advantage of him again!", Naoki shouted angrily.

"Muumuu... Let's talk out here for a sec!", she added.

Naoki grabbed Yuki's hand as she drags her outside.

"Wait! Where's my uniform", I shouted.

"It's in the wardrobe room!", Yuki shouted as she's getting drag along by Naoki.


I was all alone here.

I entered the wardrobe room of what Yukio said.

As I entered, I was stunned at how many clothes were there.

On the left side is full of formal articles of clothing while on my right was more of casual clothing, then at the center was the uniforms.

I walked towards it and saw 7 sets of uniforms.

What the heck...?!

I took a set and changed into it.

The uniform that I have right now, fits perfectly— like literally PERFECTLY. How did she know my sizes? Instead, of my usual baggy uniform, the one I'm wearing right now is not tight or loose. I like wearing baggier clothes since it's more comfortable to wear and I can have my hoody inside of it, it's not like I hate this kind of clothing but it kind of giving me a weird vibe. Just thinking of how she acquired my sizes—gave me goosebumps.

Then I turned my head to the huge mirror in the room.

Rich people...

This uniform really does show my figure, even I myself got fascinated. Those years of hellish training from my dad really paid off pretty well. If I add my clear face to it, I guess I could be a model, but I can't take risks if it involves ruining my high school life. Even though the majority of the male population in my school, hates me to the core, I really don't care at all.

But, once people find out about my psychological disorder, I will be forced to drop school and never go back to it again until I recover fully and probably live my life in seclusion again. That's what my parents and I agreed upon when I mentioned wanting to go to high school so that I could least experience a normal teenage high school life like others.

And most importantly, my mom warned me about letting my whole face be shown to other female students. I don't really understand, why she said that. But it involves, like wreaking havoc in my school, and importantly it will endanger my existence. I don't know why she said that, but I took it as a joke and decided to ignore it. I just treated it as an exaggeration from her as always, why would it cause chaos just because you have an above-average look?

My stomach grumbled from hunger, so I went outside and saw the two of them.

Surprisingly, I saw Yuki wearing her uniform too.

"Yo.", I greeted the two of them.

"Hello, Tatsu", Naoki greeted me though she still looks grumpy.

"Hello, fufu, I knew it. That uniform really does suit you.", Yuki said.

"Y-yeah, it fits perfectly.", I replied.

"Of course.", Yuki said proudly.

"Though, I really don't know you got my sizes, h— you know what, I don't care anymore.", I said dejectedly.

"Fufu, nice choice because I will not tell you a thing.", Yuki said while grinning.

"Yeah, bec—", Naoki interjected but got stopped by Yuki, holding her mouth and looking at her menacingly.

"Humph", Naoki removing Yuki's hand and turned her head the other way.

"Let's get something to eat first.", I said.

"Yeah.", Yuki agreed.

"...", Naoki didn't say anything.

As we were walking in the hallway, Yuki was in front of me and Naoki is at behind, Naoki is dejectedly pouting. So, I slowed my pace down and waited for Naoki.

When Naoki realized it, she only looked at me and didn't say a thing.

I whispered to her, "Are you mad?"


I guess she is, I think this is the first time I saw her acting like this.

Suddenly, an idea popped up in my head. I grabbed her chin with my fingers and hope that it will work.

After I grabbed her chin, I leaned towards her until our lips touched, making her eyes widen by my actions and making her face flushed beet red.

After our quick kiss, I asked, "Are you still mad?", and I smiled.

Naoki then shakes her head sideways indicating that she wasn't anymore.

"Fufu", I giggled seeing her acting like this, I guess that thing works and it's pretty convenient I must say.

"You know what, Tatsu, I think you're a natural.", Yuki saw us and interjected.

Naoki only nodded while her face is still red.

"Huh? Natural? What?", I asked them confusingly.

I was confused at what she said, but the two of them didn't say anything.

We proceed walking towards the breakfast hall, a room for breakfast that's what Yuki said to me. Apparently, she had 3 types of eating hall in this mansion, breakfast, lunch, and dining hall.

Which is insane, why do you need 3 different halls for eating? I don't get rich people, the only thing I could comprehend right now is how extravagant and excessive the place is.

And most importantly, why is Yuki related to my incident? She's from a wealthy family or maybe even a noble, at how tight those people are on their children, makes it impossible for me to meet her.

Though the only thing I could remember was some scenarios that had happened, there's only one person that had been hunting me, the silhouette with heterochromia eyes. In every scenario in my nightmare that's the only person that keeps showing. Other than that, there's nothing, but except for my new dream earlier— the female voice.

After we ate, we head out to the main hall and saw butler Allen standing there waiting for us.

"Enjoyed the breakfast, sir/mams?", Allen-san politely asked.

"Yes, thank you.", I said.

"Yep, tasty as usual Allen-san", Naoki said.

"Yeah.", Yuki said.

Then we head out and saw 3 black cars parking at the front.

One guy opened the door, and said, "Good morning, Milady."

We entered the car, and after a while, the engine started and started driving towards our school campus.