The Oye Family

We're currently sitting at the back of the car.

But, a sudden thought came up to my mind.

I remembered my hellish first day, yesterday, and adding Yuki in the mix will be probably gonna cause me more trouble. Just thinking about it, two beauties clinging to me with me plus my gloomy appearance due to my hair, will cause an uproar for sure. Even though, I don't really care about my reputation. I still want at least to make a friend. I don't know if Arima does count, he's more like an acquaintance and a classmate but I could say that he would probably gonna be a great friend.

And then, second, the way this two will act in school will kill me for sure. If they acted the same as earlier, I'll be probably be executed or burned alive by the male students. Don't ever underestimate the jealousy of pubescent males, that's what I learned from my dad when he started dating my mom. He even emphasized the 'ever' part to me. From what happened yesterday, I could say that I totally believe what my dad said to me.

Now, I need to talk about this two. First will be Naoki, she's the type of person who will be the first person to lose in a poker game. Naoki is always honest to her emotions, she's like a display screen without any filter, she's too easy to read even a toddler could probably tell—that's why I found her cute like an innocent child. Then the next one, Yuki, she's one of the people that's totally opposite of Naoki. Naoki's personality is a huge contrast to Yuki's, Naoki is more like an innocent and honest one rather than Yuki's mischievous and cunning side. Adding, her way of thinking is abnormal too, she's unpredictable.

Even though I only met her a few times, I could tell that, all this time she's the calculative type. Like, the time we met at the library or the time at the fast-food restaurant. Though, I can't really tell whether our earlier encounter was planned too.

I don't really know, what's our current relationship status for now. Lover? Or friends? This is quite a complicated relationship, that I got into. They admitted that they're in love with me but I don't know how to reciprocate their feelings. I'm still piecing all of it together.

"All right, we need to talk.", I called the two.

Their attention turned towards me. I'm currently sitting between them like earlier.

"Hm? What do we need to talk about?", Naoki asked.

"...", Yuki only tilted her head slightly while looking at me.

"We need to lay out some ground rules while we're at school. Like, how you guys will interact with me, etc.", I said.

"Why would we need ground rules for interacting with you?", Yuki looked at me confused.

"Yeah?", Naoki agreed.

"I know that you two are in love with me, and on my part, I'm still piecing things together. But, there's no guarantee. You two said earlier about helping me to realize my feelings, right?"

"Yeah? What's the point? We will show our love for you, whenever or wherever we are.", Yuki triumphantly said.

"Umu.", Naoki nodded triumphantly.

"That's the point! Can't least show empathy to me?", I looked at them dejectedly.

"We are though?", Yuki looked at me confused.

"Yeah, we are showing it.", Naoki did the same.

"Wait! No! I meant sympathy!", I exclaimed.

""Sympathy?"", Yuki and Naoki looked at me puzzled.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure, I'm probably hated at school by now.", I said.

"Was it because of Naoki?", Yuki asked.

"Y-yeah.", I replied downcasted.

"Wha?! How is it my fault?!"Naoki exclaimed.

"Because you kept glancing at him. Every. Single. Time. Like your all head over heels for him, well you are. But, I think what Tatsu was trying to say, was that your appearance plus the way you act around him, making him the target of the jealous stares from other males.", Yuki explained.

Naoki's eyes downcasted.

I nodded joyfully. Someone finally understood my circumstance.

Wait a minute.

"You're part of it too!", I exclaimed.

"Not really, I only greeted you at the cafeteria.", Yuki answered.

"That's much worse! There are more people in there!"

"Well, can't blame me, I wanted to greet you so bad, at least I held back for not kissing you.", Yuki said while slight pouting.

Urgh, this girl. Wait...

"Wait, if Naoki and you knew each other, then why did you guys pretended not to know each other, yesterday? Was that planned?", I asked.

"Fufu, as expected. But sadly, it's not. When I saw you, I just got excited and it kind of helped me get rid of the two imbeciles that were on my table yesterday.", Yuki said.

"And for the part of Naoki pretending not to know me, it was part of our pact that we agreed upon, but it's broken now because of what happened earlier.", Yuki added.

"Yeah... stupid Yuki.", I heard Naoki mumbled beside me.


I can't mutter a single word at what Yuki said to me.

"Haa... Al—", as I was about to speak Yuki cut me off.

"If you think of getting rid of us, then that will be a huge no-no.", Yuki glared at me.

God damn it, this woman is really scary, I'm not even thinking of that.

But suddenly, I heard a gasped on my side it was Naoki, she then grabbed my arm and looked at me with her adorable puppy eyes once again.

"Y-you don't want to be with us?", Naoki said trembly.

"Eh? No! I'm just thinking of, maybe lessen the flirt stuff.", I panicky said.

I hugged her unconsciously, I'm really weak against them when they started acting like this, and Yuki will probably abuse this. I'm too weak against cute things. I need to restrain myself more, not to succumb to this stuff.

And then, there's Asuka. She was my biggest weakness, I can't refuse anything she says. Uggh, just imagining Asuka's face when I turn her down will probably leave a scar in my heart.

Why am I so fond of cute things?

"No. We will not restrain ourselves just because of those perverts.", Yuki said as she glares at me.

"A-am I a bother?", Naoki looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Eh? No way! Okay. How about this, no kissing at school.", I said.

Wait... Why is that the first thing that came out of my mouth?

"No! How about this, we can kiss if there are no students nearby?", Naoki exclaimed.

I was surprised at Naoki, is she really that addicted to it?

"Yeah, I can agree with that.", Yuki agreed with Naoki.

"Fufu, there's no stopping us, you'll be branded as a playboy.", Yuki added.

That's the worst part! I'll be branded as a playboy or a two-timer! If things go on their way—I need to save myself!

"Alright, so we agree on that kissing part—"

Wait... That Nagasawa guy got a harem. Maybe, if I let it pass a few weeks, maybe people will treat is a normal occurrence. Genius!

"...Okay, you guys can do whatever you want, but there will be no clinging or hugging while in public. How's that?", I said.

"You know... that's good actually, but maybe remove the no clinging and hugging in public, and that would make it perfect.", Yuki spoke in a monotone voice.

"What's the point of what I said then?!", I exclaimed as I inwardly about to cry.

"Tatsu... Clinging and hugging are totally normal, it shows how deep our friendship is.", Naoki said.

"Wait, really? Bu—"

"Just trust us, we're the ones who are experienced in this stuff.", Naoki interrupted.

Wait, so that's totally normal? I'm sure, that they are not. Haa... This two will really do anything just to get close to me. It's unfair, I'm all alone arguing with two people. These two are so stubborn, they will not even listen to me or care about other people, the only thing on their mind was getting close to me. Even Naoki is lying to me. Fuck this, I'll just pray that people will get used to it, and I just hope that I will not get any death threats.

"Haa... Okay, just no kissing while in public.", I said dejectedly.

Naoki and Yuki smiled, the two leaned and kissed me on both of my cheeks.


"We are not in public yet.", Yuki said while mischievously smiling at me.

"Yeah.", Naoki is the same.

This two...

After that, we stopped at the front gate of the campus and the black cars we are on right now garnered some stares from all the students nearby.

The black-suited guy opened the door for us. The three of us got out of the car, and because of that, we are the main attraction of the stares.

Of course, I'm the one who got the jealous stares of the males like usual as two beautiful goddesses are walking together at both of my sides.

But, as we were about to reach the gate, I saw the Oye guy with a middle-aged fat man and then a middle-aged woman.

"Father! That's the guy!", Oye Goro screamed with his arm-supporter.

Naoki and I furrowed our eyebrows.

"So, you're the bastard who broke my precious son's wrist.", the middle-aged guy spoke.

I think he's Oye Osamu and the one together with him, his wife Oye Kasumi. This guy... he's really a spoiled-brat isn't he?

"You! How dare you do that to my son!", Oye Kasumi exclaimed as she tried to rush into me.

"Honey, don't worry, I'll make sure to expel him and make his life suffer.", Oye Osami said as he stopped her wife from rushing to me.

"Ha! Say goodbye to your life!", Oye Goro said happily.

The audacity of this retard, he can't even face me. But, as soon he got his parent got involved he became arrogant again.

Oye Goro then pointed his finger to Naoki, and said, " You should have accepted my proposal yesterday and now you'll go down with him, but I'll do an exception to you, my proposal is still open for you.", then he smiled.

"Oh, another one, you can have that offer too, beautiful.", he added when he saw Yuki beside me.

I narrowed and furrowed my eyes when I heard that.

"How come you can say that when I remember you peeing yourself yesterday, you can't even protect yourself. Hahahaha, and now calling the parents. Calling mama and papa because you got a boo-boo?", I laughed.

Naoki laughed at what I said, even the people nearby laughed at what I said.

"You!!!", Oye Goro gritted his teeth.

"I can't believe that you will call your parents because of your stupidity. Hello, Oye Goro's parents, I'm Okita Tatsuya who broke your son's wrist. I didn't know that you guys are nurturing future sexual offenders on your family.", I smiled at them.

The Oye family furrowed their eyebrows upon hearing that.

"You insolent child! Is that how your parents raised you?! Disrespecting elder?!", Oye Kasumi screamed.

"Talk more, and let's see, if you can talk like that later. I bet your parents would be so proud of you.", Oye Osamu sarcastically said.

How dare they mention my parents to this?!

"Oho, my parents raised me wonderfully, not like you guys, who tolerate their son's sexual harassment. And, if you think that you guys deserve respect, sorry to burst your bubble but you guys don't deserve an ounce of respect.", I said as I tried to control my anger.

"If you think that threatening me will scare me, sorry bonehead family, but that won't work", I added.

I only said this because of my boiling anger and at what Sakura-san said to me.

But, as Oye Goro and his mother were about to speak Oye Osamu stopped them.

"You can talk big, huh. Let's see if your parents would love to see their child as he ruined his own family because of his big-mouth. A commoner speaking to me like that, I would love to see your tough attitude as I destroy your family altogether with you.", Oya Osamu said threateningly.

I was about to speak, but I got interrupted by Yuki's laughing.

"Hahahahahaha, you? The Oye family? Of all people, trying to threaten him? Hahahaha, I can't.", Yuki laughed.