Solving the Issue

While Yuki is laughing, I looked at her confused.

Why is she laughing...?

Even all the people in our surroundings are looking at her confused.

"And what are you saying? Little girl? It's true.", Oye Osamu narrowed his eyes to Yuki.

"Hahaha, sorry, sorry. I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Hatsumi Yuki from the Hatsumi Family. A pleasure to meet you, Oye Osamu. Though, It's so funny that you guys treat yourselves as nobles when you guys are only commoners, hahaha.", Yuki said while trying to stop herself from laughing.

Then Oye Osamu changed his fierce looks from earlier to a frightened one, his whole body is shaking. All of us looked at him dumbfounded, even his son and wife.

"I-I-I'm sorry! I didn't notice! I didn't know you're the princess from the Hatsumi Family. Please I beg for forgiveness!", Oya Osamu said in a trembling voice and bowed while shuddering.

I heard some people in the crowd who are watching us gasped.

What? What is happening? Hatsumi Family? That family?

"Pretending to be a noble, huh. You're no different from them, remember?", Yuki said.

As this was happening, I whispered something to Naoki.

"Hey, you know what's happening?", I asked.

"No, I got no clue too.", Naoki replied.

Oye Osamu looked at Yuki in horror, he kneeled and shoved his face to the ground.

"I-I beg for your forgiveness!!"

"H-honey?!", his wife looked at him bewildered.

"F-father?!", his son too.

His wife tried to get him up but got her hand slapped away.

"Shut up!!", he screamed at his wife.

"F-Father...", Oye Goro looked at his father worried and confused.

We looked at him dumbfounded.

I leaned my head towards Yuki and whispered, "Uhh, what's happening, Yuki?"

"Ah, no worries, I don't know what happened but I'll thoroughly punish their family, so just sit back and I'll handle the rest.", she said and smiled at me.

I was baffled at what she said to me.

Just who is she? Is she only rich? At the back of my head, there's this thing that has been bugging me if she's really the daughter of...

"Ah. That's a no-no, you see I hate people abusing their authority, plus the audacity of you, and that numbskull brain of yours to treat your worthless family as a noble."

Wait, what? I thought nobles are just rich people.

"I-I'm sorry, I-I...", Oya Osamu said while stuttering but got cut off.

"Just shut up, right now, the problem is your son. What happened, Tatsu? Did he offend you?", Yuki then asked me.

"T-T-Tatsu—?!", Oya Osamu looked at me in horror.

"Ah, so it's like this...", I then proceed to tell her the events that had happened yesterday.

"Hahaha, so that scumbag...", she pointed at Oye Goro, "...had the audacity to hit on Naoki, but got rejected and tried to blame you for it? what's more he even started crying and peeing his pants? Hahahaha.", Yuki said while laughing.

Oye Goro was gritting and shivering in anger while looking at me.

"And, not only that, he even said that to Nao?", Yuki added but her expression turned into a serious one.

I shivered as I saw her, even the people around us.

"You had the audacity to say that to me earlier? Who do you think you are? You're just a peasant.", Yuki glared at Oye Goro.

But, since Oye Goro's pride is being trampled he can't let this pass, and said, "You! You bi—"

He got interrupted by a sudden slap from his father, "*SLAP*"

The slap was so powerful that he fell to the ground, I can't imagine the pain he's having right now, it's so loud. Though at the same time, I'm having a deja vu from that slap. Then Oye Goro looked at his father in horror while covering the part he got slapped.

"F—Father?!", Oye Goro looked at his father.

Am I watching a drama now? Naoki and I were in an awkward situation where we don't know what to do or say. But, we could tell that we're on the high ground because of Yuki's identity.

"I swear! If you ever tried to say that I swear! I will not let you see the sun tomorrow!!", Oye Osamu screamed at his son.

"W-what are you doing?!", his wife exclaimed as she went to support his son.

"You! Shut up!", he screamed.

What's happening, right now? That guy was so tough earlier, but when Yuki mentioned her family he turned into a chihuahua. What kind of woman did I get myself into?

"I guess, you want to be kicked out and live in the street, I presume?", Yuki glared at Oye Osamu.

"N-No! Hatsumi-sama! Please forgive for my insolent son of mine, I'll do anything that pleases you!", Oya Osamu pleaded as he kneeled again.

"Nah, I'm not going to make the decision, it will be him who will decide as I will follow what he will say.", Yuki pointed her finger at me.

"Hm?", I looked at her with questioning eyes.

When she said that, the face from Oya Osamu fell in despair as he realizes that I have some sort of relationship with Yuki.

"H-Him?!", he exclaimed as he looks at me with frightened eyes.

"So, what do want to do with them Tatsu? I can make him lose his position and make his family suffer if you want.", Yuki said to me indifferently while with an innocent expression on her face.

All the people shuddered when she said that nonchalantly, and for the Oye family, all three of them shivered in horror, even the prideful Oye Goro was about to burst into tears again when he realized the shithole he entered because of his arrogant prideful self.

Why are you looking at me like that, Yuki?!

"Oi, don't pass the baton to me.", I said.

"Eh? Just say yes or no.", Yuki said.

Then I looked at Naoki, who only shrugged at me without saying anything to me.

You're making this hard for me!

I looked at the Oye family again, and they're all looking at me with horror on their faces like a god who was about to pass his judgment to them. Though, I admit that I'm pretty angry at them, plus mentioning my parents in the conversation almost blew my fuse off.

Looking at them, a sudden thought came up in my mind. I guess I could use the fear that they're feeling right now to my advantage, without even harming them, plus I could make that Oye Goro expelled without any casualties.

"Hmm... I don't know, what you guys think?", I asked the Oye family.

"Uhh, I-I beg for your forgiveness on how I acted earlier! Tatsuya-sama!", Oya Osama said while stuttering and shoving his face to the ground again.

His son and wife didn't even mutter a single word, as they know that their own livelihood or maybe even their lives are on the line. Especially, Oye Goro the way he looks right now is like the same as yesterday, the puny one. I can only guess that they understood why Oye Osamu was acting like this. And the main cause of it was Yuki.

I was taken back from what he called me. Tatsuya-sama?! What the hell. Just because I'm acquainted with Yuki? Wait...

Then I smiled, "I'm pretty sure that you know about your son's misdeed, right?"

Damn, I feel like a villain now.

"Y-yes!", Oya Osamu shouted.

While his son on his side could only bit his lips.

"So? I'm pretty sure you know what to do, right? I'm pretty sure you prefer what I'm trying to say than the other one..."

Then he stood up and asked, "You want me to lick your shoes?"

"Ye— Wait! That's not it! How did you come up to that conclusion!", I shouted.

What's wrong with his mind? Are all rich people like this? Even Yuki beside me got a few loose screws in her head. But suddenly, I felt a sudden bloodlust from Yuki.

I felt cold sweats forming on my back. How come she knew that I'm bad-mouthing her in my mind?

I looked at Yuki and saw her cold smile, so I smiled back.

"Wait, it's not?", he looked at me confused.

I turned my head towards him and said, "Of course not! I'm only telling you to drop your son out of school, I had a talk with the disciplinary committee that your son got a ton of sexual harassment complaints but he's not getting punished for it, I bet you're the one manipulating those right?", then I glared at him.

I heard some gasp from some people in the crowd surrounding us. Did they really not know? I thought he was famous for doing it.

"Y-y-yes.", he admitted to his son's wrongdoings.

Meanwhile, Oye Goro there, only looked down, hiding his ashamed face.

"But, of course, I will let Naoki decide since she's the victim of what happened yesterday.", I turned my head to Naoki.

Naoki looked at me surprised, and only said, "I'm okay with that."

"Yes! Thank you very much!", Oye Osamu exclaimed.

He stood up and rush to me and shook my hands. I was dumbstruck at his actions. Then he looked at Yuki waiting for her response.

"Are you sure about this, Tatsu?", Yuki asked.

"Yeah, I prefer this.", I replied.

"Well, if you say so.", Yuki shrugged.

"T-Thank you very much, Hatsumi-sama! I'll be going to the administrative building to file the drop-out form, I'll be excused then. Thank you.", he bowed to us and dragged his family to the school campus.

After that, we continued our walk and of course, the crowd dispersed too, but the stares are very unusual—I can't describe it.

"Are you sure about your decision? What if they tried to do something to you?", Naoki spoke with worry.

"I bet they will, but the looks on his father, I'm pretty sure they will not.", I replied.

"How can you be sure about that, Tatsu?", Naoki looked at me with worry.

"I don't know, maybe it involves someone, who can basically crush a corporation like it's a plaything.", I then looked at Yuki beside me.

She looked at me in the eyes and smiled.

"Fufu, of course, it won't be free.", Yuki said with a smug on her face.

"Yuki, I got a question.", I asked.


"It's been in the back of my mind but are you really part of the Hatsumi Financial Group?"

"Hm? Yeah, my dad is the president.", Yuki nodded.

So I got a woman who can basically let me buy anything I want? I basically got a get out of jail free card earlier from Yuki. Adding Yuki's identity, I will probably gonna have some future problems.

Yep, this is gonna be a fun 'peaceful' high school life.

"Haha, I knew it, but how come you don't know it, Naoki?", I turned my head to Naoki.

"Eh? Uhh, I don't even know the Hatsumi Financial Group. I just only knew that she's rich and nothing else.", Naoki replied.

From her face, I could tell that she's telling the truth, but how come you don't know your friend's background? Now, the question is—How come she's related to that incident? I've got a ton of questions for Yuki, but I'm pretty sure that she will not tell me a single thing. Why are they not telling me a single thing that could help me recover my memories?

"Haa... So, how come you're here studying, Yuki? Aren't you supposed in a super-rich all-girl school?", I asked Yuki.

"Is that even a question?", Yuki looked at me dumbfounded.

Yeah, probably because of me.

"Ah, no, I meant, how come your family agreed to that."

"I have my ways.", Yuki then smirked.

This woman is really scary! I don't know what she did but I got the feeling that it's no good.

Then we reached our building, we parted ways.

"Bye, Tatsu.", Yuki waved while smiling at me.

"Bye.", I waved back.

Naoki did the same thing too.

✯ ✯ ✯

Naoki and I reached our classroom.

I opened the door and then the classroom became silent, we continued walking until we reached our seats. Even, the Nagasawa group looked at both Naoki and me in a weird way.

My name is probably on the front page of the forum, right now. That's the only plausible explanation.

Then Arima noticed me, he grinned.

"I guess, you handled it pretty well, huh.", Arima spoke.

"Hm?", I looked at him confused.

"I watched your little drama earlier, though you said to me yesterday that you didn't know that silver-haired chick."

"Ohh, that one. Not really, Yuki pretty much handled everything.", I answered.

"First-name basis, huh? I didn't expect a princess would be studying here, though we do have a few nobles here too but not on the same level that she has. People in the forum are all going crazy because of her.", Arima asked.

"Yeah, it's quite complicated, but we're close(physical contact) now and Naoki was a friend of hers."

"Really? But, yesterday..."

"Well, I'm just angry at her yesterday, that's why I acted like that.", Naoki interjected.

"Ohh, I see...", Arima replied.

"By the way, you two vanished earlier at the park.", Arima added.

"Ah, well, we took a run since you two earlier don't seem to be stopping at any given moment.", I made an excuse.

"Sorry, about that...", Arima scratched his head, "'s just that... every time we would meet we would fight or argue."

"Was it because of the Nagasawa guy?", I nonchalantly said.

Arima's eyes widen.

"Ah! S-sorry, I didn't mean to.", I panicky said.

Arima laughed a little, and said, "Haha, it's kind of obvious, even the people around us knew about it, so it's okay."

As I was about to say something, I got interrupted by the bell for the first period.