The Little Cute Creature Missed Me

The evening sun cast long shadows on the ground as we're currently walking on the pathway towards the administrative building.

After the little talk with Naoki, where she let out the feelings that have been kept inside her all this time.

Naoki's complexion became more clearer and felt very relieved and thankful for that. Although her sudden outburst was unusual, like something triggered inside her. Was it because Izumi-sensei got mentioned in our conversation?

Naoki's weirdness started when we departed earlier at Naoki's mansion, no, scratch that, it started after she had a talk with Yuki. Even since then, she started acting not like herself, like she will not talk like usual or how she reacts to things are very feebly.

For some instances, the Oye family incident. She didn't even care about them nor even reacted like they didn't exist in her line of sight, not even worrying what would happen.

She did tell me that she only knew that Yuki is rich but was that really the case? Then before that, the time where we're about to go to the disciplinary committee, why did she react like that? If she knew Yuki could handle it, why would she react like that? Then when we confronted them, she didn't even worry like she knew what would happen. It's so contradicting that I felt like all the stuff she showed me was only the tip of the iceberg which is really correct since I only met her last week, but my guts are telling a different story and I don't what that is...

Because of this, I realized that I haven't really grasped Naoki's behavior and character, I thought Naoki was one of the people who are easy to read. However, I was mistaken, there's more to her character— A persona. That's why I've been contemplating if whether her honest personality was fake or part of her.

I set aside all of that first.

As we are now near our destination and the administrative building is packed with students.

I'm currently wearing a blue tracksuit that Naoki handed me earlier because my uniform was drenched wet due to an inappropriate accident that led me into changing my clothes. As for my hair, it's quite dry but since it's still annoying as it keeps sticking into my face as to why I'm wearing my reading glasses underneath my bangs.

And for my drenched uniform, Naoki got a plastic bag for it.

Now, we're inside of the administrative building but there's a huge ruckus as we're about to get in the main lobby of the building.

I heard some female students nearby talking about someone.

"Hey hey, did you see the family earlier?"


"Are they celebrities from another country?"

"Yeah, they could be I haven't seen them on television in here but just by judging the foreign woman who's holding her cute daughter. They probably are."

"She's so pretty I hope that I could least get like a few percentages of her beauty."

It's all over the place, most of the people that are walking past us or just standing there are talking about it.

"Kyaah, I want to take the little child that the pretty lady was carrying. She's so soft!"

"Yeah yeah me too, but did you see the dad?"

"Oh my, of course."

"He's pretty hot, right?"

"He looks like one of those hunk daddies that I see on the internet."

Upon hearing these kinds of remarks, I cringed. When I heard them mentioning a foreign woman, I instantly thought of my mom as for the kid that she's holding, I don't know. Did I get a new sister when I left the house a week ago? But, it's been only like a week when I left home, how could they—...?

Then I heard some boys talking too, but I chose to ignore them since they're mostly sexual remarks and because of that I narrowed my eyes and glared at them.

They didn't saw me glaring at them maybe because my eyes are not visible to them, nonetheless, they're sick and utterly disgusting.

Naoki and I got closer to the main lobby while looking for them, despite all the ruckus of a certain family that is staying here. There are still some people who recognized us and instantly threw their jealous gazes at me.

We reached the lobby and all the people are looking in a specific direction so I went there.

Then I saw the main source of all the ruckus, a tall man with jet black hair who's wearing a black suit, beside him was a golden-haired woman wearing a fantastic formal business dress which really brings out the sexiness of her curvy body and then there's the cute little young girl with brown amethyst hair color who's wearing a panda pajama. The young little girl was scanning everyone in the lobby as if she's looking for someone.

She then looked in my direction, when that happened she screamed, "NII-CHAAN!!"

She tried to push the woman who's holding her, due to that, the woman was forced to let the young girl down but as soon she did that. The young girl rushed towards me and that young girl was—Asuka. She was running towards me with teary eyes, because of that I got worried because she might slip so I walked towards her along with my brotherly blood rushed through my veins. I crouched down and she rushed into my embrace, she was embracing my neck tightly.

I got choked again, "Ugh!", I exclaimed.

Why she always choke my neck whenever she's hugging me?

Then she started whimpering, "Wuuu, Nii-chan."

"All right, there, there.", I started caressing her big bubbly head.

"Wuuu.", Asuka whimpered.

The man and woman who was with Asuka earlier were obviously my parents, they walked towards me—No, scratch that, only my dad because my mom rushed and hugged me.

I was holding Asuka with my right arm so my mom instantly went to my left side.

"Ugh.", I grunted.

She was embracing me tightly, and said, "Aww, look at you, did you miss me?", she then looked at me.

"Mom, not here, and please don't add pressure on my stomach I'm almost about to pass out.", I retorted.

"Yvonne, stop that, you're giving Tatsuya a hard time.", my dad said.

As my father said, my mother's name is Yvonne Robertson, she's originally a half-foreign and went to this country in her 20's but upon marrying my dad she changed her name to Japanese, which is Okita Kumiko. As to why my father was still calling her English name was because he got used to calling her that, that's the only reason for that.

Even though she's in her 40's, my mom still looks young as her genes still keeping her youthful look in her 20's, not just because of her genes, she's especially maintaining her figure as she always joins my dad on their outdoor activities and always maintaining her skin too because one time I asked her why she still kept her beauty regime when she doesn't even need it, due to the fact that she's married. And, all I can tell was, never ever ask a woman those rhetorical questions. I got a handful of sermons all day long because of that.

"Hmpf, you're just jealous because I got to hug him first."

They're always like this ever since I was a kid. As to why I remember my past with them because they're one of the people whom I remember when I woke up from my slumber.

The type of amnesia that I've got was called Selective Amnesia where I only lost some parts of my memories pertaining to specific events, relationships, etc. That's the reason why I don't remember anything related to the incident. The one I concluded, which is the only plausible explanation as to why I don't remember some other people. I still need to ask Izumi-sensei about this.

"Haa...", my dad sighed, he went closer and started rubbing my head, and said, "Are you okay here? Are you having fun? Are eating well?"

"Yeah, Auntie was treating me well, and I'm having fun too so don't worry about it.", I smiled at him.

"That's good, just don't forget to balance things, all right?", he smiled back at me.

"Yes, I will."

"Fufu, you're such a tsun, Seiji. You really want to hug him too, right? If you beg me I would consider it.", my mom interjected.

My father's name was Okita Seiji, a tall man who's about 180 cm tall making him above average than most males here. He's in his 40's yet he's quite sturdy for his age and then adding his muscular physique making him look young. He loves physical activities as that's the only thing he does as to why he got this type of body. To be honest, I don't even know what job or work he has, or how he can even afford our needs, whenever we ask for something he would buy it, no matter how much but at a cost of labor in the house. Which I found it mysterious, till to this day. Of course, my mom is only a housewife, adding more mystery to our financial situation. I could probably pitch that as a mystery case for the Mystery club.

"Wuuu.", Asuka who's still whimpering on my neck as she rubbed her tiny bubbly head.

Now that I think about it, I left the house earlier and didn't come back. I guess that's why she's acting like this.

How cute.

I started patting her head while smiling, then I saw Naoki and my mom looking at me with jealousy in their eyes.

Are they seriously jealous of a child?

My mom then turned her towards Naoki, "Nao-chan!"

She then released her embrace and went to Naoki to hug her.

"Auntie.", Naoki responded with a smile on her face.

Amidst that, the students who are near us started causing a commotion, they were all flabbergasted at what just happened.

"Wait, what? That's his parents? Not the blond chick he's with?"

"It seems so, but—Huh?"

"Wow, I didn't expect that."

"But, why is he wearing a school tracksuit?"

There were some questioning remarks about me and then the majority of the female students were eyeing me with jealousy and awe in their eyes as they stare at the little ball creature whom I holding right now.

"Muuu, look at him hogging that cute little creature."

"Awww, look at that, she's hugging him tightly, I bet she missed him."

"Kyaah, can I kidnap that thing?"

"Could I trade my annoying little sister for that?"

"I wish to trade places with him."

"Panda pajamas, ugh, too cute."

I just realized that some of them are taking pictures of Asuka. I can't blame them. Who wouldn't want to take a picture of this little angel? I'm so happy, their jealous eyes are feeling up my ego. Fufu, I got this cute little panda in my arms and you guys can't touch her.

Then I looked at my parents and questioned their outfits, "Mom, Dad, why are you guys wearing those outfits?"

I was confused when I saw them wearing formal clothing, which is very surprising since I haven't seen them wearing this kind of outfit before.

"Nothing. By the way, why are you wearing your school tracksuit?", my dad said.

"Oh, uhh, I fell on the fountain and made my uniform drenched.", I shyly said while scratching my cheeks.

"Oh no! Are you okay?! Did you get somewhere?!", my mom exclaimed as she checked every part of my head for any bruise.

Then she proceeds to unzip my tracksuit.

"Mom! Don't!", I exclaimed as I stopped her hand with my free hand since I'm still holding Asuka.

"No! I need to see if you got hurt somewhere!", she then holds my arm and proceeds to unzip my tracksuit.

Why is she so strong?! I can't even fend it. This is so bad!

As to why this is bad? Because I'm only wearing the tracksuit and there's nothing beneath it. And, one thing, there are so many people here! They will see my upper naked body, and I don't want that to happen!

Mom then forcefully opened my tracksuit which is now in the clear view of all the people here in the lobby.