Please! Reject her!

Kyaaah! Sexual harassment!

Someone, please stop this woman!

After unzipping my tracksuit, she then proceeds to check my body. I can't even do anything since Asuka is hugging my neck tightly, my mom even tried to take my tracksuit but only managed to get one sleeve off because I was holding Asuka on my right arm, as to why I'm so grateful to this little angel.

"Waah! What are you doing! There are people here!", I exclaimed.

"Shut up, I'm checking if you got hurt.", she retorted.

"Hold it right there, I'm not going to let you go that far.", dad said to stop her madness.

"Huh?! I'm only checking if he's okay!", mom exclaimed.

"No, you're embarrassing him, let's just go."

"Hmpf, what embarrassing? I'm only checking if he's okay.", mom glared at him.

"Look at him.", dad then pointed at me.

Mom then looked at me, she then saw my pathetic state where my tracksuit is only hanging on by one arm, half-naked.

"Oh, sor—", but mom got interrupted.

They were called by a person from the faculty, "Mr. and Mrs. Okita, it's all done."

"Oh, see ya later, Tatsuya.", mom said.

"Yeah, I guess we're called. Just wait here." dad added.

And they just went inside the faculty leaving me here.

"Are they for real?!", I exclaimed.

They just left like that?!

I was so frustrated by then I remembered the cute little thing on my arms, so I manage to calm myself down. When they left I properly wore my tracksuit again, I slid my arm on the sleeves of my tracksuit but there's a problem. I can't zip it.

I looked at Naoki. Naoki's face was beet red flushed while looking at my body, it would be funny if she got nosebleeds like on those romcoms stories. But then, something hit me. Everyone saw my pathetic state!

Then I checked my surroundings while my tracksuit zipper is still open for everyone to see.

Most of them were all flabbergasted while looking at my body and some of them, well most girls, are looking at me with a beet-red face like Naoki. Even the girls who are taking pictures of Asuka earlier had their mouths wide-open while taking a picture... Hm?! Shit! Are they taking a picture of me? I need to zip this stupid tracksuit of mine!

I quickly turned my head to Naoki, and said, "N-Naoki, can you zip it for me?"

It took her a while to reply, "Eh? O-Oh! Okay."

Naoki then walked in front of me with her face flushed red and got her hand on the two ends of the zipper. But before that, she slightly strokes her fingers into my abdominal muscle.

Then my eyes widen looking at her surprise, and said, "W-What are you doing?"

"Eh?! A-Ah, Uhmm, nothing, just curious. Hehe~", she replied panickily.

My face flushed red when she did that.

I can't even imagine her doing that... Maybe? Nevertheless, that's so inappropriate to do it in public, Naoki. Haa... Now, I'm thinking of confronting the girls who took a picture of me for them to delete it. But, maybe they're just taking pictures of Asuka? And, I misinterpreted it? Maybe, that's it. I really need to stop assuming stuff.

But, why are all of them had red faces like Naoki? If it's Naoki I would understand, but them? It's just a male upper body we don't have breasts like them so why would they? Or maybe they're just embarrassed. There were even some female teachers who saw me, even them blushed. Meanwhile, the males who saw me are all flabbergasted and started looking at me with a complicated look on their faces.

Naoki finally zipped up my tracksuit. Then I heard some girls sighed with disappointment on their faces. It only made me confused more.

Asuka on the other hand was still whimpering while rubbing her head against mine.

I caress her hair, and said, "Asuka, you okay now?"

"Mhm", Asuka replied.

I continued caressing her head, then I looked at Naoki, "Let's find a seat."

"Mm? Yeah. Hehe~", Naoki replied while still giggling.

Even though we had that talk earlier, I still find Naoki cute.

I smiled then went to a nearby vacant seat.

Naoki and I sat there while I'm still carrying Asuka in my arms, looks like Asuka doesn't have any intention to let me go this day.

Even when I took a seat, some people are still gazing at me. I don't know if it's because of Asuka because some of them are eyeing my body in particular, mostly the females. Honestly, I'm scared, I feel like they're about to eat me.

While I'm having a hard time on the gazes that they're throwing at me, Naoki spoke, "Tatsu, why are your parents here?"

Now that Naoki mentioned it, I don't even know why they are here they even wore a suit, plus they were even called on the faculty. Am I in trouble? But, I've got a feeling that it's much worse than that. Why can't I remove this uneasy feeling that I have ever since they mentioned them being here?

"I don't know, they only said to me that they're here.", I replied.

"Hm... Are you sure? Because I feel like they got into like a parent interview thing.", Naoki said.

"Parent interview?", I looked at her confused.

"Yeah, like the principal will interview the parent?"

"What for?"

"Well, it depends, but I do remember about the transfer thing. Where the parents and the student who will be transferred here will get an interview like 'Why is your son or daughter will make a transfer.'. Or maybe about your performance, but it's too early for them to do parent-teacher meetings since we only started our school year yesterday."

Wait, don't tell me. Nooo! There's no way, right? I just had a talk with them, there's no way they would let her go here. She's the one who's so adamant about not letting me go to school, even told my parents that she would handle all my needs even after we're adults. She even had a concrete plan of confining me in the house!

She's the sole reason why I'm currently living with my aunt now. Please, don't ever be her if she really is. Please! Reject her transfer application! Principal!

As I was having an existential crisis in my head, Asuka finally stopped whimpering and looked at my face.

I noticed her, and her face was full of tears from whimpering she did so I wiped out all her tears, and said, "Are you okay now?", I smiled.

"Mhmm.", Asuka nodded.

"Good", I said while caressing her flabby cheeks.

"By the way, Asuka what are you guys doing here?", I asked her.

"Kumiko nee-chan told me that they will meet Nii-chan. So, Asuka happily agreed.", Asuka smiled brightly.

Ugh, I can't really take hits to this little girl. This girl is too precious. I even heard some gasped to some nearby people who are watching her and can't help themselves to scream at her cuteness. I thought Naoki and Yuki's smile is the killer smile but they're only meant for males. Meanwhile, Asuka's smile could kill every person neither what the gender or age.

But, one more thing, Kumiko nee-chan? Did mom tell her to call her that?

But all of that thought got washed away as I can't help myself to hug this tiny little creature. She's like a fluffy tiny creature.

"Hehe~", Asuka giggled.

I stopped, and asked her one more time, "Is there one person who came with you here?"

"Hm? Shika nee-chan came too.", Asuka said.

SHIT! My elder sister came! But why?! She's in her last year of high school, she will do anything no matter what it takes to bring me back. Reject her application, please! She's a crazy brocon! I can't even handle her, she's too much to handle. Shika-nee's possessiveness is on another level!

There's no way they would accept her, right? She's in her last year, there's no way they would accept senior students at this time and year.

I started sweating.

Naoki then noticed my tensed expression.

"Was it really bad, Tatsu?", Naoki asked.

"Hm? Oh yeah, you knew her too, of course.", I replied.

"Of course, it's bad, her possessiveness is on the extreme level. I can't even imagine my life if she ever gets accepted here, she would probably will never ever let any people come near me ever.", I said.

"Huh? Possessiveness? Isn't she always like that?", Naoki looked at me puzzled.

What Naoki said was correct, my elder sister at the start was very possessive towards me ever since I was born my mother told me, that's why some of our family members are very worried about her because she's a certified—BroCon. Of course, they're worried about me too, as my future is at its stakes too.

If I remember, her number one enemy when I was a child was Aunt Ayaka since she's the one who took care of me for 5 years when my mom was busy at her work at the time. Nee-san would always argue with Auntie due to the fact that she's jealous because I'm more attached to Auntie instead of her.

I remember the day when Auntie left, Nee-san was too overjoyed because she could finally keep me by herself but fate can be a bitch because my mom finally quit her job to become a fully pledge housewife. Because of that, Nee-san got a new competition—it's our mother. Since mom is like Nee-san, they would always compete with each other in every way like household chores, cooking, and some irrelevant stuff too.

"No, I literally meant, she will not let a single person come near me. Even the doctors and nurses, Nee-san would be hostile to them or to any person who would come near me, even my parents are having a hard time controlling her. She doesn't even listen to them anymore. The only thing that is on her head was how to keep me safe, she even had a concrete plan of confining me in the house when I told her that I want to go back to school.", as I was saying this, I was shivering in fear and hugged Asuka tightly.

Asuka looked at me with curiosity in her eyes but as soon she sensed my fear, she immediately started patting my head, which really helped me a bunch. I can't help myself but smile upon seeing her innocent actions. Asuka's innocent appearance can help wash away any worries I have.

Truth be told, Nee-san's possessiveness got worsen after the incident. She doesn't even trust anyone anymore. She only keeps looking at me. She's hostile to every person who comes near me, male or female, but she's more hostile to females than males, though I don't know why. I'm kind of worried if she still even have friends at school.

"T-This is a problem, if she got admitted here then I will lose Tatsu!", Naoki responded panickily.

"Eh?", I looked at Naoki perplexed.

Then she started mumbling to herself, "If—...", and she got lost to her own world once again.

Since Naoki has no plans to talk to me, I turned my head to Asuka who's playing with my hair.

But as I'm playing with Asuka, someone walked in front of us and called me, "Kohai-kun, what are you doing here?"

I looked up and saw Hina-senpai.

"Oh, Hina-senpai, my parents are here."

"Eh? What are they doing here? I'm pretty sure, the counselor didn't call them."

"It's a different matter.", I replied.

"Oh, I see then. Is that your little sister?", Hina-senpai pointed at the cute little panda.

"Asuka? Umm, she's my cousin."

Asuka innocently looked at Hina-senpai, but Hina-senpai looks troubled. Is she bad with children?

"Asuka, this is Hina-senpai."

"Hello, I'm Asuka! Nice to meet you Hina-senpwai!", Asuka smiled while introducing herself.

Pfft, too adorable!

Hina-senpai on the other hand, her mouth was twitching. Is she trying to hold her smile?

"Are you guys just sitting here, while waiting for your parent?", Hina-senpai asked.

"Yeah, basically.", I replied.

"Want to go to our committee room and have some tea?"

"Are you inviting us?", I asked.

"Yeah? What's the purpose of me telling that then?"

"Oh, if so then, we would gladly accept."

We followed Hina-senpai.