Nii-chan’s curse

Hina-senpai bought us in the committee room.

We sat on the couch in the middle of the room.

"By the way senpai, where's Yokota-senpai?", I asked.

"Hm? She's on patrol, right now. What tea do you guys like?"

"Oh, I see. I'm okay with any kind", I replied.

"Yeah me too.", Naoki said.

"Asuka, do you want tea?", I asked.

"Hmmm, tea is blah.", Asuka said while making a disgusted expression.

When Asuka made that expression, I got bewitched by her cuteness then Hina-senpai who was waiting for her reply made a complicated face as her mouth is twitching a lot more than earlier. I can't really figure if she's trying to hold back her smile or she's just bad with children?

"I could get some juice if you want to.", Hina-senpai said.

"Eh? you don't need though.", I said.

"Don't worry, it will not take time, and you guys are my visitor I invited you guys, so it's just normal.", Hina-senpai said.

But before I could retort, she quickly left the room, leaving the three of us all alone here.

"Why do people always leave before I could say anything?", I said while looking at the door baffled.

"Right? Asuka?", I added.

"Yeah!", Asuka replied happily.

"Awww~", I said while I'm rubbing my cheeks against her cheeks which she giggled happily, "Hehe~"

As I'm doting on Asuka I felt a tug on my arm—It was Naoki; she's looking at me with pleading eyes like she's asking for something. I guess that her contemplating is done.

I then stared at her, "Umm, do you want head pats?", I asked.

Naoki nodded, then she got closer to me more likely clinging to my body.

I sighed inwardly and patted her head. When I started patting her head, she would start purring but instead of that; she started giggling while rubbing her head in my chest.

I was dumbfounded when I saw her acting like that.

"Nii-chan, Nao-nee is acting weird.", Asuka pointed out.

"Yeah, just let her.", I responded.

"So, Asuka how's kindergarten?", I asked Asuka.

Asuka just turned 4 last January, which is why she started going to kindergarten this year.

"Not fun.", Asuka said while puffing her cheeks.

"Eh? Why?", I said.

"Because Nii-chan left without saying goodbye.", Asuka then looked at me with watery eyes.

I panicked so I said, "Sorry, Asuka, something unexpected happened to Nii-chan."

"Unexpected?", Asuka looked at me confusingly while tilting her head.

"Mhmm.", I nodded.

"So, did you made new friends?", I asked Asuka.

"No... But, Rie-chan is in my class!", Asuka happily.

I can't really help myself to dote on Asuka, I'm like one of those Aunties when they met a baby.

"Who's Rie-chan?"

"Rie-chan is my best friend! She's like a teddy bear, that's why I love hugging her! She would puff her cheeks like a chipmunk when Teramoto-sensei would pat my head! Rie-chan is so cute that's why she's my best friend!", Asuka said happily while making some funny gestures as she talks.

"I bet she is.", I started patting her head with my right hand while my left hand was patting Naoki's head I could myself—'The Head Patting Maestro'.

Then Asuka proceeded to tell me what happened to her kindergarten, well most of them are all about Rie-chan. I can't help myself but let out a smile at how cute Asuka is when she's telling a story; she would even start making some sounds effects, and even started making some gestures with her hands. Though, I don't know what kind of gestures she's making.

"Nii-chan! Asuka will bring Rie-chan to our house so she could meet you!"

"Mhmm, okay.", I agreed to her with a smile on my face.

"Nii-chan.", Asuka called me.


"Why are your hair like that?", Asuka innocently asked me.

As to why she asked this because maybe of how I tie my hair or put a headband in the house and letting my clear face be seen, even with Naoki going to our house last week, I didn't bother hiding my eyes because I'm okay with her.

Every time I'm at home, I would always tie my hair up because Izumi-sensei told me that it's better to do that so that my brain would not be accustomed to hiding my face since it could hinder my progress on my treatment, that's what she said to me. I would only hide my eyes whenever I'm going out to public places or there's a visitor in the house.

"Umm, because Nii-chan needs to hide his face if I don't hide my face something bad will happen to me.", I said gently.

"Oh! Oh! Like mama said."

"What did she told you?"

"Like your a prince in a fairytale!"

"Fairytale?", I looked at Asuka confused.

"Yeah! Mama said you're like one of those princes with a curse. And then! if you show your face the curse will hurt you, that's what mama said."

"Eh?", I blurted out.

Well, if you put it that way, I guess what Auntie said is correct. That's one way how to explain my condition in a way for Asuka to understand.

"Then, then, mama said you could only show your face to your loved ones like Asuka and mama!", Asuka said with a big smile on her face.

I smiled upon seeing her big smile, and said, "Yes, yes, that's correct."

"Muuuuu... I'm part of that too!", Naoki exclaimed while puffing her cheeks.

Is she serious? Is she really retorting to a child?

"Of course, Nao-nee too, but Nii-chan's number one is Asuka!", Asuka said proudly as she puffed her chest.

"N—", Naoki was about to retort but I interrupted her, "Okay, okay, stop there, I don't want things to escalate."

I interrupted Naoki because I got the feeling that things will get escalated quickly and will not end well, plus Naoki is arguing with a child which is why I got a feeling that something is wrong. Naoki does lose her temper very quickly, but against a child? Something is wrong.

I leaned over my head towards Naoki and whispered, "Naoki, she's just a child."

"Oh, sorry...", Naoki apologized with eyes downcasted.

"Nah, don't worry, I just saw you losing your emotion getting out of control again.", I said gently.

From what I saw earlier with the sudden outburst of emotion that she's not mentally stable, that's what I concluded when I pieced all the weird things that Naoki is exhibiting; therefore, I tried to calm her when she's about to lose control of her emotions and lash out to Asuka. I don't know what happened to her, but she mentioned that ever since she's living in guilt and loneliness. As to why I started getting curious about why she's related to my incident and the guilt that has been burdening her.

Mentally, I'm more stable now than the time when I was still at the hospital. I'm scared of everything, I see hallucinations, I see the silhouette of that person in my hospital room wherever I look at; the silhouette is always there staring into my eyes like it's devouring my soul and entire being.

That's why, when I saw Naoki being mentally unstable I want to help her. I know the pain and suffering of a person who has gone through that, I could tell that she's having a hard time. Even if I could say that I'm more stable now, there is no way of knowing when my mental fortitude will collapse, maybe one day. But for now, I need to help Naoki because I got the feeling that will collapse one day, and that would affect me too though I don't know what that is, it could be bad—She could be like Nee-san. That's what my guts are telling me.

Naoki started relaxing by inhaling and exhaling slowly until she's able to calm herself down.

"You okay now?", I asked Naoki.

Asuka who's sitting on my lap can't help herself but only look at us confusingly, maybe figuring out what's happening.

"Umu", Naoki nodded.

Then I moved my face in front of her and kissed her forehead.

Naoki was surprised at my action even I myself was surprised too. I don't why I did that, but I just did it. I unconsciously did it.

Naoki's face flushed red but instead of looking the other way like what she always does whenever she's embarrassed, but instead she started hugging me happily.

I was baffled.

Then Asuka shouted, "Nii! Not fair! Me too!", while puffing her squishy cheeks.

I snapped, and answered, "Oh, okay.", I leaned and gave Asuka a kiss on her forehead.

Asuka then happily responded, "You are forgiven.", while puffing her chest.

Since we're on the couch, Naoki used my left leg as her lap pillow and laid down on the couch.

"Nii-chan, are you wearing glasses?", Asuka asked.

"Hm? Yeah, why?", I replied.

"You want it?", I asked.

"Mmm, no, I want to see Nii's face.", Asuka said.

"Eh? Umm, okay."

I agreed because we're the only ones who are staying here. Hina-senpai left to get Asuka some juice. Though I don't know if it's viable because once a person barged it could be risky, I'll just do it quickly, I guess.

I put my fingers on my hair and moved all the hair that is covering my face to the back of my head and I removed my glasses.

"Is this good, Princess Asuka?", I smiled.

"Mhmm,", Asuka nodded happily.

"But, Nii-chan, how did you get your curse?", Asuka asked.

"Hmm...", I contemplated, "'s a long story, but all I could tell was I just woke up like this.", I smiled wryly.

"Woke up? Then how could we remove the curse? Maybe Asuka could help!"

"I don't know."

"Eh? Maybe Asuka's kiss could help! A kiss could lift curses!", Asuka happily said.

I coughed, "*Cough* *Cough* *Cough*, n-no, Asuka, that will not help.", I said nervously.

"But why? They said a kiss could lift curses.", Asuka said with a downcast voice.

Well, Asuka is maybe referring to those fairytales where the princess kisses the prince to revert his appearance or undo the curse. It's sweet but it's still a no-go, I'm not a lolicon.

"Uhh, my curse is quite complex, umm, a kiss can't do."

"Ehh... What will happen if you show your face to other people that are not Asuka and mama?", Asuka innocently asked.

"That's no-good Asuka because if Nii-chan shows his face to any woman, there's a chance that they will take away Nii-chan from you Asuka, they will kidnap Nii-chan. That's why we need to protect him at all cost.", Naoki interjected.

Asuka's face turned to despair when she heard what Naoki said, Asuka shouted, "Noo! Nii-chan quick! Cover your face! Or they will take you away from Asuka! I will never ever let you get taken away!", and her eyes got teary.

I was looking at Asuka panicking, I tried not to laugh.

"Eh...? Why? No one will take me.", I said while trying to hold back my laughter.

"Noo! I just remembered what mama said! Beautiful and cute people will get kidnap by big bad wolves! That's why I don't go outside alone!", Asuka shouted panickily.

Props to Auntie, that's one way to tell Asuka to not go outside alone.

"Hahaha...", I laughed, "...No one will take me Asuka, I'm pretty strong you know?"

"Muu... Nii-chan is not believing me...", Asuka puffed her cheeks.

But before I could even say anything the door suddenly opened.