
With the loud bang that came from the door, a silhouette of two female students could be seen entering.

"Hina-chan, I told you, those people on the consulting club are just doing noth—."

"Yeah yeah.", the other responded while holding a juice box in her hand.

They both suddenly stopped, the two were—Hina-senpai and Yokota-senpai. Both of them stopped, upon seeing me.

They stared at my face, making the two of them blushed.

Meanwhile me on the other hand, my heartbeat started rapidly like it wants to get out of my chest, my head started throbbing, and my face started pouring cold sweats as my body started shaking. I immediately shut my eyes off and cast my head down, when I saw Hina-senpai and Yokota-senpai staring at me.

When Asuka noticed me shaking, she asked me worriedly, "Nii-chan? Are you okay?"

Naoki noticed it too and sat properly on the couch then she saw Hine-senpai and Yokota-senpai standing there, she immediately grasp what's happening to me. Naoki immediately grabbed my bag and started searching for my meds.

I felt very nauseated, I want to throw up but at the same time I can't.

Hina-senpai then snapped out of her daze and told Yokota-senpai, "Ai, we need to go outside quick!"

"Eh? Oh, eh? Uhh, okay?", Yokota-senpai looked at Hina-senpai dumbfounded but she followed her outside and closed the door.

After the two had gotten out, Naoki finally found my meds.

When I heard that the two senpais had gone out, I slowly opened my eyes and saw Asuka was looking at me worriedly while Naoki was panicking as she took a pill from the bottle of my meds, she was staring at me with worry and watery eyes.

"Tatsu, here here, quick drink."

"T-T-Thanks, N-Naoki...", I thanked Naoki as I picked one of the pills she had gotten me with my hands still shaking.

I took the pill and swallowed it.

"Nii... Are you okay?", Asuka asked, she was about to cry.

"Y-Yeah, no worries.", I smiled wryly.

I probably have blue-faced right now. I feel weak. I wasn't able to hold it, last time I was able to hold it off for less than 5 minutes but this time it instantly triggered it somehow, maybe because there are two people? But, this is the first time it triggered instantly. Was that really the cause? But, last time—...

I could feel dizziness hitting me, my head feels heavy... But, before I could even agonize the dizziness, a plump softness greeted my face. Naoki is hugging me.

"Is Nii-chan okay?", Asuka asked Naoki.

"Yeah, he's okay, Asuka can you join Yokota-senpai to call for Nii-chan's mama?", Naoki asked Asuka.

I can't even think straight now.

"Nii-chan's mama? Oh! Kumiko nee-chan?"

"Yeah. Can you call her for Nii-chan?"

"Mmm, but I'll be leaving, Nii-chan...", Asuka contemplated.

"It's for Nii-chan, don't worry, just tell them Nii-chan's curse activated."

"Oh no! That's bad! Nii-chan's curse! I'll get her!", Asuka jumped out of my lap and proceeded to open the door. Asuka was jumping up and down cutely while trying to reach the handle of the door, but to no avail, she really can't reach the door handle.

The door opened itself.

"Go bring this girl to the faculty, I bet they're there, Ai.", Hina-senpai said.

"Eh? Oh, okay. Let me bring you then little one.", Yokota-senpai said.

"Let's go! Quick quick!", Asuka said as she drags Yokota-senpai away.

After the two were gone, Hina-senpai went inside the clubroom.

The awkward atmosphere enveloped every corner of the room, while I'm here trying to calm myself down. After a while, I was able to calm down and make my breathing more stable.

"I'm sorry if I knew I wouldn't barge in.", Hina-senpai apologized.

Even though my head is in disarray now, I could still hear what she said. It got me confused as to why she apologized, she didn't even know the reason why I became like this.

In my case, the attack that I've got now was only mild. There is a threshold of phobia attacks where it could vary on different kinds of attacks, the one that I got was only physical symptoms which is very mild for me. I don't even remember what happened to me when I got a full-on attack.

I'm slowly regaining my strength from the fatigue.

Izumi-sensei told me how unique my condition is; it fascinated her because my phobia clearly tells Ommetaphobia but there are some aspects that are missing in it, as to why Izumi-sensei found it fascinating yet I'm not really sure why she finds it fascinating because from what I have read, I don't have any abnormalities from what I can tell.

"What are you saying Hina-senpai?", Naoki asked.

"I knew about his condition, but I didn't expect him to be like that when we got in; if I knew I would've stopped Ai from entering the door.", Hina-senpai said.

"You knew his condition?"

As I gradually getting over my fatigue, I heard what Hina-senpai said.

"Yeah, I and the student council were the only ones who knew about your condition. To be precise, we are strictly instructed to follow your progress in school and help you, no matter what. Don't take it the wrong way but yesterday and earlier's incident has nothing to do with helping you. I did what's best for other students and the school because I trust my own judgment. It may be hypocritical but I wouldn't be here standing in front of you as the president of the Disciplinary Committee."

Help me? Follow my progress? What is she saying? Is Yuki the one who instructed the school?

I then turned my head towards her, but as soon as I did that; she turned her head the other way, trying not to stare into my eyes. I slowly sat properly on the couch.

"Tatsu? What are you doing, don't force yourself.", Naoki said worriedly.

"No, I'm okay, I'm getting better.", I said as fix my hair to cover my eyes.

"Is Yuki...?", I asked Hina-senpai as the fatigue could still be seen in my face.

"Hatsumi-san? Why is she the one who came up to your mind? It's your parents.", Hina-senpai said looked at me confusingly.

Awkward silence enveloped every corner of the room.


Why didn't I think of that? I feel stupid. That made all sense.

"So, on the staff, the only who knew your condition was the principal, guidance counselor, head school doctor, and your homeroom teacher. Your condition is considered confidential in the school as it can directly affect you, now that I remember the nurses considered you as a disabled person.", Hina-senpai said.

Ugh, that hurts, but it's true. But, being called a disabled person still hurts. It hurts right in the center.

Hina-senpai continued, "As you know, we have 4 clinics here in our school campus, every building then one exclusively for the sports clubs. And on those 4 clinics, there are designated nurses except the administrative building, which's where the head doctor is staying. All of them are informed about your condition and your own Psychiatrist gave them all the things they need to know that could help you in case something happened to you..."

I feel like a V.I.P. Student at how Hina-senpai was explaining all this stuff to me.

"...Now as you know, there were people who had a similar condition as you in this school. But, I can't tell you who that is, or anything related to the person. I'm telling this because you said something about Hatsumi-san, but I assure you all the stuff I'm telling you is all part of the school program for those people who are like you. I'm not telling this just because of Hatsumi-san's influence."

That makes sense, the confidentiality of a person's illness is very strict in every school not only in school but as well in hospitals. I still got some questions regarding the school program that Hina-senpai was talking about.

"I've got a question, are there old related incidents...", I said.

"If you are talking about some old cases related that led to a harming a student then my answer would be yes. There are some old incidents regarding that, if I remember the most extreme one was suicide. I can't really fully disclose it to you guys but just for clarity that could help you explain why we're very strict about this kind of stuff. I will call the victim A and he had an extreme case... I'll just go with PTSD.", Hina-senpai said.

"Victim A was a normal student here in our school, but one day, one of Victim A's classmates found out about his condition. Classmate 1 spreads Victim A's condition to everyone, but the majority of them felt sympathy towards Victim A..."

As I was listening, I looked at Naoki who's very seriously listening to Hina-senpai as she tells the story. I don't know how accurate she said, but I got the message what she was trying to say.

"... But Victim A on the other hand was not happy or you could say that Victim A's mental started crumbling down. Weeks have gone by, Victim A's mentally finally collapsed despite people sympathizing with him, at that time nobody knows that Victim's A condition is getting worse as his brain mentally stressed because of social anxiety. Then one day, while they're having a normal class, Victim A suddenly got a random panic attack when that happened all Victim A's classmates immediately tried to help him but that only made it worse as the stress is building up, and because of that he jumped out of a 4 stories building. You could probably get a glimpse of what I'm trying to say, I simplified the story for you guys to understand it quicker.", Hina-senpai said.

As soon she finished her story someone suddenly barged into the room— It was my mom holding Asuka in her arms.

"Nii-chan! I got her now!", Asuka exclaimed.

Mom immediately went into me checked whether I'm okay or not, "Are you okay? Do we need to call Izumi-sensei? Are you still feeling tired? How bad is the headache? Are you having dizziness? Hallucinations? Anxiety?—...", and so on.

"I'm okay mom, It's just mild.", I said.

"What mild?! You just had a nightmare earlier when you haven't gotten any for the last 3 months?! What happened?", mom said angrily at me.

"I, uhh...", I proceed to tell her all the stuff that happened because of my carelessness, "... that's what happened."

Then I suddenly got a smack in the head to which I exclaim, "Ouch!", while touching part where it hurts.

"This is what I've been telling him, Haa...", mom said as she rubs her temple.

Mom who's carrying Asuka let out a huge sigh she then gave Asuka to me, Asuka then sat on my lap where she was sitting earlier.

"Nii-chan, are you okay now?", Asuka asked innocently.

"Yeah, I'm okay now.", I smiled at Asuka.

"What about your curse?"

"It's okay now since Asuka did what Nao-nee asked. That's why my curse is gone", I said.

"Really?! Fufu~ I'm really the best!", Asuka said happily as she puffs her chest.

"Yes yes, you are.", I said while patting her head.

As I was patting Asuka's head, someone barged in again, I looked at the door again while thinking 'Again?'.

But when I looked at the person who barged in, my whole world stopped.

I saw a beautiful golden-blonde-haired young woman, a pretty face which is similar to my dad, and crystal clear verdant eyes as if an emerald was carved in her eyes. She was looking at me worriedly and immediately went towards me.

"Nee-chan?!", I exclaimed.

But before I could even say anything, she immediately went to my back. I felt a sharp sting at the back of my head and my consciousness slowly faded into darkness. As I was losing my consciousness I heard some voices.

"Tatsuya!" "What ar—" "Nii-chan!"

After that, everything went dark.