Who’s At the Door?

"*Ding* *Dong*"

"*Ding* *Dong*"

Carrying Asuka into my arms, I walked toward our front door.

Opening it, I saw a platinum-silver hair girl, staring at me with her amethyst crystal eyes standing at the front entrance house while smiling. At her back, I could see a butler his name was Allen the old man who greeted us yesterday at Yuki's mansion.

Of course at the back, there were stationed bodyguards on the outside of our house and there are 3 black luxurious cars parked. Because of that, many onlookers are looking at our house due to Yuki's presence, like the people who are taking a jog, clean sweepers, or any passerby.

"Hello~ Tatsu~", Yuki waving her two hands at me while having a wide smile.

"It's a pleasant morning to see you, Okita-sama.", Allen-san formally said while bowing.

"Hi... Good morning, Yuki and Allen-san... Uhh...", I then stared at the beautiful girl standing in front of me and asked, "...What are you doing here, Yuki?"

"Why not? We're going to school every day together from now on."

"Okay...? But, why are you here early in the morning? It's like 6:30 in the morning."

"To spend time with you, of course, what else?", Yuki tilting her head sideways in confusion.

"Nii-chan who's she?", Asuka asked.

"She's Hatsumi Yuki."

"Hello~ Little one~ I'm your Onii-chan's lover.", she said while patting Asuka's head.

I flinched.

"Lover?", Asuka looked at Yuki confused.

"Yes, a lover is a title where two-person loves each other.", while still patting her head, Yuki gently smiled.

Upon seeing Yuki's interaction with Asuka, I didn't expect her to be good with children. At the back of my head, there's this image of nobles or wealthy peoples of pride and ignorant but on Yuki, I didn't see a single bit of that. However, she does act like that to solidify her image as the heir of the Hatsumi Household.

The way she interacted with Asuka made her look like she's very fond of her but I still don't know her too well, that's why I'm still having doubts. Yuki is like Naoki both of them got this persona outside.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Then, I'm Onii-chan's lover!", she excitedly exclaimed while raising her right arm in the sky.

"Yes, yes, you are.", she continued patting her head.

Choking on my own saliva, I started coughing, "*Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough*"

"What are you saying! Why are you saying that to a child!", I exclaimed.

However, two arms wrapped around my belly from behind and placing its head on my shoulders before I could retort to Yuki.

"What are you doing here.", she said in a stern voice.

I turned to the female stern voice and saw my elder sister glaring at Yuki.

"Oh, sister-in-law, I didn't expect to see you here.", Yuki said.

After she said that, Nee-san's expression turned ugly. But once she was about to say something, my brotherly instinct kicked in, so I spoke first and interrupted her, "Alright! Let's go in first!", then I held my sister's hand on my belly tightly.

Because of my actions, my elder sister noticed what I'm trying to do so she sulked while holding me tightly. Asuka on the other hand started clinging to my neck tight. Meanwhile, Yuki got a smug all over her face while looking at my sister as if she's trying to mock her and assert dominance.

"Okay, if you say so, pardon my intrusion.", Yuki removed her shoes and entered the house while her butler, Allan-san, was just there bowing to us and went to the gate.

After getting in, we moved to the living room and sat on the sofa. The arrangements are pretty obvious, the two girls immediately went to my side and Asuka on my lap, throughout our walk towards the living room, my sister was still holding me while glaring at Yuki.

Even sitting, she didn't stop glaring at Yuki like a mama kangaroo protecting its young one.

The feeling of tiredness all over my body was because of this two. Yuki was hogging my left arm and my sister got my right arm. I can't even move because of this two. That's why Asuka was just swinging her feet because the hand that she would play are now entrapped by the two.

"What are you doing here.", Nee-san questioned Yuki once again in a stern voice.

"Of course, I'm here because of Tatsuya. What else could it be?", Yuki replied.


"I thought sister-in-law would appreciate seeing me because I'm the one who bought Tatsuya back home yesterday."

Turning my head to Yuki with a surprise. She was the one who bought me back home yesterday?

"It's you?", I asked.

"Yep, Hina-senpai immediately contacted me when she saw you acting weird.", Yuki replied.

Now that I think about it, from the outside perspective, all the stuff I did was pretty normal but since Hina-senpai knew my condition, I guess she got worried.

"Since when did Hina-senpai got your contact?"

"Well, I did send them here yesterday when I saw them outside the school going to your house."

"Wait, you're at school? I thought you went somewhere to finish some called business, you said.", I asked her.

"Yeah, I said that but I said business, and I didn't say anything about going outside of the school."

"Wait! Are you the one who rejected my application to get to Suya's school!", Nee-san yelled.

She stood up and released my right arm from her hold, once she did that I immediately covered Asuka's ear.

"Of course not, why would I do that. Though, I did saw your interview with the principal. Who would accept an answer 'Because you guys will kill my Suya here.', and started spouting nonsense about how he should be just in at home instead. You know that you would get accepted if you just told them that Tatsu needs a person who could look for him in case something happened to him. You need a valid reason for the transfer, but you blew it.", Yuki shrugged.

Eh? I thought they rejected her because she's in her graduating year, but her stupidity was the sole reason why her application got rejected.

"Argh! Ahhhh! I know! I became too emotional when he questioned me about my reason! Ahh!", Nee-san dropped down on the floor with both of her hands on it while looking defeated.

"You know that I could transfer you to our school, right?", Yuki said.

Nee-san flinched.

She slowly looked up to Yuki while on the floor.

"Really...?", Nee-san asked.

"Of course, my family is not just for show you know?"

"Why are you doing this? You know that I hated you to the core."

"I know but you're still Tatsuya's sister which is why as my future sister-in-law, I will help you.", Yuki smirked.

"Grr...", she glared at Yuki but her eyes started wavering.

Then she stopped glaring at Yuki and cast her head down, and said, "Okay... I'll accept... So, what do you want in return?"

"Of course, you'll never interfere with Naoki and me whenever we're with Tatsuya.", Yuki said with a wide smile on her face.

Nee-san who was looking at Yuki on the floor became frozen, I can clearly see her mouth trying to reject Yuki's exchange.

"I-I-I agree...", Nee-san agreed dejectedly.

"Good! I'll go make some phone call then.", Yuki stood up and went outside.

Following that, my sister stood up and said, "I'll just go upstairs to get the papers...", she then started walking out while swaying left and right.

"Nii-chan, are they playing something?", Asuka turned around and asked me.

"Eh? No. They're just talking about school stuff.", I answered.



Then I remembered the stuff earlier, "By the way, Asuka, the lover thing is only for adults."

"Adults?", Asuka looked at me confused.

"Yes, a lover is what they call to two people who are a boy and a girl and love each other."

"But, Asuka is a girl and Nii-chan is a boy?"

Okay, this is gonna be harder than I thought.

"Umm, how do I say this, you know like your Aunt Sakura and Uncle Haru."

"Like them?"

"You know, marry?"

"Marry? What's that?"

Instead of going with that route, why don't I just change my tactic?

"Mmm, how about this, Asuka is not a lover but a sister?", I said with a smile.


"Well, because sister has a strong bond than lovers."

"Strong bond?"

"Yeah, strong bond like your mama and you. You know what's a brother and a sister, right?"

"Yes.", Asuka nodded.

"Good. That's why isn't better if you're my sister?"

"But... That silver nee-chan told me that lover..."

"Sister is more special than a lover, though?"


"Yep, a sister love is eternal forever."

Asuka gasped upon hearing that.

"I'll be the sister then!", she said panicky.

"Good.", I smiled and patted her head.

I immediately felt relieved hearing that, because if Asuka accidentally said that to anyone. I'll be branded as a lolicon. I don't want any police knocking on the door.

"Oho~ What am I hearing about this lover thing.", Aunt Ayaka said as she approaches the living room.

I furrowed my eyebrows, and said, "Nothing, Yuki said something horrendous to Asuka."

"Mama! I'm Nii-chan's sister~!", Asuka immediately went to her mom, and Aunt Ayaka carried Asuka.

"So, that's the commotion that I heard earlier, huh. Hatsumi Yuki, right?", Aunt Ayaka said.

"Yeah.", I replied.

"Be careful around her, okay?", Aunt Ayaka said while looking at me worriedly.

"Why? I think she's not that bad, to be honest.", I said in confusion.

"I'm just telling you to be careful because of her background. You know that her family name carries pride and dignity, at the same time danger. Because of her noble status, she's prone to danger. That's why I want you to take double precautions. I'm worried that if something happened to you, I don't know what will happen to your parents. Most importantly, your sister, she's the one who loves you the most.", she's saying that while taking a seat beside me.

Asuka went to my lap after Aunt sat on the sofa.

"I'll be careful.", I said.

"Good, you always worry me. Haa... You know I'm very reluctant about you going to school. I don't know what kind of danger you'll be in once you have gone to school. I even told your mom to think about thoroughly first, before deciding but she replied to me 'We don't want it too but at the same time we feel bad because Tatsuya's eyes showed determination when he started begging us. At that time, I realized that he wants to experience a normal life like everyone else.'..."

Then Aunt started patting my head, and continued, "...Even when your mom said that to me, my view about you going to school didn't change, till today. I'm still reluctant. When I saw that Hatsumi girl bringing you home unconscious, I can't help myself but to call your dad and screamed at him for hours before he decided to hang up."

"Eh? You did that to dad?", I was baffled.

"Hmph, why wouldn't I? Because of his muscles making him look big? Even with those muscles, I could still beat him up.", Aunt Ayaka said triumphantly.

"So, you're against it more now?", I asked.

"Of course, I am. That will not go anywhere."

"But, why are you stopping my parents not me?"

"Why would I? I don't want my niece to hate me of course."

I want to facepalm so badly but my hands were occupied by Asuka playing with it.

"Haa... I got a feeling that Nee-san is unbelievably chummy with you earlier. Is that the reason?"

"Yep, you could say so. Though, her reasons are way more extreme than mine."

"Yeah, I know...", I said dejectedly.

Realizing that Yuki was gonna help Nee-san with her transfer, I let out a desperate sigh. For some reason, all the events that are happening, I felt calm. I've no idea, why.