Nyan~ Nyan~

Sitting on the sofa with Asuka, we are currently watching some morning shows that we find amusing on the television.

After my talk with Auntie, she went upstairs.

Asuka was happily watching television as it was showing a kid's show, flapping her feet then humming, while on the other hand, I'm staring at it but I was lost in my thoughts.

Once again, the thought of what Haru-san rose once again. I don't what he meant by it, but every time I tried remembering it. It's all blank. Like, my brain just gave up.

'Naoki is the same as you.'

What does Haru-san meant by that? Though, all the agonizing that I went through earlier, that was the only thing I remembered. Great job brain. You could easily remember all the stuff that I read in one go but can't remember all the stuff I said or what others said to me.

Staring at the colorful screen of the television, there's a cute white cat cartoon singing on the screen. Asuka was singing along with it, even trying to swing my hands as she sang along.

No one ever said something to me about how I got my trauma, that's why I have no clue what could correlate them to mine. I can't just assume things. But, there's one thing that I could correlate with my nightmares and that is— the voice.

That one voice from my nightmares. It's pretty obvious that it's a person, but I can't really distinguish whether why that silhouette keeps haunting me in my dreams. Thinking about it, it gives me shivers slithering through my spine.

If I can least get some tiny fragments of clues about what Haru-san said about Naoki, maybe that could help me recover my memories too.

There's always this missing feeling inside my chest like a gaping hole left uncovered, and that's what I'm trying to search.

I'm incomplete.

✯ ✯ ✯

Staring at the white cat dancing on the screen. Watching the television, she got so immersed that she got down on the floor and went straight in front of the television. Asuka started imitating the cat too, so she as well started dancing on the front of the television screen, even putting her two hands on her forehead and making it like a paw.

"Nyan~ Nyan~", Asuka singing along.

Me on the other hand, I'm behind her watching her dance adoringly.

A hand started wrapping me up dawdling into my chest from the back, then a smooth voice whispered into my right, like Lilith 'The Legends of the First Woman.'. A seductive voice, making me shiver of coldness throughout my body.

"What are you doing, my love~"

Immediately covered my right ear and turned my head back, I saw Yuki with her teasing smirk looking at me.

"Y-Yuki, s-stop that.", I said faltering while blushing a little bit.

"Fufu~ You're so cute~", Yuki giggled.

Yuki then started leaning forward and gave me a peck on the lips which made me more glow in redness.

"Fufu~ I really want to eat you, right now.", Yuki then looked at me with a thirsty look in her eyes which made me take a few steps back.

Instead of doing anything like I thought she would; however, she just sat on the sofa and patted beside her telling me to sit beside her. I complied and sat beside her.

After sitting beside her, Yuki's head rested on my shoulder and slithered her hand towards mine, interlocking it with mine.

Looking at her, I still don't get her behavior no matter how many times I look at it. Sometimes, she would be mischievous, serious, and act cutely like this.

"Hey, tell me.", Yuki said.

"Hm? What is it?", I replied.

"Are you happy now?"

"What kind of question is that?"

"Just answer me.", Yuki said in a stern voice.

I then looked at her way and saw her eyes staring straight into mine firmly. I was baffled seeing her.

What happened to her? Why is she acting like this?

Amidst that, the dancing Asuka started singing happily while flapping her arms into the sky.

"M-Maybe?", I stutteringly said.

"Huh...? Haa... Can you please answer it properly?", Yuki said dumbfoundedly.

"O-Okay... How do I say this... I could say that what I'm feeling right now is enjoyment."

"Why is that...?"

I then turned my head to Asuka who's dancing goofily.

"Well, after moving here, I could say that. Every minute or seconds there are unexpected things started happening to me, which made my life more interesting."


"Like the time when I learned about you guys yesterday, even I think that I was insanely mad that I started agreeing with the polygamy relationship that you guys introduced. But at the same time, deep inside me just accepted it because I got a feeling that it's the right thing to do."


"When you guys mentioned that, other people would probably think that you guys are mentally insane. But for me, I appreciated it. I don't know the reason, but I felt relieved that time. That's why that odd feeling that I had yesterday was the reason why I'm piecing it together. I'm still confused."

"...", Yuki didn't say anything as she stared into my eyes.

"Pft— Hahahaha. You know that you could just say yes or no, right?", Yuki laughed.

I smiled, and said, "Don't know, I just started spouting words out of my mouth."

"So, answer me. Are you having fun?", Yuki said with a wide smile on her face which made her more beautiful as if Aphrodite descended from heaven.

"Yeah.", I gave her a huge smile, a smile full of feelings.

What I said was true, my dullness and boring life of me staying at the hospital or at home changed for the better. I met different kinds of people upon attending the school. That's why begging my parents for it made it all worth it. Even though, I know that my high school life ahead will be a rocky one as the animosity from other people will surely get me.

Regardless of that, I will treat it as a challenge to myself. As life will always have ups and downs, no matter who you are or what you do. That's just how life works, like a HeartRate Monitor.

Yuki gave me a wide grin smile, "Good, but if you have problems. Tell me okay?"

"Yeah yeah, you're quite a worrywart too, huh?", I giggled.

"Of course, I am. How can I let someone I love suffer?", she then rubbed her head into my shoulders.

Upon hearing that, I couldn't help myself but blush in embarrassment.

How could she say that so blunt?

Staring at my Yuki, she started rubbing her head to my shoulder like a dog showing love to her owner.

How come these girls are too cute?!

I felt like I won the lottery.

The mind of a pubescent male started pouring down into my mind as I could feel the dirty thoughts started spreading into my mind like a pest. But, I managed to hold it off.

While Yuki was rubbing her head cutely like a little animal, I watched the cute little girl dancing in front of the television while watching the cartoon cat. I feel like a parent watching my daughter with my super spoiled wife.

Hearing footsteps coming from the staircase, I saw my elder sister carrying some papers for the transferring procedures. Though, I could say that I was expecting her a little bit more gloomy but she was wearing a smile on her face while going down.

She then started walking in our direction with a smile on her, but that faded away upon seeing our imitate close relationship between Yuki and me. Nee-san furrowed her eyebrows and exclaimed loudly, "What are you doing!"

With her loud voice, it spooked the little one on the television and the one who's clinging to me.

Yuki turned her head toward Nee-san, and said, "Oh, you're here, you got the papers?"

"Don't judge the subject, Hatsumi Yuki. What are you doing to my Suya?", she glared at her.

"Of course, our normal thing. And, I remember saying about no bothering, right?", Yuki smirked.

Then the little one who got spooked by Nee-san's loud voice, immediately ran with her little feet while her head is bobbling up and down, and hurriedly climbed on the sofa to seek comfort. When I saw Asuka running towards me while shaking, I can't help imagining her like a little hamster who got spooked by a tiger.

I giggled.

"Nii...", Asuka said with a quivering voice.

I started patting Asuka's head as she hugs my neck tightly, hiding on my elder sister's fiery face.

"Alright, there there, haha.", I said with a chuckle.

"Ugh, grr—... Y-yeah...", Nee-san said with a face who got beaten, a miserable expression.

"Good, so where are the papers?", Yuki said while our fingers are still interlocked with each other.


"Oh, just go send it to my butler outside his name was Allen, he'll handle all of it so after giving it you can just take a rest.", Yuki smiled.

"O-okay.", Nee-san replied while still looking disheartened.

She then started walking towards the front entrance but I could still hear her muttering, "This is for Suya, Shika. Endure it... Sh—... dur—..."

I sighed inwardly.

"Your sister is really entertaining as ever. Fufu~", Yuki said.

Now that I realized, maybe my elder sister's uncontrollable attitude is tamable. I thought it was impossible but upon seeing this, I could say that Yuki managed to tame my sister.

Though I can't give her head pats because my left hand is busy caressing Asuka's head and my other hand was captured by Yuki. I gave Yuki an imaginary thumbs up.

"Nii... is it good now?", Asuka looked at me with her pleading eyes.

"Yep, don't worry about it. It's gone.", I smiled at Asuka.


"Yeah, you can continue with your dance."

"No... Asuka will stay.", Asuka said, she then released her embrace and sat on my lap, continuing to watch her show on the television.

I patted her head.

"You're really good with children, huh.", Yuki said while staring at Asuka.

"Hm? Yeah... I'm quite fond of them. They're too cute.", still patting Asuka.

"Are you lolicon?", Yuki said out of the blue.

"Huh?! Hell no!", I exclaimed.

"Good...", Yuki sighed in relief.

"Where did that come from?"

"Nothing, I'm just learning new things from you."

"Oh, well, you could say that I'm very fond of them because I don't have one and the one I got is..."


"You could say so."

"That makes sense."

"So, the business thing you did yesterday at school, was it really because of my elder sister?", I asked.

"Not really, I just saw the footage when I was meeting the principal.", Yuki replied.


"Yeah, I'm pretty sure you know that the school got some corruption thing going on the inside, right?"

"Yeah, if you're talking about the Oye family."

"Yep, I can't really confront the school administrator, I'm pretty they had some powerful backings that I don't know of. That's why I targeted, who got a lesser power than him which is...", Yuki then looked at me.

"The principal?"

"Bingo. Though, I can't prove that they had some corruption going on in the school since I have insufficient evidence against them. I still have some things in my sleeve like...", Yuki waiting for my answer.

"Your household name."

"Correct again. I just threatened them. Then I asked one of my subordinates to infiltrate the school campus database, all of it. But, we didn't manage to gather any evidence nor any clues, so I concluded that their transactions or communication is outside of the campus, when I saw the Oye guy's student record there are no cases about what he did, his records are all clean."

"Are you sure? Hina-senpai said that there were females who filed a harassment case on him."

"Well, it could be if it's only on a piece of paper, tearing it would do. Even if they put it digitally, they could just manipulate or delete it. But, he's really clear even the backlogs there are none. Maybe, they didn't input digitally and only left it to rot on that piece of paper."

"Yeah... That's more viable than risking it.", I narrowed my eyes.

"Our school is very interesting you kn—...", Yuki said but got cut off by a doorbell.