Bearded Old Man

The clear blue sky beyond the horizon and the radiating sunlight descending from it was blinding, despite being inside of this tinted window car. I could feel it. In my arms, Asuka was sleeping comfortably like a fluffy pet animal. Yuki was also sitting right beside me, but her grumpy mood was still intact in her system.

"Hey, Yuki... Are you still mad?"

"What do you think?"

"Yes...?" I smiled stiffly with my one eye squinting, utterly puzzled.

Yuki didn't say a word after that. Throughout our ride, the awkward silence was the only thing left between us. I gaze outside of the window, calming myself down because deep inside I'm panicking—not knowing what to do at this moment. It's hard than I thought. I'm distraught. What I did may be unforgivable, but I already apologized for it.