Behind The Truth (1)

"How's your family?" Gramps said.

"They're good, or should I say they've gotten worse especially Nee-san and mom."

"What should you expect after the things that happened to you? Things will go back to normal?"

"... Fair enough. But still, they're going overboard with everything."

"That's expected, even I as a parent would do the same. I admit I'm not a great father figure to my sons, but that doesn't mean I don't care about them. It's just that we're in a special kind of circumstance where I need to act in a way for them to grow stronger. Losing one's family will take a toll on someone, especially on your parents and sister."

"Ugh... Hearing your scolding voice always gives me the unpleasant feeling."

"You're still not used to it? Get used to it."

"Great advice, thanks a lot."

"Tch, that tongue of yours is still the same as ever. Where did you even learn that?"

"From you."

Gramp easily accepted my response. "Is that so..."

"Seriously? Are you getting senile now?"