Conflict Sparks

~~~(POV: Nathan Opal)~~~

~~~(Location: Tatooine)~~~

The silence is deafening, and the only sounds around us anymore are the occasional winds of Tatooine. Satele is the most on edge. She's conflicted about any potential fight that might happen. The rest of the Jedi aren't unbalanced as she is. "Nate, you know that we can really help you in this quest you've undertaken." Marisa makes a desperate attempt to convince me.

My allegiances are with myself, and anyone else is a pawn in my game. The Hutts, Tatooine, the connections I've made all over the galaxy. All of them are for my goal of finding The Emperor. "What I know, it the Republic is the other side of the coin." The Sith Empire and The Galactic Republic are two sides to the same coin.

The meaning behind my words is easily discernable. "You've fallen so far, Nate... You claim to do this because you're free, but you're nothing more than a Sith without an Empire behind you." The voice of Nomen Karr comes from behind the diplomats and senators. He's grown tired of this game of words. I can sense he's ready for a confrontation.

They spread apart and let him past, but before he can fully approach, Satele holds out her hand and places it on his chest. "Master Karr, don't be foolish. We haven't come here to fight him. We're only here to talk." While Satele tries to calm the man down, I look deeper into him. I see his dances with the Darkside, even his complete fall at on point.

He senses my searching in his head and draws his lightsaber, and ignites it. "Stay out of my head, Sith Scum!!" He's not completely unwise. He stays where he is. Only keeping his lightsaber in a guard position. "You have no idea the sacrifices the Republic has made in this war! How many have died in this conflict!" He'll find no compassion from me.

The Republic is weak, and that's no fault of mine. I've made it possible for the Republic to continue this war, indirectly and on accident. My angry outburst all those years ago shattered the Empire, but the Republic was too weak to respond in time to deliver a final blow. "You can claim and count atrocities all you want." I don't debate with Jedi.

Their uncompromising logic and twisted sense of right and wrong have brought them to this place. "You're a heartless monster who cares nothing for anyone! You would rather see innocent people burn than act!" His darker side is taking over. Slowly consuming him and bringing him to an edge seldom few Jedi come back from.

I fold my arms and think about my next move. There are many ways to handle this situation. "Nomen Karr, you are ordered to stand down and fall back to the dropship with your padawan." Satele's voice is calm and even, but she's enhancing her words in the force. Nomen Karr refuses to respond, and he keeps his stance and ground.

It's been a few weeks since my last lightsaber duel with a Jedi or Sith. Nomen Karr is supposed to be an excellent fighter. "Now, now, Satele. If he wants to channel his feelings into something he thinks is productive, who are we to stand in the way." Satele gives me a sharp look, and I feel extreme turmoil from Jaesa Willsaam. Seeing her master fall to the dark before her.

I open my right hand, and my lightsaber flies into it. The simple press of a button and its yellow Varpeline Blade launch out in a unique hiss and sharp hum. "The last Jedi Master I faced in lightsaber combat didn't deserve the title. Maybe you could prove different." He grits his teeth and leaps above and to the other side of me.

Separating himself from the group, and Satele. In all truth, I could kill him with the force without an issue. There is no fun in an easy victory. I keep my back turned to him, and the other Jedi start to reach for their lightsabers, but Satele stops them. "No! Master Karr has decided this for himself. His actions don't speak for the rest of us." A wave of desperation comes from the apprentice.

Jaesa Willsaam draws her double-bladed lightsaber and leaps behind me, and stands next to Nomen Karr. "You should count herself lucky, Master Karr. Having an apprentice that thinks she can trust you..." My eyes glare into Satele as I say these words. I turn around and stare at the two. They start to circle slowly, and I match them.