Final Talks Before Departure

~~~(POV: Nathan Opal)~~~

~~~(Location: Fort Garnik's Cantina, Ord Mantell)~~~

We've made it back to Fort Garnik, and there has been a weird tension between Theron and Satele since their discussion.

I'm not getting in the middle of that mess, so Theron and I are having a silent drink as Satele watches us. I can feel happiness in her... Something I haven't felt in a long time when she's in front of me.

"Are we going to talk about it? The Star Cabal?"

Theron breaks the ice fast. I place my drink on the counter, and I release a sigh, not from Theron's question but from even bothering to entertain alcohol. It doesn't affect me in the slightest.

"I think we shouldn't speak or communicate with each other for a while. When I have tracked down more information about The Star Cabal, I'll contact both of you."

I want to put an end to this conversation fast.

From the look on Satele's face, that isn't going to happen. She has a cranked eyebrow and a half frown, and half smile.

"Yeah, I agree with Nathan, which is why I'm heading out first. You two can talk without me."

He stands up fast and makes his way to the exit. Satele wants to stop him, but she lets him go. She stares at the door for a while.

She turns back to me slowly and folds her arms. In a way that a parent would when, they're either disappointed in you or want to have a serious conversation.

"You've changed... A lot... What happened to you?"

She wouldn't believe me if I told her. At this point in time, no one has a clue The Mortis Gods even exist except the Killiks, and they can't communicate.

Her eyes bore into mine, and I don't know if I should tell her or not. It's not really something I can back up with proof. I was reborn in the Star Wars Universe, and I didn't think my wish would make me the son of Abeloth and be conceived out of The Force.

"Let's just say that I've learned about myself... Things I didn't know before..."

She wants to dig deeper, but she leaves it at that.

My past can have catastrophic consequences during this time if I go around sharing what I know instead of acting on it.

"I won't pry anymore, but I still want to talk with you... Like the way, we used to... When you and I would sit down, and you'd ask me about The Force, The Jedi, and everything..."

She's wanting to relive old memories, and many like to do that.

At a dark point in my life, I also did that a lot. Right after Lillis and Jorand died, I was in pits of anger, hate, and fear.

"What is there to talk about anymore, Satele... We're not who we were back then... You've changed just as much as I have... I can feel it, and no matter how hard you try to hide it. You can't from me."

A long look to the side is all I get in response from her.

She sits in the seat that Theron was occupying, and she spins around in her chair and faces towards the shelves of alcohol. I do the same, and she picks up Theron's drink.

"It was so good to see you again, Nathan... But it hurt just as much... I failed you so much... I kept secrets from you... I'm sorry..."

That day on Hoth is burned into her memory. Same as me.

That's when everything changed for me, for her, for everything.

"You need to stop dwelling in the past, Satele..."

I take another swig, and no buzz even threatens to come.

"Failure finds us all, and thinking about them will only poison your soul."

It poisoned me for a long time... All the failures I've had have taken a long time to cure... Some still need a cure...

She lifts her arm and wraps it around my shoulder, and she takes another drink. Bringing me in for a side hug, and I decide that I should do the same. I lift my arm and give her one.

"You've grown, my old Padawan... So much more than me... So much stronger than me... I'm proud of that... You're willpower to do what you think is right..."

I look at her as her voice cracks, and she's crying.