An Important Story II

~~~(POV: Nathan Opal)~~~

~~~(Location: Killiks Hive Main Chamber, The Wild Mountains, Alderaan)~~~

"The first battle between The Mortis Gods ended in the defeat of The Son, The Daughter, and The Father... They were not powerful enough to overcome Abeloth..."

Abeloth's power is something that I never dreamed of being so strong... This version of Abeloth is far more powerful than the one I know from my old life... She said I'd eventually grow to be even stronger than her... Is that even possible?

"However, after the battle... The Mother forgave them... For she knew that The Father was only guided by fear... And The Son only desired freedom from Mortis... The Daughter only wished to mend the rift between them... Which she tried before the first battle began..."

The Hivemind is making sure that I know this is only the first battle of what I assume is many. Why would they continue you fight her regardless of knowing they'd lose...

"But it was not The Father who was the true schemer behind this... For it was The Son... He wanted to divide the family so he could escape Mortis... The only way to do that was to find a way to get rid of Abeloth and The Father... Hoping they'd destroy each other..."

The Son didn't account for how powerful Abeloth really was... He should've known better... He was created by her, after all... The Darkside is what he represents... It makes sense he'd be blinded in certain ways...

"The Son convinced The Daughter the only way to get The Father and Mother to stop fighting was to seal Abeloth away... And that's when The Killiks first met The Daughter... For what reason Abeloth didn't intervene, we know not... For she could see what was happening..."

So... Abeloth let this all happen? Then why did she want me to break her out?

"Because you're Abeloths natural-born son... You grew within her... A gift from The Force... No father to speak of... She didn't create you like she did The Son and The Daughter... She loves you more than she ever could or will her other children..."

Am I the reason she wants to be free?

"Yes... She was content for a long time being imprisoned in that world... While bitter about the betrayal, she accepted it so there would be no more fighting... But after she became pregnant with you, everything changed for her... And when you were taken away, all she wanted was to be with you..."

This is almost something you'd read out of a tragic story... So far, I've let the creature read my mind, but I'm not letting him anymore.

"What you chose to do about Abeloth is up to you, but be warned... She'd do absolutely anything for you... Even if you wanted it or not... If she felt that you deserve to rule that galaxy, she'd make sure to set you on that throne herself... You're her Beloved Prince of The Stars..."

I'm the reason Abeloth would be so dangerous if let go... She sees the galaxy and all the things I've been through... Would she really do that?

She has the power... To her, the rest of the galaxy would be but little insects compared to how important I am to her...

"Do you know where she's located? Do you know how I can get to her?"

I don't know if I should free Abeloth or not... She's my Mom, and she never did anything wrong to get imprisoned... But she might do something I can't fix if I free her...

"I can give you the coordinates to her location... But you must be wary of the machine us Killiks built for The Mortis Gods to help imprison her... It created the maw so she can't escape, and neither would you... Deactivate the machine... That's the only way to be sure you would get trapped to..."

Now I know what I have to do, but he still hasn't given the coordinates to me.

"What about the coordinates?"

All the eyes glow on The Hivemind, and SCORPIO lifts from her spot behind me. Only to fall a second later.

"I've given the coordinates to your droid... Now please leave this place... Alderaan is no home for a God..."

I don't like being called a God... But in truth... That's what I am... Abeloth is my Mom... I'm far more powerful than any Force-User or Force-Sensitive alive... I'm even capable of surpassing my Mom one day...

"Thank you. I'm also sorry about killing most of the Killiks getting here..."

Now that we know where we're going, it's time that I move. I don't know what I'll be doing yet, but I'll be thinking about it exclusively on the way to the coordinates.