
This chapter is dedicated to @Kardelune for helping me be certain this scene created more heat than humor. And for being a genius.



Light flared in his eyes at her words and for a moment his jaw went hard. She thought he might deny her, and her heart sank. But then with a muttered curse, he grasped the lapels of his jacket and pulled them wide, shrugging the jacket off his shoulders and tossing it to the bench behind her. Then he stood in front of her, his eyes still searching hers.

"We have to be so careful, Ayleth," he said in a tortured voice.

She nodded. "I know."

His throat bobbed, then one of his beautiful, strong hands came up to cup her jaw, his fingertips dancing on the back of her neck in a way that made her shiver. Then he finally kissed her.

When their lips met, they both sucked in hard.