

They rode on, speaking of the future and their hopes. She learned that Etan enjoyed shooting, and he learned that she loved to read.

They were laughing again, about something silly, when the trees opened up and their horses walked out into the sunlight.

Ayleth's mouth dropped open.

Falek hadn't told them…

The spot was beautiful. A small clearing, about the side of the stables at home, it was hugged on three sides by trees, then the third was edged in a small, bean-shaped lake—perhaps a large pond?—that shimmered, reflecting the rockface that loomed above it, stretching towards the peak at the heart of the ravine. Large, flat boulders slid out of the water and up towards the trees, as if a giant had taken massive river-rocks and tossed them to the ground her. The trees made a full circle to hide it from the rest of the world.

It looked magical.