

They galloped out of the ravine, Borsche at the front, followed by her, then Etan. But when they reached the open air where Falek had shown them where to go, Falek, already mounted and ready, circled in behind her and urged Etan ahead.

She'd seen Etan's struggle with the command, his desire to stay alongside her. They caught eyes for a moment and she let him see her love, but tipped her head. She was glad when he submitted and tore past her with a determined look, until he reached Borsche's side. The two shouted at each other over the wind and the horses' hooves, but she couldn't catch enough to know what was said. She could only see the tension in Etan's shoulders, admire the skill with which he directed his mount and the stillness of his seat. 

He was an amazing horseman, as well as a warrior, and a lover.