Man to Man


Etan sat, staring at the gap in the trees where Ayleth had disappeared with Falek. Borsche scanned the rest of the clearing.

"You know," the older man said after a couple minutes, "this isn't how I envisioned us reaching the point where you vowed your life to a woman."

"Me either," Etan said, then smiled. "But honestly, I don't care."

Borsche chuckled, but his smile faded quickly. "That's good, Etan, that's good." Then he got the distant, thoughtful look he often had when they spoke of love and relationships. Etan was about to ask him when Borsche spoke up again. "I thought when the time came we'd know ahead of time and I could prepare you… we could discuss these things… before—"

"Uh, thank you, Borsche, but I think I have the wedding night covered," he said with a low chuckle—though his stomach suddenly burst into nervous fluttering like he was a child again. He swallowed quickly.