Countdown to Peace - Part 9


She couldn't see her Knight Defender's face in the dark, but she could feel the tension in him—and the disapproval. 

"Ayleth," Falek growled, as if they'd already started the conversation and he was already most of the way to disagreeing. 

"I'm a married woman, Falek."

"And still in an incredible amount of risk. Etan himself said they couldn't let anything come between him and the Peace Accord—that it was imperative they give no one any reason to cut him from the signing!"

"And I agree. I have no intention of giving anyone any reason to think anything ill of him. I am merely too excited to sleep because of the prospect of the Peace Accord, and my impending marriage. So I request the attendance of my Knight Defender as I walk the very safe halls of the castle to try to work up some tiredness to sleep."
