Countdown to Peace - Part 12


Etan wasn't sure if he dozed, or if he only let himself slip towards the dream state, his senses still so full of Ayleth that he lost a little bit of his touch with reality. 

Whichever it was, it was some time later that they both began to stir. 

Ayleth sighed first, as if the first negative thought had intruded on their little nest of love. Which immediately sucked Etan back into the reality of their situation, and the danger she was in. 

His entire body tensed.

Holy shit. She was here, in his room. On the eve of the Accord. Anyone could come at any moment and—

  "Don't do that, Etan," she whispered.

He blinked. "Don't do what?"

"Don't think like that. You go all rigid and… look, we are married. It isn't wrong of me to be here. It was wrong that we were apart!" she said, her face puckered with worry that he would scold, or something.