The Feast


Ayleth had barely been able to eat. 

The great ballroom had been set up with tables in a massive U shape so that, technically, all the kingdoms sat at the same time. A symbolism for the peace accord, and a tradition that spanned millennia.

In truth, she was almost as far from Etan as she would have been in a feast hall—she seated next to her parents at the head of the massive table formation, he and his parents at the furthest end on the left. The lowest possible position while still a royal. And because tradition demanded that the ruling Kings and Queens sit on the outer edge of the table, and their heirs and Regents on the inner, Ayleth had spent the entire meal with her back to Etan. A frustrating, but probably useful circumstance. If she'd sat in her mother's position and had the opportunity to stare at Etan's back throughout the meal she likely wouldn't have heard a word anyone said.

It was almost time. Almost time.