The Dark of Dawn


After they discovered Etan's empty suite, Falek had forced Ayleth back to her chambers, under guard, until he could locate exactly where the Summitran royals were.

He returned almost an hour later—an hour Ayleth spent pacing her bedchamber, swearing and on the edge of tears—to inform her that the Summitran royal party had exited the castle grounds just minutes earlier… but Etan was not with them.

"I… I can only assume he rode ahead with the scouts or…" Falek trailed off, his eyes glinting like blades in the low light of the single lamp Ayleth had left lit in her room.

She'd mostly-expected the news that they were already gone. But to hear that Etan had hurried ahead—that he fled her? Willingly? 

"Was… was he alone?"

Falek stared at her, his face an unreadable mask.

Ayleth braced herself and spoke coldly. "Did the Lady Sarya Playn travel with them?"